After buying good things, Chu Mo Chen took Wen ran to a porridge shop.

It doesn't look very impressive, but at this late hour, the business is quite good, and there are many people.

Chu Mo dust to the second floor by the window of Ya sit, relative to the first floor for quiet.

He ordered a bowl of seafood porridge himself, and then ordered a bowl of jujube porridge for wenran.

Wen ran didn't have time to object, so he gave the menu back to the waiter.

What a bully!

She wanted to have some preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

Who said that when aunt came, she had to drink jujube porridge?

But fortunately, after the red date porridge came up, the taste was really good, so Wen ran didn't care about it with him.

It's better than she imagined. It's not very sweet and greasy. It's thick with the fragrance of osmanthus. It tastes good.

Just when Wen ran was drinking hard, Chu Mo Chen suddenly opened his mouth again.

"How many days will that take?"

"Four or five days."

She replied subconsciously.

After answering, he realized the implied meaning of his words.

“…… In fact, it will take at least a week to clean up completely! "

After a moment of silence, Wen ran changed his tongue again.

It was twelve o'clock in the morning when the porridge came out.

Chumo Chen drove her downstairs.

"Shall I take you up?"

When the car stops, Chu Mo Chen looks at the dark area and frowns slightly.

Wen ran was stunned, then shook his head: "no need."

"I'll take you to the elevator."

Chu Mo Chen opened the door and got off the car first.

Looking at his generous back, Wen ran felt that after tonight, it seemed that they had become different.

But there's no real relationship tonight.

Wen ran got out of the car, Chu Mo Chen's body was standing beside the car.

"Let's go."

He walked slowly to the dark stairway.

Wenran's community is an old one. She doesn't even have a street lamp at night. In the past, if she got off work late, she would walk all the way alone in the dark. Now when she looks at the man not far away from her, her broad shoulders in the dark make her feel a little complicated.

There is an inexplicable sense of security, but some uneasiness.

At the elevator entrance, Wen ran looked down at the reflection of the two people on the ground. His mood was very complicated.

"I'll have your things delivered to the office tomorrow."

When the elevator door opened and Wen ran was ready to go in, Chu Mo Chen suddenly made a sound.

She knew he was talking about her bag and cell phone.

She nodded, hesitated, and said, "be careful on the way."

Then she went into the elevator.

The moment the elevator door closed, her hands covered her face, tired against the elevator wall.

Wen ran seems to hear that the high wall built somewhere in his heart is collapsing little by little.

Back home, she changed into pajamas and went to bed.

It was about four or five o'clock in the morning when he was pulled up from the bed.

Wen Ran's eyes were not opened, and a pillow hit her head.

"Well..." She covered her head and opened her eyes.

See good to coagulate son Nu Mu fork waist of stand at bedside.


Shan Ning'er's cold voice came indignantly.


In fact, Wen ran wanted to say that she had not woken up yet, but when she saw Miss Shan's gloomy face, she had to open her eyes.

"You dead girl, do you know I'm worried about you!" Shan Ning'er pokes her finger at Wen Ran's forehead.

The fingertip was so long that it almost pierced her forehead.

Wen ran rubbed his forehead in pain, "I I... "

She was really confused by the man Chu Mo Chen tonight, so

"Well, I'm sorry to worry you."

Wen ran apologetically puts his hand around Shan Ning'er, who is standing by the bed. His tone is full of coquetry, like a child who has done something wrong.

In fact, after tasting the broken love and the warmth of family affection, Wen ran cherishes her rare sister.

At least in her accident, there will be a person worried about her, desperate to find her all over the city.

"Can you stop being so pathetic?" Shan Ning'er rips it open, embraces her Wen ran, and falls on the bed.

"Did Chu Mo Chen eat you?" Good coagulate son to the point ask a way.


“…… No Wen ran hardened his head and answered decisively.

On hearing this, Shan Ning'er immediately sat up again, "is it true or not? Can you escape the claws of the hungry wolf just like a little white rabbit“……” Warm but speechless.

How do you describe it?

How can she be a rabbit?

But Chu Mo Chen is really a hungry wolf!

Wen ran feels that this description of Shan Ning'er is extremely close!

"My aunt came, so..."

“……” Wen ran said and then looked at Shan Ning'er.

The girl seemed to be stunned by her words.

After a long time, half sitting Shan Ning'er suddenly fell down, covered his stomach and laughed.

Looking at that crazy girl laughing almost breathless, Wen Ran is very helpless to curl his mouth, is it so funny?

"That man's expression must be green with anger!"

Shan Ning'er thinks about Chu Mo Chen's shriveled look in her mind, and she can't help laughing.

All right!

Chu Mo Chen's expression at that time was really It's very gloomy and terrible!


Chu Mochen first went to the apartment in the center of the city to get wenran's bag, and then drove to the villa in the suburbs.

It was almost two o'clock when I got home.

It's very quiet in such a big villa.

Push open Chu Ai Wei's room door to see an eye, that little wench sleeps very familiar, the mouth is tiny Du wear, the thin blanket on the body is only half cover on the body.

Chu Mo Chen sighed helplessly, went in quietly, helped her to build again, this just quietly came out of the door again.

Just out of the door, not a few steps, carrying the bag in the hand came a telephone sound.

Originally not big bell, but in the quiet night appears particularly noisy.

Chu Mo Chen frowned, quickly took out the mobile phone from the bag, picked it up, afraid to wake Chu Ai Wei.

"Hello, sister, I'm not bothering you so late?"

The voice from the other end of the phone is a female voice breathing slightly. Chu Mo Chen's deep eyes narrowed and quietly stepped into the bedroom.

"Sister, did you hear the sound of the water? Han Xuan is taking a bath. I don't know what happened to his brother-in-law tonight. I can hardly bear the physical strength... "

With that, there was a gasp on the phone.

"Wenran, I fell asleep."

When Wen shanxiao was in full bloom, there was a low male voice on the other end of the phone.


Wen Shan stopped laughing in an instant.

Holding the hand of the phone, the body Leng is there, for a long time can't come back.

How can Wen Ran's mobile phone be picked up by a man in the middle of the night?

Wenshan was confused for a moment.

"You Who are you? " After a while, Wenshan found her voice.

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