ok Even though the woman is only five years old!

That evening, when Lu Lingxi came back, he saw such a scene.

Chu Haotian and the boss's little daughter are squatting under the tree in the yard. They don't know what they are doing.

When she came near, she found that she was looking at the little snail.

This is really idle and boring!

And obviously they didn't find her close, so we can see how strong the momentum is!

How can she tolerate the fact that her sense of existence in his eyes is so low, but she thinks it's too petty to compete with a five-year-old girl, and she will surely be laughed at by him for a long time.

So in the end, she had to pretend to cough a few times as a reminder.

At least, he realized her existence, looked back at her, and said with a smile, "my daughter-in-law is back."

However, he only looked at her once, and his eyes immediately moved away. Then he patiently discussed with the little girl where the snail would go today?

Lu Lingxi's face was tight, but he was embarrassed to get angry in front of the children, so he had to shrivel his mouth and turn away.

According to past experience, he should soon catch up with her.

But when she walked into the room and finally finished the shower, she opened the curtain and saw that the two figures, big and small, were still in their original position, squatting in the same place.

Is the snail that good-looking?

She knows that he likes children, but it's not his child, is it?

She secretly made up her mind that if they had a baby in the future, it would not be a girl. Otherwise, I don't know if he would have to spoil her. It's estimated that even she would have no status at that time!

However, she really just thought about it in a fit of pique.

In fact, my daughter is so nice, cute and obedient. She is my mother's kind little cotton padded jacket. She likes it very much.

Is it because she gambled so much and got angry? And then it was doomed that they didn't have a daughter in their life?

When one day, she saw a son who was almost virtuous with the dead man, it was a real headache.

At dinner time, Chu Hao finally came back. Looking at all kinds of delicacies in his hand, Lu Lingxi was tangled to death. Didn't he say clearly that he wanted to be proper? But now

After eating, she put down her chopsticks and looked at him, "Chu Haotian, let's talk about it..."

"Well, I have something to tell you." He clearly knows where her tangle is, but still all kinds of appetizing, who let this woman have nothing to love wishful thinking, do not believe him!

So he asked thoughtfully, "do you say it first, or do I say it first?"

"Say it She wanted to see what he could say, but he took her hand and said, "delicious!"

“……” She stopped talking for a while. They haven't eaten it for many days. Can it not be delicious?

"I said, I'll make sure you have such a good meal in the future."


"And this, all for you!"

As he spoke, he took out a stack of red banknotes from his pocket and gave them to her.

Lu Lingxi looked at him, his eyes widened, and he even thought that the money Did you really sell yourself?

She swallowed her saliva, swallowed the thought she shouldn't have, and then asked, "where did you get the money?"

Look at her this pair of surprised appearance, but he laughs of breeze light cloud pale, want of is her such!

"It's nothing. The boss gave me back the rent and deposit before us, and he will take care of all our rent and food in the future."

Lu Lingxi is so scared that her eyes are almost falling out. She is thinking that this man will not give the boss any enchanting magic!

Chu Haotian saw that she did not intend to hide it from her, so he told her about the cooperation he had discussed with her boss.

It turns out that because the business of the restaurant is getting worse and worse day by day, he spent a little time and brains to make plans for the boss.

Lu Lingxi is quite simple to listen to him, but can he be simple?

She looked at him, she knew that her man, is not just an ordinary man!

In this way, a few days later, both of them were idle. After listening to Chu Haotian's advice, the boss reformed the business model of the store and gradually began to achieve some results.

And Lu Lingxi soon got another salary from his boss, because the boss's eldest daughter is going to be a junior in high school. Her eldest daughter is a painting art student, and it happens that this is also good for Lu Lingxi's major. Instead of spending money on training courses, it's better to do one-on-one tutoring.

This time, the boss and his wife are more confused about Lu Lingxi and Chu Haotian. They just feel that they are extraordinary!

It will soon be the Valentine's day of the year, and in this small town, besides the traditional story of the girl Zhinu, there is another beautiful legend.It is said that a couple came here a long time ago. Although they lived in poverty, they were also very happy.

Male fishermen and female weavers work at sunrise and rest at sunset every day, so they are called immortal couples.

But then one day, the man left for some reason. He told the woman that he would come back when he came back!

Women wait, wait, wait Day after day, year after year

Until old age, until the sea into mulberry, her lover did not come back.

As she lay dying, her eyes always followed the direction of her lover's departure.

Man didn't come back, no one knows why!

However, people in the small town were moved by women's infatuation and unrepentant, so they built a temple where they once lived, offering women's memorial tablets and commemorating the love, or just the waiting of women's life!

It is said that all things holding the hand of a lover, with a devout heart came here lovers, God will bless them get married!

Chu Haotian and Lu Lingxi naturally came here, and they finished reading the story on the stone tablet in front of the temple.

Lu Lingxi was in a trance for a moment, waiting for a man all her life What kind of mood does that woman use?

Perhaps the most gripping part of this story is that the truth is not clear.

That man, does he remember having such a lover?

Waiting for him all his life, he knows? What about himself? Did he abandon her? Or wives and concubines, children around the knee?

They must have had the most beautiful yearning when they first ran privately, right?

However, there are many stories, guess the beginning, but never guess the end!

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