"What a child of Haotian! It can't be wrong Look at this, just like Haotian when he was a child. Good boy, tell Grandma, what's her name? "

Xuanxuan hesitated and slowly spat out two words, "Xuanxuan..."

"Xuanxuan? It's Xuanxuan How old are you? "

The little guy tilted his cerebellar pouch and thought about it. Then he broke his fingers one by one. Finally, he raised it in front of her and showed it to her. It was two!

Shen Ping didn't know what to say, but she couldn't calm down. She stroked the little guy's face repeatedly.

Xuanxuan doesn't know whether it's better to refuse or not. He can feel this person's enthusiasm for him, but he really doesn't like people touching his face.

So he turned his eyes to his grandfather.

Chu Nanwei just came over and said, "Xuanxuan, good boy, it's grandma..."

He pauses for a moment, remembering that he would have asked his grandfather what he was before, lest he ask again. Chu Nanwei explains, "grandma is your father's mother..."

Oh, the little one nodded, got it.

In other words, I have seen so many people today!

Father's mother, it must be called, so the way: "beautiful granny..."

It's called It's wonderful!

Shen Ping only heard the word "grandma" and nodded her head. She was so excited that she didn't know what to say. On the other hand, Wang's mother couldn't help laughing when she heard the name.

Miss Chu white young master's family young master, but serious, respectfully called "grandma.".

But this one

"This young master is really Who taught you that? "

Seeing that they all laughed, Xuanxuan was happy, so he said with pride, "my father! Dad said If you want to ask someone for something, a man will be called a handsome man and a woman will be called a beautiful woman. People will be very happy! "

This remark made Shen Ping laugh.

Wang Ma is also happy, "ha ha, this is really like the young master said..."

Chu Nan Wei restrained a smile and corrected him: "your father knows how to teach you these messy things. Don't listen to him. What's that like? Grandma is grandma. Just call grandma... "

Xuanxuan is innocent: "disobedient dad will beat me!"

"He dares!"

Chu Nan Wei's voice is full of Zhongqi.

Then, he estimated that everyone was stopped by him, and immediately slowed down the tone.

"I mean, you're right to listen to granddad! Your father dares to mess around. Your grandmother and I scold him! "

After hearing this, Xuanxuan's adoration for his grandfather and grandmother was like a torrent of water.

Oh, shit! That's cool! They even dare to scold their father!

No, he has to please!

"Really? Great grandfather, you are so powerful. Do you dare to beat my father? "

Chu Nan Wei's eyebrows jumped down and said immediately, "how dare you? I also use crutches to smoke him, and your grandmother also smoke him... "

"Really? Great grandfather, you are wonderful... " The little guy is still the opening line, and finally added, "Xuanxuan will follow his grandfather and grandmother, you should cover me!"

Chu Nanwei readily agreed again.

Shen Ping can't help but be surprised. What's the matter with him today?

After hearing these words, she couldn't laugh or cry.

Since there was this little guy in the family, he kept laughing and playing for a long time. When the servant cleaned up the living room, Chu Nanwei told Wang Ma to take Xuanxuan out to play.

Shen Ping knows clearly in her heart that the old man wants to tell her about the child!

In fact, needless to say, she also guessed a general

In the evening, Shen Ping sat alone on a stone bench in the garden to watch the setting sun.

Not far away, Wang Ma is leading Xuanxuan to see the recently blooming rose. The child's voice comes from time to time. She suddenly feels that the family has not been so busy for a long time.

Although the chubai family often brought their children over, the child was not so lively as Xuanxuan at all. Everyone sat together to have dinner, and they were all regular and quiet.

Looking at the child's smiling face not far away, Shen Ping closed her eyes, and there was a brief blank in her heart.

Although the child's mother

But the old man's words are not from imagination.

Before the old man left her alone, he said to her: Shen Ping, I know you are suffering, but some things have passed, so forget them! Just think it's for the children, everything is for the children

I should have thought of that.

No wonder my son married Mo Tingting but never touched her

It turned out that he was with Lu Lingxi again, or that they were not together again, but never separated.

At that time, I had a delusion that maybe when my son got married, they would break up, but it turned out that it was just her wishful thinking, but the two never wavered.At the beginning of her idea is also very simple!

My son left her family and her mother for a woman. He could even do this kind of thing.

So she did not hesitate to force her death, but she was not willing to.

Personally, she really didn't want to see Lu Lingxi. What's more, there was a photo of her son and Mo Tingting exposed at that time. Later, Mo Tingting was pregnant, and he had no reason not to be responsible!

Mo Tingting knows the root and the bottom. In Shen Ping's impression, Mo Tingting is knowledgeable, polite, gentle and virtuous, so she is also very satisfied with her.

She didn't want to interfere in her son's life.

Even if it's not Mo Tingting, as long as it's a serious girl, but I never thought it was Lu Lingxi!

So at the beginning, she thought selfishly that if she promoted her son's marriage to Mo Tingting, Lu Lingxi would be out of the game, and she would not have to see her in the future, and she would soon have a grandson

But the development of things is always unsatisfactory.

After all, she underestimated her son. As a mother, she could not bind him, and her marriage letter with Mo Tingting could not subdue him. In this world, the only one who could make him bow was Lu Lingxi.

The wife he took home disdained even a touch.

However, he and Lu Lingxi had such a big son

Maybe she is really wrong. The most important thing in the world is love and marriage. What can I do if I go around in a big circle?

The most pitiful, or innocent children.

If it wasn't for her original insistence, would she have had a complete family since she was a child, instead of recognizing her ancestors and being called an illegitimate child.

"Grandma, here are flowers..."

A clear grandmother brings back Shen Ping's thoughts.

She looked down and saw that Xuanxuan was tired of playing there.

The child Just like his father when he was a child, once he was free, he was like a runaway wild horse, playing and running around, sweating.

Shen Ping was a little absent-minded for a moment.

"Grandma, don't you like my flowers?"

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