Lu Lingxi didn't speak. She just took a wallet out of her pocket and handed it to him.

Chu Haotian opened it and found that there was her ID card, a bank card and a few hundred yuan of cash in it.

There's nothing else.

He looked at her with some entanglement

"Where are the cards I gave you?"

"It's always at home! How can I carry all those credit cards with me? What if I lose them

So, so?

In fact, Chu Haotian also knew that even if she took his cards, she did not dare to use them at will.

With grandfather's ability, if there is any change in his account, you can find out where he is according to his credit card or withdrawal information.

You can't take this risk!

He took out the card in her purse. It was just an ordinary bank memory card. It belonged to her.

He could only hope for it and asked, "how much money do you have in it?"

She looked at him eagerly, "you don't know me. What I saved was my previous salary. Later, my mother Now I'm afraid the balance is only 200 yuan.... "

He knew how he didn't know that even if he handed over the financial power to her, she would still not use his money.

So the current situation is that the sum of their money is only the remaining amount of the several hundred dollars in her purse and the bank card, right?

Lu Lingxi seemed to understand the doubts in his eyes and nodded: "that's right, that's what it means!"


Chu Haotian quickly picked up the menu and took a cursory look at it. After a rough calculation, it seems that the dishes ordered just now have exceeded 400 without service charge.

Chu Da Shao, who has always been spending money like dirt and just signing a contract involving hundreds of millions of funds, will face this situation!

He immediately embarrassed, can't help but close to her ear, whispered, "like, too much money, how to do?"

Lu Lingxi glanced at him. Of course she knew, otherwise how could she have stopped him from ordering just now.

She replied, "how do I know what to do? Anyway, it's you who ordered it. If it doesn't work, I'll sell you as collateral after I'm full? You can wash dishes or clean up your room here. You should pay off the debt! If the boss here is a rich woman, maybe people will want to support you... "

"No! Do you have the heart to leave me alone? "

Although he knew she was joking, he nervously grabbed her hand.

Because of this situation

All right! When did he worry about money? This is the first time in his life!

Just imagine later when someone comes over and grabs him by the collar and says he's defaulting? Will the security guard send out directly to beat him up?

Or Want him to take off his clothes and pants as collateral?

My God! How can this make you?

Even if you hit him, if you hit him

Just take off his clothes. If you can make him smart

He wanted to slap himself and dig a crack in the ground.

On the first day she came out with him, he let her not even have a peaceful meal? He left the Chu family, and it became like this?

Lu Lingxi is as tangled as he is, but now that he is sitting here and ordering food, what else can he do? How does she know what to do?

Chu Haotian covered his face with the menu, looked around and held her hand more tightly.

"Why? It hurts me. "

"Or Shall we go? "


Lu Lingxi thought for a moment, finally bit his teeth and nodded.

She thought that if they had the meal and paid later, they would have no money left.

What's more, they haven't served food yet, but they haven't even drunk a mouthful of free boiled water. It shouldn't be a big sin to run away now!

Chu Haotian held her hand tightly all the time. After standing up from the seat, he put his arms around her shoulder and whispered in her ear: "naturally, don't let people see that we want to slip. If, if asked, we're going to the bathroom..."

"But the bathroom is in it!"

"I don't know where the restroom is. I'm looking for it."


She grabbed his clothes. She was really nervous. Although she didn't have money, she had a bully meal No, or it should be corrected to order overlord meal. It's the first time for her to do it. How about having no experience?

They pretended to be calm and went to the door. Fortunately, maybe it was because their clothes looked decent, so no one thought that way, and no one came to ask them what was the matter.As a result, in the extreme tension, they finally walked out of the door together.

As soon as they breathed the fresh air outside, they felt guilty. They didn't know who was the first to hold on to who's hand and who was the first to start running. So they ran hand in hand like headless flies in a completely strange place and didn't know where was ahead.

I don't know how long she ran until Lu Lingxi felt that her tired feet couldn't be lifted. She just stopped panting.

"No running, no running, I'm dying..."

Chu Haotian also stopped with her, and looked behind her with a breath, and found that no one was catching up. I don't know if I can say it's dangerous. Anyway, I should be out of danger.

He took her to a shady place and rubbed her back to comfort her. When he saw her little face flushed, he couldn't help feeling distressed. "Very tired? Sorry, it's all my fault! "

"You Only then do you know? "

Before she recovered, she even gasped for breath. It took a long time for her to calm down and look around. At this time, their location was not as prosperous as that of the hotel just now. The roads were narrow and there were very low old houses on both sides.

But even so, there seems to be a lot of people coming and going to the small shop here. She looks at the sign of a small hotel and says, "I knew we should have walked a little more yesterday. Look there, it's only fifty yuan a night. It's a waste of money

Chu Haotian frowned, thinking that this kind of place can live? But he just thought about it and didn't dare to say it.

Lu Lingxi raised his palm and fanned himself, "I'm so tired. The sun is so big. If you don't leave, you have to sleep in, or you'd better come out early."

He repeatedly admitted, "yes, it's all my fault. You're tired. I'll take you with me!" He said, regardless of passers-by, directly picked her up.

Lu Lingxi was just about to protest, but her stomach was faster than her mouth, and there was a growling sound.

"Hungry?" He asked.

She pursed her lips, could she not be hungry? It's been a long time since I ate.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, as if she had found a new world. She quickly reached out and pointed to one place, "ah, over there, over there..."

He listened to her command, and finally went to the next store to buy two steaming meat buns and a cup of iced green tea. They walked and ate along the path.

Sure enough, even the most common steamed buns are delicious when you are hungry.

After half eating, he handed the steamed stuffed bun to her and said, "open your mouth."

She looked at him. "You eat yours, I have."

"Open your mouth!" He stubbornly asked again, she had to obediently open her mouth, a bite up, bite the mouth full of meat, but he said, "and you change..."

Before she could react, he had snatched the steamed buns from her hand.

Lu Lingxi is first Leng for a while, see he is gnawing the appearance of steamed stuffed bun, just suddenly return to God.

She had eaten all the meat in the bun in her hand, but he didn't eat it at all, so he exchanged it with he

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