What time is it?

Half past ten!

This The president knocks at the door in the middle of the night!

Wen ran held his breath.

There was a knock on the door.

She sat stupidly on the bed for a moment, got up and went to the door.

Wen ran thought of the serious look on the man's face in the morning, and his palms were sweating.

No matter how expensive that suit is, it won't let the president like Chu Mo Chen knock on her door in the middle of the night, will it?

Wen ran, as an adult, knows how obvious the purpose of a big man knocking on a woman's door in the middle of the night is.

She put her ear to the door.

It seems that there is no movement.

"Dong Dong Dong --"

the burglar proof door was knocked suddenly, which made her ears numb.

"Dead girl, open the door --"

shanning'er's voice came from the door.

Wen ran listened and immediately opened the security door.

"And the key Where's my key... "

As soon as Wen ran opens the door, she sees Shan Ning'er leaning on the door drunk and rummaging in her bag.

"Ah Honey, you finally opened the door for me

"Hello Slow down

Shan Ning'er's beautiful eyes are blurred and drunk. He looks at Wen Ran's eyes and pours on her.

Wen ran repeatedly held, "it's so heavy!"

"Dead girl, where did you drink so much wine?" Wen ran helped her to the side of the sofa.

As soon as she touched the sofa, Shan Ning'er immediately lost her bag, kicked her heels and fell into the sofa.

Wen ran shook his head helplessly and went to the kitchen to pour her a cup of honey water.

"Ning'er, drink some honey water first." She picked up Shan Ning'er, who was lying on the sofa, and handed her the water cup to her mouth.

Shanning'er drinks most of the wine along the wall of the cup.

"Ouch -"

"my God - you dead girl!"

Wen ran looked at someone who had vomited all over his body and repeatedly backed back and screamed.

She glares at Shan Ning'er, who is lying on the sofa, but the drunk can't find her staring at her. She falls asleep on the sofa.

Wen Ran has no choice but to cover her nose and pick up shanning'er's dirty clothes. She throws them into the bathroom, cleans up the dirt on the floor and covers her with a quilt.

After that, Wen ran went to take a bath in his pajamas.

She stinks to death by this girl!

It was almost 12 o'clock when I came out of the bath.

The mobile phone at the head of the bed shakes when the hair is just half blown.

She put down the hair dryer and picked up her cell phone.

It's a wechat.

The finger opens subconsciously.

The picture above shows Han Xuan lying on the bed naked with a woman embracing each other.

In fact, Han Xuan does not show his face in the picture, but the woman's face in his arms is clearly exposed.

No one else. It was Wenshan, the sister who was going to see the fireworks in front of her and her husband that night!

Although Han Xuan only showed a red fruit's back, Wen ran could recognize the man as Han Xuan.

Wen ran stared at the picture for a long time and couldn't react.

Although she had expected that Han Xuan and Wen Shan had already had a relationship, after all, she didn't see it with her own eyes, so she could deceive herself.

Now such a clear and ambiguous picture is placed in front of her, even if she wants to pretend she doesn't know, she can't cheat herself.

She took a deep breath, ready to put down the phone, but do not want to hold in the hands of the phone again shock.

Looking down, this time it's a message.

"Sister, you must be very lonely at this late hour. I have to say that my brother-in-law's skill is very good. No matter he is behind or forward, he is so charming that people can't help screaming Sister, you must have never tried that feeling? "

Wen Ran's hand holding the mobile phone suddenly turned white.

But Wenshan is endless.

Text messages come one by one -

"elder sister, how can I forget that he thinks you are dirty and that you have had a baby, and how can he let you go to bed with him? I'm afraid you can't enjoy this feeling all your life, elder sister. It's a pity..."

"It's a good feeling to do with my brother-in-law. Sister, I'll record it to you next time, so that you can feel it even if you can't enjoy it!"


Five minutes later, Wen Ran's cell phone rings.

She looked at the screen and picked it up without expression.

"Hey, sister, I didn't disturb your rest so late."

Wenshan's soft and delicate voice came from the phone, and the provocative meaning was obvious.

"Sister, have you received all the photos and messages I just sent you?"Listening to Wenshan's sarcastic and light words on the phone, wenran feels that her hand holding the phone is shaking.

She clearly knows that she should not have the same opinion as a woman without any sense of shame, but people are emotional after all.

It's like sometimes you know you shouldn't punish yourself with other people's mistakes, but you still can't help getting angry.

"Is that all? Then go back to Han Xuan's bed and continue to be your However, even if you do not get out of bed with him all day and all night, you are just a person who has no name and no division! I don't know what you are proud of here now! "

"Well, what if you don't have a name? At least he is willing to touch me, I can enjoy with him under him, and you? It's just a remnant who is despised by her husband. Even if she's sitting on the throne of his wife, she hasn't been driven out by the Han family for so many years. "

Wenshan is also angered by wenran's words. A series of vicious words are thrown at wenran without reservation.

At that moment, warm heart dull angina.

She thought that she had heard enough of those words, she thought that she had been numb, but the fact is that those heartless and ugly words still make her heart ache.

She subconsciously stabbed her fingertips to the palm of her hand, trying to use the pain in the palm of her hand to relieve the severe pain in Xiang's mouth. The pain of being severely exposed by others made her almost breathless.

As if a very thin very sharp needle suddenly into the heart, people can not find and pull out, only the pain reminds you, where the face with the needle!

"Sister, you need to know that dirty is dirty, and you can't cover up the fact that you've been dirty for a long time. So, don't cling to this nominal marriage any more, divorce early, or you'll only live a lifetime!"

"Wenshan, that's enough!"

Wen ran suddenly interrupted the chattering words there.

"Wenshan, what about you? Gou's leading brother-in-law and climbing up to his bed have spread out. Do you think it's very glorious? Is it something to be proud of? Don't insult my ears with your dirty worldview

Wen ran then hung up the phone.

Originally, the hand holding the mobile phone was shaking, but now the whole body is shaking.

Wen ran feels that her tongue is about to burst. She breathes hard. Han Xuan's hatred for her seems to exceed her imagination.

He clearly knows how much she hates Wenshan and her mother. Their presence makes her an outsider of the Wens and makes her feel at home.

I still remember that when Wen Haojun was on a business trip, the mother and daughter moved their hands to her. After Han Xuan found out, they took her to the Wen family to make a big scene. The boy who was afraid that she would be wronged and kept protecting her kept sleeping with her most annoying sister.

Wen Ran's cell phone suddenly rang again.

The bell rings in the quiet room at that moment, Wen Ran is like a bomb was lit, instantly broke out!

"Are you finished! You love to do your love, no one to stop you, as for I have no one to love, no one to do not bother you, don't think you on a man's bed is too much, more women climb his bed, you are just one of them, if you dare to call me again, Send a message, do you believe I accuse you of unprovoked Sao harassment

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