It's a black Bentley.

Wen ran and Wei Wei sit in the back seat. Chu Mo Chen doesn't take the driver with him today. He drives his own car.

Out of the coffee shop, Wen ran wanted to take a taxi, but Wei Wei didn't let Chu Mo Chen send her, and the man didn't object, let her get on the bus.

Finally, Wen ran had to get on the bus.

When the car arrived at the gate of the community, Wen ran repeatedly said, "don't drive in. Just stop here."

The community she rented is an old one. It's difficult for her to drive in by sight, not to mention a few steps away.

Chu Mo Chen didn't mean to stop, but his low voice came from the front seat: "which unit is it?"

Wen Ran is a little embarrassed. Before she opens her mouth, Wei Wei on one side answers for her directly: "four units, nine seats!"

Last time she was in the hospital, she knew where to live.

Wen ran a Leng of looking at Wei Wei, the little girl side is a pair of innocent appearance: "sister, you didn't tell me when you were in the hospital, memory is really bad!"

Well She really doesn't remember!

Wenran slowly, the car has stopped at the bottom of her unit.

After a few seconds, Wen ran quickly opened the door and got off.

"Thank you, Mr. Chu." Wen ran watched the window in front of him come down and nodded politely to him.

And Wei Wei also pressed the window, lying on the window with Wen ran waving, "Ran Ran sister, goodbye!"

"Goodbye!" Wen ran also waved to her with a smile, then turned and walked towards the door of the unit.

Looking at Wen Ran's back, Wei Wei looks back at Chu Mo Chen and sighs: "Chen Chen, you can see Xuan Xuan's vision is much better than you."

Chu Ai Wei in the back seat didn't notice. Chu Mo Chen in the front seat was even darker than the bottom of the pot, and he still said to himself: "ah, if Xuanxuan could catch up with Ranran's elder sister as soon as possible."

"Now I feel more and more that Ranran's elder sister and Xuanxuan are a perfect match. They are just a couple of talented women and made in heaven..."

Weiwei used all the words she learned from her neighbors, Youfang, qidaguaba, and people who came to talk to Chu Mo Chen.

The car suddenly started and drove on.

"Ah --" exclaimed.

The little girl was unprepared. She leaned forward and hit her head on the back seat of Chu Mo Chen's seat.

"Chenchen, what are you doing? Don't tell me when you drive The little girl shrunk her mouth, rubbed her head, and then quickly straightened her hair.

"Ah -"

just as Wei Wei finished her words, the car suddenly made a sharp turn, and her little body tilted to one side in an instant. Her hair, which had just been tidied up, was in a mess again in an instant.

This time Chu Ai Wei children's shoes is completely crazy!

"Chu, Mo, Chen, Tong, Zhi, what are you doing? You have a problem with me, don't you? "


"If you have a problem, just say it. Why do you mess up my hair like this?"

Do not know the goddess's hairstyle is not chaos!

"And if you really want to hit my head and make me stupid, you'll wait to regret it all your life!"

Chu Mo Chen looked at the crazy little girl in the back seat from the rearview mirror, and said without expression: "if you quarrel again, you'll shave the little curly hair under you tomorrow."

"You dare!"

"You can try."

The street lamps on both sides of the road kept flying by, and Chu Mo Chen's angular face contour appeared serious and cold under the light.

Chu Ai Wei forked her waist and breathed in. Her lungs would explode, but she was very witty and didn't talk back.

In the heart of a belly discussion: this does not understand the trend, do not understand the appreciation of the antique, so fierce cold face is to play the polar bear ah! If you want to play the role of Arctic, can you stop freezing her in front of her, OK?

It's all spring, it's all spring, don't take her back to winter, OK?

Hoo -

she is so angry!

But Chu Mo Chen's temper, she knows, what is true, what is joking, she can distinguish.

But she didn't understand why he was in a bad mood all of a sudden? Why are you aiming at her all of a sudden?

It's still good before Mingming. What sentence did she say to provoke this big black bastard?

Chu Ai Wei grabs her head in chagrin, and her already disordered hairstyle becomes more disordered in an instant.

All of a sudden, the image of the goddess disappeared

After the black Bentley disappeared at the entrance of the residential area, Wen ran turned and went to the entrance of the residential area.

As soon as I entered the unit, a strong smell of smoke came.

Wen ran frowned. Before he took a few steps, his arm was suddenly caught.

Head a burst of dizziness, the next moment, the body was a strong chest to tightly pressed to the cold wall.


A exclamation has not yet had time to call the exit, the jaw is suddenly seized by a big hand.The rough fingers are very strong, and the pain suddenly strikes. Wenran's whole brow is wrinkled with pain.

Wen ran knows who this man is.

She wanted to shout, but she was clamped down by him, pinching her jaw, and couldn't say a word.

She desperately shook her head, trying to get rid of his shackles, but the resistance brought about by this man is more brutal.

Han Xuan presses wenran's head against the wall. The back of her head bumps against the hard and cold wall. With a sharp pain, her head begins to feel dizzy

However, she is very sober, because Han Xuan's big hand has not been loose tightly grasp her jaw, the strength of the hand is heavy, as if to crush her in general.

The pain in her heart forced her to wake up!

Wen Ran's body gradually calms down and no longer struggles.

She knew that in front of this angry man, no amount of struggle was in vain.

"Wen ran, I can't see that you've played a lot in Nancheng these years!" Han Xuan lowers his head and approaches.

Wen ran Xiao's mouth is undulating, and his approaching breath is close at hand, which is very dangerous.

There is no light in the corridor, but Wen ran can look up at his dark eyes, which are very deep.

And he was like an angry Beast, and his dark eyes were staring at her, as if he was going to tear her to pieces.

Wen ran suddenly laughed.

The sad and helpless smile.

"A lot? In your eyes, didn't I become a dirty woman five years ago? "

Wen Ran's sarcastic smile easily angered the man in front of her, but what really angered Han Xuan was the word "unclean" in her mouth!

The two words, light and inaudible, instantly hit the deepest wound hidden in his heart.

Wen Ran's unclean body has always been a thorn in his heart.

The thorn stuck in the heart, can't swallow and pull out, as long as a little touch, will have pan pain.

Every time that stab hurt him, he would make her hurt again.

She hurt him, and he wanted to hurt her, too.

"Han Xuan, I know I'm dirty. I was dirty five years ago. You dislike me. I don't blame you But now that you're not clean, don't torture each other any more. "

Wen ran didn't know how she finished her speech, which made it difficult for her to open her mouth. The voice was as silent as a puppet.

If she could, she would never touch the wound.

But he again and again forced her into a desperate situation.

Han Xuan's eyes are as cold as ice, but the breath falling on her hair is more and more dangerous and hot.

He leaned over and bit her on the lip madly.

In the dark corridor, warm liquid fell silently.

Wen ran heart next horizontal, ruthlessly bite his lips, push him away, a tear open his shirt, "Han Xuan, don't dislike 'dirty words, come on!"

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