Chu Haotian hasn't had time to answer, but suddenly he hears from the restaurant that the old man's middle voice is enough to break the eardrum. Isn't the strength of his ears a little better?

Chu Haotian is not talking, idle boring, simply take out the mobile phone, found Lu Lingxi information, so back to a, back to a.

Generally speaking, my son is very good. Do you think about him? He'll be back soon and so on.

After dark, Chu Bai left, and agreed with Xuanxuan that he would come next time with his brother.

Chu Haotian originally came to see his son. Now he gets along well with his grandparents, so he is relieved.

It's just the doting way of the old man! I hope my son can improve after going to kindergarten!

I was sending a message with Lu Lingxi when I was facing the wall just now

Now that itch in his heart! I feel like I'm going home.

However, just as he was about to leave, Shen Ping called him into the study.

He pushed the door in and said, "Mom, you're looking for me..."

Shen pingning's expression is still so light. When did it start?

She tried very hard to think about it.

In the past, she had a filial son, whose grandfather and father were strict with him. As a mother, she was naturally distressed, so her son and she were very close all the time.

Later, his father died. Since then, he has been more sensible, taking care of not only his family but also his younger brother.

Although we don't see each other very often, he listens to what she says!

Now, her eldest son is filial!

Yes! As a son, he didn't do anything, just like now he still respectfully called her mother.

However, the problem is his respectful attitude.

Between mother and son, if they are too respectful, they become estranged.

She tried to think that this situation lasted for a long time, it was not clear which day it started, but it started after he and Mo Tingting got married.

He gave Mo Tingting a cold shoulder, even to her mother.

Now she understands that this is her son. Don't think that he accepted the marriage silently is a surrender. In fact, he just got up after preparation.

If he had given in for a moment, he would not have been with Lu Lingxi all the time, and he would have given birth to such a big son.

Maybe he is just waiting for this day, and then let the most powerful facts prove his determination.

He is to let the world see his determination!

That's it. Never change it!

Shen Ping is naturally happy to see her grandson. Let alone the one she has been looking forward to for so long. Even if she is not her grandson, how can she not like such a painful child.

While she was happy, there was a touch of worry in her heart.

Sun Tzu is almost three years old. She, as a grandmother, actually knows his existence!

Obviously, the old man has known it for a long time. That is to say, we all know that his son doesn't intend to tell her. This is the most direct manifestation of his estrangement from her and blaming her.

He blamed her and forced him to marry a woman he didn't love.

The emotion in her heart was surging. For the first time, she became cautious in front of her son.

After a long deliberation, she said, "Haotian, you and Tingting, are you going to..."

She wants to know, now that Lu Lingxi and Xuanxuan have been exposed, what's his plan for the nominal marriage between him and Mo Tingting?

However, as soon as she spoke, she was interrupted by Chu Haotian.

"Mom, I don't want to talk about this man! I'll leave if I have something else to do. Xuanxuan will stay at home, and you can have a rest early! "

He said as he turned to pull the door.

His woman is still waiting for him at home. He is not interested in discussing any unimportant women here!


Shen Ping only feels that her heart is full of weakness.

It's not the first time, and it's not clear how many times.

The year before last, when she found that her son had gradually changed, she also tried to communicate with him.

And that's what happens every time.

As soon as she spoke, he had lost his patience to listen to her.

What does he think, what does he think of Mo Tingting, and what does he plan to do with this marriage He never told her all this.

How could she have guessed it all if he didn't?


At the moment when he is ready to go out, Shen Ping greets him and holds his sleeve.

She can't accept this situation any more. Now that all the children have come back, it seems that he has made up his mind. Can we not treat her as an outsider? Can you give her a little reassurance?

She has no control over his life.Chu Haotian stops, but it's his mother. He can't get rid of him as a stranger, but he really doesn't want to talk about what his mother wants to talk about.

Because it's customary for Xing to be like this. When he was just married, Mo Tingting was present every time his mother asked him to go home, and the topic was the same.

When he heard that, he meant to let him accept his fate. Now that he was married, he would have a good life.

He listened more and lost his patience.

Although Shen Ping stopped him, it can be seen that he was extremely impatient.

"Haotian You wait! Just a few minutes, our mother and son haven't talked well for a long time. Today, today is for Xuanxuan's sake. The child called me grandma, but what do you think? Can't you talk with your mother, ah? "

His mother, however, spoke to him in an almost subdued tone.

Or she wanted him to have a word with her.

In fact, he is not happy to hear it, but what do you want him to say?

He took a deep breath and said, "Mom, do you really like Mo Tingting so much?"

Shen Ping was terrified, "I, I didn't say how much I like her..."

"So you want her to be your daughter-in-law?"

"I was just..."

Shen Ping wanted to explain, but for a moment she found it difficult to organize her language.

Her son was talking to her in such a gentle tone that she couldn't hear any emotion, but she felt that it was all questioning.

There is a fact that she has been reluctant to face, and finally spoke at this moment.

"Haotian, these years You've been blaming mom, haven't you? "

"How dare I! You are my mother

"Yes! I'm your mother You treat me as your mother, so you punish me in such an indifferent way all these years? Have I ever said that I want you to marry Mo Tingting? It's your own stupid mistake. She even had children at that time. What can you do if you don't marry her? "

"Is this my mistake? Mom! I regard you as my mother. I think I have been filial to you and respect you all the time. But do you regard me as your son? At the beginning yes! Even if you know that Lu Lingxi and I are together, you are not willing to accept this fact. I understand, but if you treat me as your son, you should not frame me together with Mo Tingting! Do you know her? She's not as good as you think

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