Now hearing her mother scold her, Mo Tingting can't help feeling that she really made a mistake.

Although a marriage letter bound Chu Haotian, it also bound her.

However, this road came out by ourselves. What else can we do now?

The daughter's attitude obviously let Mo mother have a big opinion, just want to say what, Mo Tingting immediately interrupted her.

"Mom, I know all about it. I almost forgot that I had an appointment with a friend."

As she spoke, she began to make phone calls.

Wang Min finally waited for her response, and could not help feeling a little anxious. "Why did it take so long to get news? Come right here! I'm waiting for you at the Wilk restaurant. I missed this time. I don't know when I'll have the chance. "

Hearing this, Mo Tingting hurriedly said, "I'll come right away. By the way, I'll be with my mother."

Finally, she specially added this sentence.

One is to let Wang Min have psychological preparation, and the other is to let them think about solutions first.

Wang Min immediately understood who she was, so when Mo Tingting's mother and daughter came to the restaurant they had arranged in advance, Wang Min and the women around her really played the role of Mo Tingting's good sisters.

Who is mo Tingting's mother? Most of all, it is a typical example of the wind driving the rudder.

As soon as she heard that the woman in front of her was actually Miss Wang, she immediately became enthusiastic and secretly appreciated that her daughter had made such a friend.

You should know that the Wang family in Nancheng is also not to be underestimated.

After a polite hot chat, Wang Min knows that Mo's mother is there, and it's inconvenient to say a lot, so she secretly sends a message to Mo Tingting.

Tell her that Lu Lingxi spent more than an hour in the Pizza Hut opposite the restaurant not long ago, and then went to the shopping mall upstairs with another girl.

This is the only time to implement the plan.

That's right!

This is the plan they discussed before!

Mo Tingting after listening to her words, finally believe that Wang Min this woman is really not simple, no wonder in the fight for the succession of Wang Group, even her brother is defeated in her hands!

Because Wang Min said that children, after all, are flesh and blood. They should not be sacrificed in vain. It's better to think of a plan to kill two birds with one stone for themselves.

Who Mo Tingting hates most is Lu Lingxi!

So it's better to plant the child's affairs on Lu Lingxi.

Mo Tingting also agreed, as long as for her to successfully solve the child, can drag Lu Lingxi into the water best.

Once it's done, she promises that she will never know about Wang Min's Xing orientation!

So Wang Min gave his best advice.

She has been paying close attention to Lu Lingxi for more than a week. No wonder Chu Haotian is married, so Lu Lingxi is in a very low mood. She has been staying at home for a week and can't find any chance to take action.

But today, the opportunity is here.

Lu Lingxi finally came out!

Therefore, we must make good use of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Although the bodyguards arranged by Mo Mu and Chu Haotian will always be timid, we can't put it off.

After sitting in the restaurant for a while, Mo Tingting offered to go to the opposite shopping mall.

Mo's mother also readily agreed, and happily said that she didn't know whether her little grandson was a boy or a girl. Now it's more than two months. Anyway, she has nothing to do, so it's better to go to the maternal and child products store in the shopping mall.

Lu Lingxi doesn't go out much these days.

However, a colleague who worked in Wang Shengyu's office called her before. In the past, everyone had a good relationship with her, and she was not easy to refuse to ask her out.

First they had lunch together, then they went to the shopping mall upstairs.

But I don't know their every move is under the gaze of several pairs of eyes.

Today is not the weekend, so there are not many people in the mall.

When they passed by the special area for mother and baby products, they could not help slowing down. When colleagues saw that the small clothes in the store were very cute, they pulled Lu Lingxi in.

"Wow! How lovely! Look at the clothes and the shoes. They're so small... "

Lu Lingxi looked at these children's special small things. She couldn't help but feel soft and gave a farfetched smile.

"Lingxi, what's the matter? Look, look, this skirt is really beautiful. Why don't you buy it? When your baby is born, I don't know whether it's a boy or a girl? Do you like boys or girls? "

Do you like boys or girls?

Lu Lingxi was stunned for a moment.

His thoughts seemed to float to a distant place. In the lingering bed, his voice once whispered in her ear: give me a baby I like girls

So, she was stunned and could not help blurting out, "he likes nvhai..."

The smile on the colleague's face is slightly stunned. She also knows that Lu Lingxi was with Chu Haotian before.What a surprise!

My colleague didn't speak for a long time. Seeing the expression on Lu Lingxi's face, I knew which one she meant by "he".


She can't find any words to comfort her now.

So after a short period of solidification, colleagues laughed happily again, "hello girl! You can dress up and pull it out. It's good. Then buy this one! Take it as if I gave it to the kids. "

Then he immediately took off the little Lace Princess Dress from the hanger and was ready to pay for it.

"No, no, it's too fast to buy this now, isn't it?"

"No, I can use it anyway."


Lu Lingxi's persuasion was fruitless, so he had to let her go.

Then, I can't help imagining that if she is really a lovely little girl, wearing a beautiful skirt, he should like it, right?

No! It must be! He will love it!

After checking out, they came out of the store.

However, just at the door, I don't know where it is. Suddenly, a rampant child comes out and runs straight into Lu Lingxi.

Lu Lingxi is still immersed in his fantasy, one is caught off guard, and one is bumped and staggered.


All of a sudden, my colleagues were stunned and screamed. Fortunately, they helped her quickly. At least it was a false alarm and didn't fall.

"Are you all right? What about? Did you hit it? "

Lu Lingxi is also in a state of shock. After she stands firm, she pats Xiang's breast. Since she knows that she is pregnant, she is very careful, but unexpectedly, a rash child comes out.

But it's OK. There's no danger. It's OK.

At this time, the child's mother also chased over, apologizing and explaining that the child was too skinny to catch up.

Lu Lingxi said with a smile that it's OK. Maybe it's because she has children. She always thinks that every child is a little angel.

It's just that the ice cream on the child's hand just dyed her clothes.

I'm afraid I can't wipe it off with a paper towel, so they went to the bathroom in the mall together.

Wang Min and Mo Tingting think this is the best opportunity.

So Mo Tingting excuse to go to the bathroom, and then Wang Min and another woman, two people an excuse stomach pain suddenly, one said to make up, also followed to the bathroom, and put their bags all into Mo mother's hand to keep.

Mo Mu looks at these three people, always feel puzzled.

The woman washroom naturally left the two bodyguards behind.

At this time, Lu Lingxi stood in front of the mirror and turned on the tap to clean the stains on their clothes. While they were washing, they chatted with each other. Suddenly, Lu Lingxi saw a figure in the mirror!

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