"No, don't..."

Her cheeks were red, her hands were clenched into fists, and she put them on his red chest and looked at him pleadingly.

He gasped heavily, hoping to turn into a wolf and swallow her into his stomach. However, how could he not understand the meaning of her pushing him away.

Previously, she told him that if his affairs were not handled well, they could not go beyond each other.

And now her body doesn't allow it.

But for more than half a year, especially in the face of the woman he loved, he was about to collapse.

"I'll kiss you. Let me kiss you again..."

He said, and regardless of her to the bed, very careful not to touch her stomach, continue to kiss her lips more and more hard, a pair of evil hands also began to disobey.

Lu Lingxi shuddered all over, and his body seemed to be electrified.

In fact, not only he, she was also emotional, but their dangerous behavior was really playing with fire. She insisted on the last point of reason and immediately pushed him away.

"No, no Chu Haotian, calm down... "

He can't calm down!

"Lingxi I'm so sick that it's going to explode... "

He was breathing more and more quickly, talking vaguely.

"Don't be like this, you can't..."

She tried to coax him to hold on and calm down, but someone was kind enough to open a dyeing room and said shamelessly, "just help me once How about that? "

Lu Lingxi immediately became angry, "Chu Haotian, you've got an inch, haven't you? Even if it's not for me, you have to think that I'm pregnant with your child! "

Looking at her appearance, listening to her words, he was a little guilty by her.

Her stomach is so big, and her legs are swollen recently. It's not convenient for her to move. It seems that he shouldn't be too difficult.

But after half a year, he really wanted to

After thinking about it, though not reconciled, he still had to think about the child's health. He looked at her stomach and thought: baby, you have to remember that dad is for you, and even Xing Fu has been sacrificed. You should be obedient after you are born, and be filial to dad when you grow up!

Later, he got up and went to the bathroom for a cold shower, only to stop.

But when she came back, Wen xiangruyu was in her arms, and her mind was full of things she wanted to do but failed. So she turned around all night, and even Lu Lingxi didn't sleep well because of him. She fell asleep very late.

The result of going to bed late is naturally getting up late the next day.

They are still sleeping in bed, and no one cares what time it is now. It's rare that the baby in the stomach doesn't make any noise, and the three members of the family sleep well together.

Until there's a sound outside

Lu Lingxi is pregnant and sleepy. It seems that she is not disturbed. She still shrinks in his arms and sleeps sweetly.

Chu Haotian seems to have heard the voice of the landlord's sister-in-law in a daze. It seems that there is something else.

How annoying!

What's the noise in the morning!

He frowned impatiently. Then he hugged Lu Lingxi more tightly. He buried his face in her neck and continued to sleep. Then, as soon as he closed his eyes, suddenly there was a bang

"I knew she was here. Don't stop! We are so familiar that I still... "

It's a slightly familiar sound

However, the words stopped abruptly in the middle of the speech. It was estimated that the situation in the room was stunned.

Since the door of the ward was kicked open at that moment, Chu Haotian's sleepy insects were startled and disappeared. When he opened his eyes again, he suddenly became angry.

This man, this face He hated Mo Tingting to the same level as Mo Tingting!

Why is he everywhere?

Wang Shengyu!

Chu Hao was so surprised that he suddenly sat up from the bed. The quilt slipped and his strong upper body was exposed to the air. He quickly looked aside. Fortunately, Lu Lingxi was wearing clothes, and he was relieved.

The landlord's sister-in-law came in with him. Looking at the situation, she immediately explained, "ah! This man Do you know Xiao Chu? I can't stop him. He has to come in. "

Chu Haotian waved his hand and swore that his soul would never leave.

Then he said, "sister-in-law, please go out first."

The landlord's sister-in-law gave a look at the two and then backed out.

Wang Shengyu stood at the door. It was really embarrassing. This situation He didn't expect that. How can a normal person still sleep at this point?

Since Lu Lingxi left Nancheng, he often contacted by phone at the beginning, but later Lu Lingxi seldom used his mobile phone. After he successfully sent Wang Min abroad, he was busy all the time, and the contact faded.

This time, he happened to be here on business.After careful calculation, I thought that she would soon be born, so I came to have a look.

Although Chu Haotian kept her whereabouts secret very well, it didn't mean that he could hide it from him, so he came here uninvited. Who knew that would be the case.

He swore that he really didn't have the special habit of watching people sleep.

However, since we've all seen it, let's just look at it in a big way!

The most important thing is to see Chu Haotian's eyes as if suddenly lit a fire, instantly changed his face, seems to be quite wonderful.

Boring life, always find some fun for yourself.

Lu Lingxi had been sleeping well, but when Wang Shengyu kicked in, there was so much noise that it was hard for her not to wake up. When she opened her eyes, it was such a scene.

Wang Shengyu, who has not been seen for a long time, appears

When he appears, he appears!

The key is that she is still leaning against a hot meat wall, so she rubs her sleepy eyes. Only then can she find that Chu Haotian is still in bed, and she has no clothes on.

She looked at this and then at that, speechless with embarrassment.

It's Wang Shengyu. He doesn't seem to be uncomfortable. Instead, he says hello to her.

“Hi! Dear A few days ago, there were reporters around me asking about you? Also asked if we are near a good thing, how can you carry me and other people's husband sleep together? It really hurt my heart... "

This is just like a bucket of chili oil, splashing two people on the bed.

"Get out of here!"

Sometimes, I can't bear it. I don't need to bear it any more.

Chu Haotian was so angry that he squeezed these words out of his teeth.

How can there be such an illiterate person!

At this time, he should not say sorry, and then go out in frustration, as fast as he can!

Wang! It's estimated that life is going too well. I don't want to have a good time!

Chu Haotian can't understand. Did he dig his family's ancestral grave in his last life? It is clear that there is no deep hatred. Why does Wang take pleasure in blocking up for him?

Sure enough, after Wang Shengyu successfully annoyed him, he felt much better.

With a harmless smile on his face, he said, "go away? How to roll? Mo Tingting, her husband, please show me how to do it, and I promise to do it


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