The soft moonlight falls in the cool ward through the gauze curtain. The room is very quiet. Apart from the sound from the oxygen generator, there is only the moonlight and the gentle gaze of men.

Originally thought she would wake up soon after the operation, even in order to let her have more rest, Huo Mingxiu also tried not to wake her up.

But a whole day has passed, and there is no sign of waking up in the bed, which makes the man who has been guarding the hospital bed anxious. His brave and resolute face seems to be stained with grace.

The deep eyes locked the people on the bed for a moment. After a while, he picked up a clean towel, soaked it, and gently wiped her dry lips.

The wall lamp shines on the man, reflecting his tall figure. At this time, he is no longer indifferent, on the contrary, his whole body is covered with tenderness.

Time lost in the quiet, Huo Mingxiu pulled Luo Yanxi's hand without needle, and put it on his lips. His slender fingers were almost transparent, which made him feel very sad.

Only one day, her whole body seems to have lost several laps, and her whole body seems to have no anger.

When the first ray of sunshine in the early morning sprinkles on the ward again, Meng Lei gently knocks on the door of the room.

When he saw Huo Mingxiu, he was really surprised.

"Master, you have no rest?"

No wonder he was scared. It was only two nights. How could his master look old for many years.

Haggard face, always clean and flat shirt is now wrinkled, as well as chin new stubble, the whole person is showing unprecedented dispirited.

However, the master's eyes are gentle, never soft, as quiet as the moonlight last night.

This is a rare sight Meng Lei has seen in the past five years.

Huo Mingxiu had some reaction. His tall body moved. After carefully looking at the detector at the head of the bed, he took the clean clothes in Meng Lei's hand.

"Did you find out? Those who have suddenly entered Nancheng recently? Is it the killer Qin Peng is looking for? "

Huo Mingxiu doesn't believe that Qin Peng has such great ability. Obviously, those people are specially trained.

What's more, Xi'er was almost killed. Naturally, he would not let it go.

Meng Lei's face is a little embarrassed. He looks at Huo Mingxiu's back as he walks into the bathroom and pauses.

At this time, the bathroom has sounded "Hua Hua" sound of running water.

"Master, those people somehow disappeared overnight. I wonder if it was the people who hired them who were afraid that we would find them, so they finally killed them?"

Meng Lei mustered up the courage to say this. He didn't want to quibble about his incompetence. If he didn't find it, he didn't find it.

Although the master is in the bathroom, he knows that the master is listening all the time.

Sure enough, Meng Lei's voice just fell, the sound of water over there has stopped suddenly.

"What about the lancor? Who did she meet in that villa with Xi'er that night? "

Xi'er hasn't woken up yet, so they can only start from LAN Ke'er.

"Master, I asked her. She said that Miss Xi received a phone call saying that master Luo was there. In order to see her elder brother, Miss Xi rushed forward. She also went with him in order to see Master Luo. As for the people in the villa, according to her, they didn't see the real face of the man. Later, she escaped with Miss Xi. "

"Got a call?"

Huo Mingxiu's brow was wrinkled. In fact, he already had a suspect in his heart.

"Check the phone and the people in the villa! Since they have appeared in Nancheng, they will leave some clues! "

"Master, I understand."

Meng Lei knows that this matter must be investigated to the end.

Anonymous phone calls, pursuit, Qin Peng, all of these will not be so coincidental.

"Master, you said Qin Peng was not so good at it, but what if he was the one who robbed Miss Xi five years ago?"

"Go on!"

In the bathroom, the man's cold voice rose again.

"I wonder if it was the man who found Qin Peng and deliberately let out the smoke bomb to spare Miss Qin's life in order to draw you out. Maybe the man who lives in the villa is the one who lived five years ago! But he didn't let Miss Xi recognize it! "

Meng Lei is making bold speculation, and the door of bathroom also is opened at this time.

Meng Lei immediately retreated to one side, and Huo Mingxiu came out. He changed his decadent image just now. His clean face and new stubble had disappeared, revealing his delicate and sexy chin, and several strands of wet black hair hung down on his forehead.

He shook his hair, like a wild lion. After a simple grooming, he turned into a superior image.

"That anonymous call may have been made by Qin Peng. He played a play with that man in order to kill me! Oh I'd like to see who he is! Meng Lei, from today on, even if I dig the south city to the sky, I have to find those people! "As he said this, he had already buttoned his shirt. He climbed up his eyebrows in anger. A few drops of crystal water hung on his strong chest, which made him strong and sexy.

Meng Lei a Leng, "master, do you agree with my view?"

The man's eyes show a sharp edge, thin lips slightly hook hook.

"Maybe we can catch a big fish!"

"Master, you mean..."

Meng Lei seems to think of something, and his eyes suddenly open. Isn't it

"If we have an understanding of what happened in those years, it's not in vain that we have spent so much effort to avenge uncle Luo and aunt Luo, and it's also the best gift for Xi'er!"

Huo Mingxiu had been dressed up and his face was cold again. Until he went to the hospital bed and looked at the people on the bed, the anger on his face was slowly reduced.

On a cruise ship in Nancheng sea area, a tall man is leaning on the railing of the deck, holding a glass of red wine. His crystal blue eyes are like the sea, reflecting endless mystery.

The sound of footsteps came from behind. The man sipped the wine lightly, and the thin lips were evil.

"How? How's my kitten? "

"Yes, young master, the news from the hospital is that Sophie is out of danger."

A stiff Mandarin sounds uncomfortable.

"Well, then Did our people get in? "

The man's body slowly turned over, snow-white cheeks, bright red lips, especially the pair of peach blossom eyes with tears, full of ice blue, if not the tall figure, sexy voice, such a stunning face, it's really easy to be mistaken for a woman. However, such a face and such a figure do not make people feel disharmonious at all. It only makes people think of two words. "Evil

The man behind him looked tight and said awkwardly, "no, no, young Lord. Huo Mingxiu himself was in the hospital. Besides, all the people he sent were his own cronies, so our people There's no way to get closer... "

"A bunch of idiots!"

All of a sudden, before face or gentle man, suddenly is a cold air.

"Yes, young master, it's his subordinates who are not good at doing things." The man behind quickly bowed his head.

"Well, forget it. Anyway, we have plenty of chessmen, so we can put one at will."

The man's extremely bright eyes slightly narrowed, but full of amazing strange gas.

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