They hugged each other until the station broadcast repeated the departure of the bus to a certain place over and over again.

When the car left, when it was farther and farther away from the South City, Chu Haotian lived on Lu Lingxi's shoulder and let her lean against his arms.

He turned his head and looked at the scenery outside the window, which slowly regressed in front of him. His heavy face was reflected on the window.

In fact, very sad!

The early morning sun came in through the window. He closed the curtain to isolate everything from the outside world. Then he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes wearily.

He thought, at this time, the family must be fried, right?

Grandfather is not furious, mother is not crying, Chu Bai is not busy about comfort, take care of.

They are all his closest people! Even at this moment, he still can't give up, or Can never give up!

But I had to go!

He thought, leave it all to time!

He and Mo Tingting that matter, now is not only Mo family people hold him, the public opinion of the long mouth is difficult to stop.

Now the explanation is not clear at all. It can only be described more and more darkly. Good people will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Then he had to leave.

Only he, the protagonist, does not appear all the time. Gradually, not only the gossip will feel bored, but also the Mo family.

Mo Tingting is not young after all. Even if the Mo family wants her to marry into the Chu family again, if he is not there, let's see who she can marry!

One year, two years, she doesn't mind waiting until the age, then try to see who is more patient.

He thought, no matter what, Mo Tingting is also a woman. A woman's youth can't stand waiting. For example, it's not difficult for her to find a decent family and a suitable partner. He doesn't believe that all the families surnamed Mo are fools and will spend all the time with him.

If Mo Tingting finds another husband, the whole thing will be easier.

And the family

At least he should let them all see his determination. He said that to be with Lu Lingxi was not on a whim, but what he had determined was that she was the only one and would not change because of any factors.

After all, they are family members. He believes that as long as Mo's family doesn't push each other step by step, no matter his grandfather or his mother, they will put his happiness in the first place, and then maybe they won't impose obstacles.

These principles, however, do not make sense now. So let time prove it! Who left him helpless Who let, he can't give up her!

Chu Haotian sighed deeply in the bottom of his heart, and he could not help holding the people in his arms closer.

He knows that his decision is bound to suffer innumerable names. It is irresponsible for a man, especially a man who wants to take the lead alone, to abandon his family for the sake of a woman.

But what is he going to do? Is it for the sake of family reputation, interests, in order to make everyone in the family happy, and then even the woman he loves to give up.

Is this a real man? Is that responsible enough?

He shook his head, unable to agree.

Some people say that there is only one parent, but there are many women. It's no big deal to give up one.

But Lu Lingxi, she is also unique in the world!

Give up her, where can he find another her?

This woman, she also regarded him as her only dependence.

He loves her and depends on her more. Unless he is not Chu Haotian, he can't leave her!

This is a difficult multiple-choice question, and countless people have faced difficult choices, but this question, unless you can choose more than one, any answer is not completely correct.

But his life, he chose to follow his heart, according to his own pace to go.

This time, they didn't get to the terminal. Every time, they got off at a strange place on the way, and then changed. All the way, they took the bus all the time.

There are two reasons.

When Chu Haotian was at home, all his belongings were confiscated. When he sneaked out, he didn't bring anything with him. He didn't even have his ID card, so he couldn't take the train or the plane.

At the same time, it's relatively safe to take a car, and they don't need real name certification. They have to go around so many times, and the route is extremely complicated. Even if the old man has the ability to know everything, he can't find out where they have gone.

In this way, they spent a whole day in different cars. In the evening, they arrived at a small town in the south. When they got off the bus, they saw the passers-by. Every face was simple and strange. After a day's running, they were very tired, but they settled down inexplicably.

It's not easy to find them from a small place because the whole China is so big, right?

Both of them relaxed and found a hotel to rest while it was still dark.It was a peaceful night.

The reason why we use the word "peace and tranquility" to describe it is that someone's behavior on that night was really abnormal, without any rogue behavior, let alone any evil behavior.

This is a small town affiliated to an important industrial city in the south. Although the metropolis is prosperous and busy, the local economy is developing well, and the people's life is still rich and happy.

They found a nice looking hotel next to the bus station.

That night, we went into the room together, took a bath together, and then slept together in the same bed.

He just held her in his arms, without any improper behavior.

Maybe I didn't sleep well when I was locked up at home, and then I ran around in the car for a day and a night. I had to be nervous and alert all the time. Now I suddenly relax. I'm so tired that I don't even have those beautiful thoughts.

Chu Haotian went to sleep first. Lu Lingxi nests in his arms and hears the sound of his even breathing close to his ears. His whole heart relaxes and soon falls asleep.

Of course, it's just one night, and the next day

Maybe because she was too tired, Lu Lingxi had a deep sleep all night. In a daze, she had a dream about the golden dog in the neighbor's house when they lived together. When golden hair saw her, she liked to come over and lick around her feet.

However, this time the most excessive, directly licked her face.

"Don't make trouble, good..." She mumbled vaguely, trying to wave the naughty golden hair away, but, not only did not succeed, he also directly pressed over.

She turned her head away and he came up again. At last, she dropped her hot and humid tongue on her most sensitive ear. Her body trembled for a moment, and finally she woke up.

And then

I saw the person in her at the moment. It's not Chu Haotian. Who else?

When she was dreaming just now, she wanted to push him away. One hand was already on his head. His hair is very good, although very short, but the fingertips shuttle in it, but feel soft, no wonder she will feel that she is touching the golden head in her sleep!

Lu Lingxi blinked his eyes twice and muttered, "it's you!"

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