Chu Haotian hugs the little guy and pats his bare little fart.

"Look! You are not obedient, and your father is scolded. You are the one who did it, you know? Do you want to Oh Ah

Before he finished, there was a strange cry.

In an instant, the little guy began to cry again, more joyful.

In the water, he had been maintaining a state of excitement, too much fun, dad is so good, his mother gave him a bath all at once, not fun!

I'll wash it with my father this time. Of course, I'll wash it for a long time!

In order to express his love for his father, so when his father held him over, he danced with joy again, waving his little hand under the water, as if he had caught something at once.

Ah, soft

So he caught hold of it. He didn't know his father would cry.

Ah, well, it's fun. Then he'll follow me

Lu Lingxi was stunned for a moment, and then he came to understand. He said, "Xuanxuan, don't be naughty. Come to my mother, and she will dress you..."

Eh? Why is mom calling him? I haven't had enough!

Chu Haotian also quickly broke off his son's little hand, laughing so tactfully.

"Son, should dad be glad that you don't have much strength, or how can dad give you a sister after you pinch it? You bad thing Just like your father, he is the best at grasping the key points.... "

What and what does this say?

Lu Lingxi went to the edge of the bathtub and threw a handful of water directly into his face.

Stinky mouth, pure nonsense!

Then, she took her son out of the bathtub and went straight out of the bathroom despite his shouting.

When Chu Haotian comes out, Lu Lingxi is just wiping his son with a towel.

As soon as he went to tease her, she clapped his hand away.

"Go away! How to be a father? If you don't discipline him well, you'll know how to fool around with him! When he grows up, you can't even manage him! "

"I, I don't care?"

Chu Haotian tried his best to argue that he was a responsible father, but he didn't bring his son around.

However, he was immediately summoned by Lu Lingxi to find clothes for his son.

He used to open the wardrobe and was looking for clothes when he was attracted by a piece of lace at the bottom of the box.

He took out a look, it was a lovely pink princess skirt!

"This How can I have a skirt? "

Lu Lingxi looked over and thought, "Oh, this was when I was in Nancheng before. At that time, I didn't know whether it was a boy or a girl? Once I went shopping and thought it was cute, so I bought it. "

"Oh, it's lovely..."

As he spoke, he hit his son with his ideas.

"Son, come here, come here, dad will dress you!" Chu Haotian went over and took his son from Lu Lingxi's arms. Lu Lingxi immediately protested, "Chu Haotian, what's wrong with you?"

"Where is it? You know how long I've been looking forward to my daughter. Just satisfy me! What a lovely skirt. It must be suitable for our lovely son... "

As he spoke, he put his little skirt over his son.

The little guy was very happy to be hugged by his father. He thought that his father was going to take him to play with water. Who knew that his father had made trouble for him for a long time, and he was successful. He laughed.

"Look! It's like a girl, isn't it? Ha ha ha... "

Lu Lingxi rolled his eyes and was really speechless. He had never seen such a boring person.

After he's dressed, he takes a picture with his mobile phone. Mr. Chu leans on the bed and sees his father photographing him, but his clothes


Is this a magic horse?

How is it different from what people usually wear?

He stretched out his little hand to pull it out a few times, but he couldn't pull it out, sobbing

So people suddenly began to cry again.

Dad is bad!

Wuwu, don't wear skirts!

They are pure men, OK!


Good days always go by fast.

After spending a few days with Lu Lingxi and his son, Chu Haotian had to hurry back.

Therefore, such a gathering is also in a hurry, do not also in a hurry days continue.

Every time Chu Haotian came, he was happy to find his son's change, but before he could remember it firmly, he was recalled by phone.

Finally, Chu Hao couldn't help it.

Once again, he received a call from the company. After handling the matter, he went to the old house.

Chu family.

Looking at his grandfather's aging appearance, Chu Haotian couldn't bear it. However, for his son's sake, he decided to tell him the story.

"Grandfather, I There is a son, the son of Lingxi and I, who is half a year old! "Chu Nanwei was lying on the reclining chair and was stunned.

After a while, he seemed to understand and sighed: "ah You! I knew that... "

You know, even if they were married at the beginning, how could they break up? But I never expected to have a son who was half a year old?

"This child was born before marriage..."

Chu Nanwei was silent, but when he thought of having a great grandson, he was still very excited. If it wasn't for the present situation, it would have been great news.

"Why don't you even tell me? And the child? "

"I put their mother and son in a safe place. Nancheng is too dangerous. If they find out, I'm afraid I can't prevent them. I don't want to hide it from you, or..."

In fact, among all his relatives and friends, only Huo Mingxiu and chubai knew about it!

He doesn't doubt his brother and brother. Of course, he doesn't doubt his family. But he's afraid that his family will show some flaws to let the Mo family know. That's bad.

Now, he is still not going to let more people know.

Chu Nanwei probably knew what he meant. After thinking for a while, he asked, "what's your plan? Now this situation What are you going to do with them? And Mo's house... "

Chu Haotian is also silent.

However, in a moment, unprecedented firmness appeared in his eyes, and he said, "now it's just a temporary measure. I won't always aggrieve my women and children. As for Mo family, one day, I will uproot them!"

On Monday, in the Chus group meeting room.

Chu Haotian sat on his master's seat, holding his chin with one hand, carefully listening to the reports from the senior management of various departments, and then discussed the next project that the company will start to operate.

After expressing their opinions, Chu Haotian made a final conclusion.

"The project of tongshuwan is suspended, and the process of Haoting villa area should be accelerated. This villa group is mainly of luxury and practical type. The security and entertainment facilities must be the top class, especially suitable for children and women at home! I want to see it finished before the end of the year, and Secretary Li... "

At his command, the secretary next to him nodded his head, and in the eyes of many high-level people, he delivered the new plan to everyone present.

"President, this is..."

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