Lu Lingxi dully holds the mobile phone in her hand, only to find that when she just answered the phone, a message came in. This time, it was his message.

Or just a few words.

Daughter in law, call me husband.

As soon as she saw it, her heart suddenly became moist. The tacit understanding between them was always so irresistible. When she was most helpless, he always comforted her in time.

She knew she couldn't believe him wrong!

She thought Thinking about the way he wrote the short seven words word by word when she firmly believed him.

He suddenly understood why he didn't even have a phone call.

He wants her to be well. He certainly doesn't want to make trouble for her.

Even if he is someone else's husband, but in each other's hearts, really remember only their wedding night, right?

On the night when he grabbed him and forced him to marry in the chapel, he asked her and coaxed her, daughter-in-law, to call me husband

He, in fact, is the one who knows her best!

At least there was a message from him that made her feel that the night he spent with other women was not so hard.

At the other end, Wang Shengyu was stunned when he heard that she suddenly hung up.

What did he say just now?

Stand on the sidelines! She and Chu Haotian's love can be regarded as something, first to die, then to the magnificent, and finally to such a lamentable.

At that time, when he watched them run away, he still had a little admiration.

But, in the end, he couldn't reach the fate. He really wanted to comfort the injured woman. Who knows that this happened again.

He wondered, the surname Chu is to go which door of dog'shiyun, why there is a aboveboard married, there is a infatuated with him?

What's good about Chu?

Forget it, these women don't have eyes!

Anyway, it has nothing to do with him. I'm too lazy to participate.

However, although he thought so many times in his heart, Wang Shengyu still couldn't help worrying.

He doesn't understand. Did he dig Lu Lingxi's ancestral grave in his last life? Why is it that I feel confused now that I am always involved.

For example, when she is in a mess, she will always be bumped into by him.

For example, when it comes to bad luck, God always gives him a chance to save beauty.

But what he wants to do is a hero, not a knight.

That day, about two or three days after Chu Haotian and Mo Tingting got married, Wang Shengyu went back to Wang's old house. Wang's father was seriously ill last month. Although his relationship with this father has never been very good, Wang Min can't always take the lead. He should show his face at the right time.

Oh! This is his father's sorrow!

His own son and daughter came to see him with purpose.

Wang Shengyu just showed his face and didn't plan to stay much longer, so he didn't even drive into the compound and stopped outside the gate.

He stopped the car, just about to come down, suddenly saw Wang Min in a hurry from home.

Then something strange happened.

Because, at the gate, there was a car waiting for her, and the people in the car seemed to be waiting very urgently. As soon as they saw her figure, they stretched out their heads from the window and waved to her.

After Wang Min saw it, she quickly got on the car and left.

Wang Shengyu's eyes widened. He almost thought that he was wrong. He sat in the car for a long time until the car Wang Min got on drove away. He couldn't believe it.

The man in the car Isn't it mo Tingting?

That's right! It's Mo Tingting!

But how could he never know what friendship these two women had?

And Mo Tingting also came to find Wang Min, as if there was something important.

In fact, it's not surprising that in everyone's eyes, Mo Tingting and Wang Min belong to the same rich family, the celebrities of the upper class, or they met on some social occasions and then became familiar with each other.

But Wang Min is

Wang Shengyu stopped himself from thinking about it. There was a chill.

These two women

As Wang Shengyu expected, Mo Tingting and Wang Min have met before, but they only know each other recently.

Wang Min's ambition, means and her Mo Tingting knows everything.

Although she and she are not the same people, but she is now anxious, only Wang Min can help her.

When Mo Tingting meets Wang Min, another woman comes.

Mo Tingting looks at the opposite two women who are tired of being together, and her heart is also chilly.

That's right! Wang Min is in love with Xing!

Although she knew the secret, she could not accept it.

However, Mo Tingting is determined to eat this point, no matter what she has to ask for, or directly say it is a threat, Wang Min should not refuse.So she didn't want to hide it, so she came straight to the point.

"I'm staying in Chu's house all day now. It's hard to get out of the house. You can think of a way for me. I'll get rid of the baby in my stomach, and it won't be seen that I did it on purpose!"

That's right!

This decision has been made since the evening of her wedding when she heard Chu Haotian say that she was looking forward to her baby.

It's a disaster. I can't keep it!


On the fifth day after marriage, Mo Tingting still didn't have any intention of signing the divorce agreement.

Chu Haotian was afraid that when he was in a hurry, the Mo family would jump over the wall in a hurry, so he didn't make much noise any more. Thinking that the marriage would be a protracted war, he had a headache.

Therefore, he proposed to move out of the house with Mo Tingting.

Anyway, he didn't live at home before, and Shen Ping didn't say anything about it, but now it's different. He has a daughter-in-law, and she is still pregnant with children.

Chu Haotian tries to explain that the child has nothing to do with him, but Shen Ping obviously doesn't believe it.

So, for the sake of his mother's health, Chu Haotian doesn't want to talk about it. Anyway, the truth will come out.

He wants Mo Tingting to move out, the main purpose is not to let this woman and mother contact too much.

Finally, he took the newlyweds' thinking about their world as an excuse, and repeatedly promised that they would be taken care of by others, never let Mo Tingting's baby have any mistakes, so Shen Ping reluctantly agreed.

Sure enough, Chu Haotian did what he said. He soon prepared a spacious apartment, not so much that they moved in, as he forced Mo Tingting to live there.

I'm afraid even the Mo family can't find fault with the most advanced apartment and the best care.

It is said that he attaches great importance to the baby in her belly, and has invited the best nutritionist, nanny and bodyguard, with a total of seven people staying close to Mo Tingting.

Under the banner of "love", Mo Tingting is in a mess.

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