No wonder, after all, it's so far away, not in her own territory, and her ability is limited. For a while, she really can't find any mistakes.

And the Mo family

Mo Zhen is an old fox, and Mo's father is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although it has long suspected that he is related to several corruption cases, he is still under secret investigation and can't find any evidence.

As a result, it can only be delayed again and again.

Chu Haotian is still living a life of running back and forth between the two places. Time passes quickly and seems to be very slow, but watching his son grow up every day reminds him that time is passing.

Xuanxuan can walk and run all over the yard. Lu Lingxi doesn't dare to take him out. He's afraid that a person can't see him, and he's gone.

Xuanxuan can speak. When Chu Haotian first heard him call his father, his eyes were red with excitement.

Xuanxuan is making trouble again. The landlord's backyard often makes him fly. Yes, it's no exaggeration to say that it's flying.

After repeated education, Lu Lingxi still didn't play any role, and even succeeded in making Lu Lingxi cry.

So Lu Lingxi cries and calls Chu Haotian

"Chu Haotian, if your son is disobedient, I can't manage it. You can take him back to discipline him!"

The next day Chu Haotian came. He grabbed the smelly boy and farted. He told him that he would dare not listen to his mother again and make his mother cry. That's the end!

The little guy was beaten by his father for the first time and cried loudly.

From then on, he began to be afraid of two things, one is that his mother cried, the other is that his father lost his temper.

I don't know when it started. Chu Haotian felt that almost every time Lu Lingxi called him, he was talking about his son. What happened to your son yesterday and today

No doubt, more than 90% of them are mischievous and mischievous!

And every day there are new situations, absolutely not duplicate!

His son

What a headache!

Chu Haotian also gradually feels that it's not a good way to go on like this. Although Lu Lingxi has put all her heart into her son, it's normal for a boy to make trouble when he is young. Maybe he will be sensible when he is older, so he doesn't have to make trouble like this.

But children who don't grow up in a complete and normal family are afraid that as they grow up, there will be psychological deviations, and it will be too late to correct them.

Unconsciously, Xuanxuan is two years old.

From the beginning of the busy anxious, to finally slowly adapt.

Chu Haotian has cultivated a lot of trustworthy confidants in the company. He can get rid of a lot of work on hand, and then slowly get out of his busy life. He works from Monday to Friday, and on weekends, he goes to the small town to spend two days with his mother and son, and has a long cycle.

In contentment, what is missing.

He was trapped in a marriage with another woman for three years. When his son was more than two years old, he finally got a turn for the better.

At noon, he was still in the office and the phone rang.

When he saw the name on the screen of his mobile phone, he couldn't help smiling and quickly said, "hello..."

"Dad, Dad..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he heard his son's milky voice. He didn't have to think that it was the little guy who called him with his mother's mobile phone again. Whenever he heard his son call his father cheerfully, he was very happy.

"What's the matter? Are you good these two days? Is there any trouble? "

"No, I'm good If you don't believe me, ask mom... "

"Oh, just be good. Why do you call your father at this time and have you had dinner with your mother?"

"Yes, Dad. I'm good. Can I go to the playground again? I also want to buy a new toy, the robot that my mother didn't let me buy last time I went to the supermarket. Dad, you're the best... "

"Little thing, who taught you to flatter? All right, all right, if you're good! "

He is telling the truth, as long as this stinky boy is less mischievous, what is buying toys and moving the whole toy city to him!

After he promised, the little guy was satisfied, and called long live Dad!

Then he said, "Dad, when will you come to see me? You haven't come to see me and my mother for a long time... "

Chu Haotian thought about it, because he went on a business trip to Europe last week and didn't have time to come back at the weekend, so he didn't have time to see them. He didn't expect that all the kids could remember them clearly.

He immediately explained: "Dad is busy now, when he is free..."

"Dad, shall I come to see you?"

Before he finished speaking, the little guy said something like this again, which made Chu Haotian confused. It was natural for his son to come to see his father, but he couldn't answer.

Do you want your son to come to Nancheng?

The old man has been talking about this for a long time. The situation doesn't allow him, so he has been hiding the mother and son well. He doesn't dare to show his feet. It's better to be wronged for a moment than to take risks.After knowing that he had a great grandson, Chu Nanwei went to see Xuanxuan on his first birthday.

In recent years, the old man's health is good and bad. He has passed his eighties and is no longer suitable for running around, but he still thinks about the child from time to time.

Chu Haotian doesn't know what to say. Do you want his son back?

Before he thought about it, his son was robbed of the phone. Then came Lu Lingxi's voice, "what have you promised him? How many times have you said that you can't get used to him..."

Chu Haotian was stunned for a moment, and then returned to his mind: "nothing. Children like to play. I can't afford that money. I can buy him a toy he wants occasionally, and it won't spoil him."

"Are you occasionally? If he doesn't make a fuss, you will compromise. I don't know how to manage him if you do this again... "

"Well, I'll listen to you in the future, OK?"

While he promised her, he quickly changed the topic, "what's the matter? Is it my son or you? Or do you want my son to beat me when I'm sorry to beat you? "

Lu Lingxi sneered at him, "go, who has time to miss you? I'm serious with you... "

"Where do you think I'm not serious?"

She didn't want to go deep into this topic with him. She immediately said, "if you are serious enough, don't interrupt. Listen to me. I want to go back to Nancheng..."

He was stunned and silent again.

"Don't be nervous. I have something else to do. I'm not looking for you."

"I'm not nervous! I'm just thinking, it's really time for you to come back. My son is two years old, and such a big child should go to kindergarten in a period of time. "

The next silent is Lu Lingxi.

He said it's time for them to come back, indeed

However, as soon as she heard his heavy tone, she knew that there were still many unresolved issues in front of her, otherwise he would not hesitate.

She didn't want to put too much pressure on him, so she said, "let's talk about it later. I really have something else to do. Xiao Xi called me again some time ago. You know I've been such a close friend for such a long time and Chu Haotian, it's been three years since my mother died... "

In the last sentence, Chu Haotian can probably understand her meaning.

Yes! Three years.

For her son's sake, she never went back to Nancheng once in these years, but soon after that, Jiang LAN died.

For three years, even her son can run and jump now. As a daughter, if she doesn't come back to pay homage to her mother, it's really outrageous.

Mom, I haven't seen my grandson yet!

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