you 're right! It's a multiple choice question!

She made it clear to him. Yes or no, he'll do it by himself?

If you have the ability to pretend? If you have the ability, pretend you don't understand, and then ask her what to do?

If he really dare to ask, then she will regard him as really pure and virtuous. Who dares to say that he is not pure in the future will be worried with her!

Probably because her words were too clear, so he immediately turned around and gazed at her deeply in front of him. She was also consumed with him. Is that the pulse in the legend speechless?

Come on! Who cares!

Lu Lingxi is thinking, don't let the scenes she just imagined appear once. However, she overestimates the man's self-control.

After listening to her straightforward words, he immediately became a beast!

Er! If one second is a bit exaggerated, then she can guarantee that it will not exceed three seconds!

Yes, in just two or three seconds, if she can still be called a delicate flower, then it's just like she suffered from a storm

The word "rampage" was used just right when he took her in his arms, pulled her bathrobe, covered her lips and sucked deeply.

OK! Successful hook!

Before she could be proud, he pulled off her bathrobe. She always knew that his speed of undressing was always amazing.

Two people so without hindrance to fit together, as if to rub a spark.

He was just washing cold water, but once he held her, his body heated up and his thin lips forced him to kiss her

From the bathroom to the bed

Finally, it was not until they were exhausted that the flame of excitement finally died out.

They sweat again and stick together. It's hard to feel, but they can't talk about their intimacy.

Lu Lingxi is lying under him, like this every time. After being loved by him, she seems to have died. She has exhausted all her strength. She doesn't even want to move.

However, he did not move. What happened?

After a while, she pushed him, "get up! I have to take a bath again. "

But he pressed her and didn't want to move. He said, "wait a minute, let me stay a little longer."

She was so angry that she couldn't push him. He was buried in her neck socket and sucking from time to time. He looked like he didn't know how to be satisfied. I hate him!

So she turned away, trying to avoid being so entangled by him.

However, the beginning of a twist, suddenly startled.

She trembled and patted him on the back. Seeing that he didn't respond, she patted him again and cried out: "Chu Haotian..."

"Don't move..."

He tightened his arms and held her even tighter, as if the whole person were in his arms.

He murmured: "I've been working. If you feel comfortable, just reward me afterwards. Can't you? Let me give you another hug... "

She was so anxious that she wanted to knock him on the head!

She cried more loudly, "get up Look at your son


This word successfully attracted Chu Haotian's attention, and he couldn't help but look around.

It's not bad. I'm scared.

Because, in the little bed next to the big bed, his son didn't know when he had woken up. His big round eyes looked like an owl walking at night and didn't blink.

To be exact, it's watching his father crush his mother!

It's interesting to see that.

The two people on the bed were horrified, because they were all naked.

Can only say just now too devoted, unexpectedly did not notice the son woke up, and this smelly boy also strange, usually wake up within three seconds if no one pay attention to him, must cry!

But what happened today? When did he wake up? Why don't you cry?

"Smelly boy, when did you wake up, why didn't you say a word?"

Chu Haotian's voice is a little louder, and the little guy fully feels the emotion from his father.

Why did dad kill him?

He didn't do anything bad, did he?

He is the most pitiful child in the world. Is there any wood?

His parents just play by themselves, no one pays attention to him, is there any wood?

Chu Haotian's voice just falls, a burst of cry instantly earth shaking rings out.

Chu Haotian always thought that if he held a competition, his son would be the champion. It is estimated that the babies in the world would not howl as loud as the little devil in his family.

After a while, no one came to hold him.

As a result, the little guy is even worse. He is waving his hands around, and a pair of short legs with little strength are also pedaling around. People stop doing it. People can't stand being ignored in their life!Two people on the bed, but Leng Leng looked at the son crying.

It means that the situation just now has not been digested.

A moment later, Lu Lingxi finally came back to her senses. She pulled the quilt around her body, but pushed Chu Haotian out. She said shyly and anxiously, "what's more stupid? Make him cry all the time? You go to coax... "

Chu Haotian was stunned at first, and then he was overjoyed.

What did she say?

Is she asking him to coax her son?

But before, she didn't give him a hug, and told him not to be close to his son?

Great! It was a double happiness tonight. She not only asked for intimacy with him Twice, and now he's carrying his son!

There was no reason for him to neglect. He got out of bed immediately.

I didn't care to put on my clothes first. I quickly came to pick up my son from the cot. then I found out miraculously that after howling for so long, the little guy just howled and didn't even shed a few tears.

He is speechless!!!

But for the sake of being in a good mood, I'm too lazy to worry about it. I hold him in my arms and coax him. The little guy loves to play this game with his father. I lift him up and then put him down.

After so many rounds, I finally turned tears into laughter.

Chu Haotian is going to come to an end. As soon as he puts it down, the smelly boy is not happy again. He cries, which means obviously that he hasn't played enough. He wants his father to lift him higher.

So Chu Haotian put him on the big bed, angry and helpless, "you are an unfilial son, still playing, do you want to kill me? Sleep It's a good thing to cry. When you do something wrong, you still cry. Who let you peep? "Ah?"

Lu Lingxi had already put on his pajamas while they were playing. When he heard Chu Haotian mention this, he was immediately embarrassed.

The little guy seems to know how to look at his face. Maybe his father is not happy when he talks to him like this, so he wants to go to his mother with good sense of the times, but he can't climb yet, he just waves his little hand and shakes around.

Lu Lingxi was cute by his small appearance, and quickly picked him up.

But when she thought of the bright eyes when the little guy looked at them just now, she was still uncomfortable. When Chu Haotian sat down, she couldn't help asking: "you say How long has he been awake? "

Chu Haotian put his arms around her shoulder and thought for a long time, "how long have we been doing this just now?"

Lu Lingxi blushed and said, "I'm serious with you."

Chu Haotian was really serious, "what I said is serious! Let's put it this way. When we came out of the bathroom, I saw it. He was still asleep. Then he went to bed and did it again. It shouldn't be long! Half an hour? Yes It should be about half an hour! You say he won't wake up in the first place? "

So long

Lu Lingxi's heart is empty. Isn't this the whole process of being watched by her son?

On second thought, however, he thought it was wrong and retorted immediately: "impossible! If he had been awake for such a long time, he would have cried... "

"Maybe he thought it was wonderful and forgot to cry?"

"Chu Haotian!"

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