Chu Haotian takes a deep breath, and then hands the newspaper to Lu Lingxi.

He first looked at him stupidly, then moved his eyes to the newspaper in his hand. When he took it and looked at it, his face turned grey, and he was even more frightened than he was.

A striking news in the newspaper about the Chu family!

These days, both of them don't surf the Internet, don't read magazines and newspapers. They just want to live in peace and contentment, and let time to solve the troubles in Nancheng. They don't want to be disturbed by anything.

But this morning.

To be more precise, just half an hour ago, the little girl of the boss's family was holding a scrap newspaper and suddenly cried out, "Uncle Uncle, is this you

Chu Haotian was stunned and took the newspaper from her hand. Calm, instantly collapsed into ruins.

This newspaper is yesterday's, and it's a notice similar to looking for people. The people in the photo are Chu Haotian and Lu Lingxi, and there's another line, mother is critically ill, come back quickly!

This is not a general blow to Chu Haotian or Lu Lingxi.

However, they all have the same guess, is all this true or false?

Both fell into silence.

After a long time, or Lu Lingxi first opened the cavity, but she was extremely reluctant to smile at him, and then said: "you, go back!"

She thought she had made up her mind, but she didn't think she hesitated.

She doesn't know if the news about Shen Ping's critical illness is true or not, but in case Yes, even if it's just in case, what if it's true? What should I do?

So anyway, he has to go back!

She knows his dilemma, his tangle, his worry and everything about him!

Just because I understand, I can't bear it!

He is not only her lover, but also her child's father. He has more identities, such as son, grandson, relative, friend and boss

So, how can she selfishly monopolize him?

If it's not really OK, otherwise something happened to Shen Ping, they would never be happy even if they were together.

That man is not someone else, but the mother who gave birth to him and raised him!

"I..." He mumbled to open his mouth, but she reached over and blocked his mouth.

She looked up at him, although still reluctantly, but always smiling, "you don't have to say anything, I know! You go back. I I will wait for you here until you come back, but if you will never come back, then you, you... "

She had thought that she could finish it calmly. But as she said it, her eyes began to twinkle. Even in the end, she didn't know what to say.

What does she want from him?

If she doesn't come back, is it for him to tell her that she should be psychologically prepared for her whole life?

Or leave her waiting without saying anything?

Like that story, she waited all her life. At least, she had a hope all her life.

However, her words have not been added completely. Chu Haotian grabs her hand tightly. She smiles at him with a strong face. She is so distressed that her heart is pulled up.

"What are you talking about? It's so ugly... "


"I'm going back! But you're with me! "

"Me? And you... "

"Or do you think I'm going to leave you alone? What are you thinking about and who do you think I am? What's the deal? You think I'm just talking? "

“……” She was suddenly confused and speechless.

He held her in his arms and sighed: "I don't know what will happen when I go back, but you have to have confidence in me. My heart will never change!"

She nodded. Apart from nodding, she didn't know what else she could do.

Lu Lingxi thinks that as long as we work hand in hand, there is no barrier that we can't cross.

But the world is unpredictable, she never thought, this time back, they even hand in hand opportunities, also be ruthlessly deprived of fate, from then on, close to the end of the world.

Chu Haotian doesn't rush back either. Instead, he calls Chu Bai first. As a result, he confirms the fact that Shen Ping has been hospitalized for more than a month and is dying.

The news was like a thunderbolt to them.

Lu Lingxi is almost unsteady. If she can, how she hopes that this is just a way to cheat them to go back, not really

Easy to calm down, they immediately bought a ticket to the south city. On the way, her words came to her mouth several times. Touched his belly, finally thought, or forget it!

If I told him at this time, I would like to see his reaction?

Whether he is happy or sad, it seems inappropriate.All the way, he always held her hand in his hand, as if to tell her that his heart has been so firm!

They were on their way all night. When they returned to Nancheng, it was the morning of the next day. They didn't even have time to return home. The first time they went straight to the hospital.

Lu Lingxi didn't know whether he should go or not, but if he didn't let go of her hand, she was firmly beside him.

In the hospital, when the familiar faces of the Chu family came into view, they felt as if they were separated from each other.

The whole family, old and young, even the eldest son of the Chu family, is here. It's conceivable that the newspaper said that Shen Ping was critically ill.

It's just, how could this happen?

Since Chu Haotian and Chu Bai had been on the phone before, it was not surprising that the Chu family saw him coming back.

The old man Chu stood in the front, first gazing at the two of them coming, and finally his eyes fell on their hands.

But now he had no strength to get angry.

When the two of them came to him, his crutch shaking hand, trembling voice: "you come with me!"

"Grandfather, I My mother, she... "

Chu didn't answer Chu Haotian's question. He just turned around.

Chu Haotian gently pinches Lu Lingxi's palm to indicate that she can rest assured, and then follows the old man out.

Outside the ward, you can see your mother inside and the doctor inside through the glass


"Your mother has fallen down since the day you left home. At first, it was just a small problem. Later, her depression became more and more serious. Later, I don't know whether she took analgin intentionally or unintentionally. Fortunately, she found it early. Although she washed her stomach, it was not good, and it became more and more serious day by day. She didn't eat or cooperate with the treatment, The doctor also said this morning that if we continue to be depressed like this, we won't be able to last a few days. "

Listening to his grandfather's words, Chu Haotian was stunned. The old man didn't give him a chance to talk, and then said, "you know, where is your mother's disease. It's your mother lying there. You decide for yourself that if you don't want her to live, you should This is the last time I've come to see her! I don't care about you this time. Your wings are hard. I'm old and can't manage it any more! "

When the old man said this, he felt resentful, but his words really made Chu Haotian feel cold.

At this time, the ward was full of people, but it was so quiet that everyone's heartbeat could be heard clearly.

If family affection and love can not coexist, then who should give up? Who should we abandon?

Later, the doctor came out and saw Chu Haotian. He was also relieved.

Chu Hao was worried and didn't delay any longer. He immediately wanted to go in to see his mother, but when he stepped to the door, Chu stopped him again.

"Wait! There's something wrong with Mo's family. If you still admit that you are Chu, and if you still think that the person inside is your mother, you will promise her to marry Mo Tingting! There is no other choice

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