
Wen ran then the phone, while standing in front of the fitting mirror, raised his bra skirt.

"Where is it?" Chu Mo Chen asked naturally.

"Meet clients outside."

"What can I do for you?" The corner of the man's mouth on the phone tilted slightly for her cleverness.

Wen ran thought, is it right to talk about cooperation with him at this time?

"Last time in your office..." She tried to open her mouth, otherwise she was afraid that she would not have a chance. The main reason was that she told Lawyer Chen that Chu would reply tomorrow.

Just think of that scene in his office, she still can't calm down, can't help but feel embarrassed.

“…… Last time you said that it was all in your office. Where can I go to talk to Mr. Deng about the cooperation case? Does that still count? "

Hearing the words of Wen ran in a low voice and a little shy on the phone, the radian of Chu Mo Chen's mouth can't help but increase.

"You owe me twice."


Twice? what do you mean?

Wen Ran's eyes turned, "why twice?"


Almost subconsciously, she asked her doubts. After asking, she had some reaction. What did he mean!

"Liu Jianguo's case and your cooperation case, what do you think?"

Why does Liu Jianguo's case count?

"The case of Liu Jianguo was discussed between Lawyer Chen and Wang Ming!"

I don't agree with you!

"Then I won't go tonight. How about letting Lawyer Chen talk about it by himself?"

Chu Mo Chen a pair of indifferent tone, even Wen ran felt that this man now must be a pair of complacent expression.

"Miss Wen, are you ready?"

At this time, Liu Jianguo's voice came from outside.

Maybe she didn't come out for a long time, so she called at the entrance of the fitting room.

"Immediately -"

when Wen ran was about to change his clothes, he was held by a shopping guide, "Miss Wen, the clothes fit perfectly. Go out and have a look. The light is not very good here..."

"No No need I think it's a little tight here Wen ran finds a reason to prevaricate.

But I don't want that shopping guide, but she hasn't been fooled at all.

"What's tight? Look at the waist. It looks like you're in good shape. Let's go out and have a look..."

Half pushed by the shopping guide, Wen ran turned back to the fitting room and pulled out his little suit in a panic. Put it on first!


"Miss Wen, this dress is really good. The whole person's temperament has changed!"

Liu Jianguo's eyes are staring at Wen Ran's mouth, and his eyes are shining.

Before I saw Wen Ran's uniform, I didn't particularly see her figure. Now it seems that Chu Mo Chen's eyes are not casual.

I'm afraid the straight legs are very attractive.

"Where are you?"

I heard a familiar voice.

Wen ran just reflected that her conversation with Chu Mo Chen had just been interrupted, but the phone didn't hang up.

"In Trying on the clothes Wen ran thought of what he had just threatened her and moved to the mirror on the other side.

He looked at himself in the mirror, and then he opened his mouth with some charm and said: "Mr. Chu, if you don't come tonight, don't regret..."

Try on the clothes?

The dark eyes of Chu Mo Chen on the other end of the phone sank, and his fingers gently knocked on the thick mahogany desktop, his face was unfathomable.

This girl is more and more daring.

Wen ran didn't give him a chance to respond and immediately hung up.

Exhale -

take a long breath.

"Miss Wen, was that President Chu?"

Wen ran just hung up and Liu Jianguo came over.

It's smart. It's a dog's ear!

"Well, yes."

Wen ran nodded awkwardly.

Liu Jianguo is a very clear look, and then a smile on his face, said: "let's go, don't let president Chu wait."


That man doesn't have to go yet!

Wen ran hesitated to go back to the fitting room to change clothes, but the clothes had been packed and taken out.

Liu Jianguo had already paid for her skirt.


She had to wear it.

Just out of the shop, Wen ran already felt uncomfortable.

Fortunately, she put on her little suit, but she had to stop it with her handbag all the way.

She's not used to it!

It's a sin of its own!

In the evening.

Wen ran and Liu Jianguo arrive at the appointed club.I thought they would be the first to arrive, but I didn't want to open the door of the private room and see that the man Chu Mo Chen was already sitting on the sofa with Lin Zhi and Wang Ming sitting beside him, and Lawyer Chen also arrived.

She and Liu Jianguo became the last to arrive.

Wen ran and Liu Jianguo had just entered the door, and everyone's eyes were on them.

To be exact, it was Wen Ran's opinion in the Qi Dynasty.

A crowd of men, looking at Wen Ran's eyes are different.

Lawyer Chen frowned slightly, then stretched out with a fixed look, lowered his head and held up the tea cup on the table.

Lin Zhi and Wang Ming are obviously very surprised. They stare at Wen ran for a little longer, which makes Wen ran a little unnatural. Until Chu Mo Chen coughs and holds up the tea cup on the table, they immediately lower their heads like waking up from a dream.

I really don't want to live after staring at the woman who is the chief executive for so long!

Both Lin Zhi and Wang Ming were sweating.

Wang Ming thought in his heart, this woman is really full of tricks!

But the strangest thing is that the chief executive of his family was relaxed about the dispute case last time, but later he spread the word that we should take it seriously. But what happened today?

It's really confusing. I don't know what medicine the president sells in hululi.

After chatting, we began to take our seats.

Liu Jianguo, a human spirit, naturally arranges Wen ran, the only woman, to sit beside Chu Mo Chen, and the people present have tacit understanding to give Chu Mo Chen the right hand position.

Wen ran knew that he couldn't escape, so he didn't sit down.

Originally, every time Chu Mo Chen ate out, the menu was ordered by Lin Zhi. This time, the president took the menu strangely.

Wen ran sat next to him, looking unnatural and drinking tea, looking at his slender fingers, turning the menu elegantly.

"A red date and black chicken soup."


Wen ran almost choked with a mouthful of tea.

He ordered it.

On the table, people's expressions were different, and it was very wonderful.

Wen Ran's white face suddenly turned red.

What does this man mean!

This kind of soup is usually for women. She is the only woman on the table. Obviously, this is the point for her. Maybe these men think she is pregnant with his seed! I'm pregnant now!

What a shame!

Sure enough, after the soup came to the table, the man Liu Jianguo served Wen ran a bowl of it.

A pair of your more patchy look, looking at people all over straight hair!

Wen ran didn't want to take it, but because of the man's face, he took it obediently.

At the beginning of the dinner, Chu Mo Chen motioned to the waiter to take away all the wine cups in front of Wen ran, obviously not allowing anyone to drink with his woman tonight.

So, these are the old people with vision. When they offer a cup to Wen, they all say the same thing: "Miss Wen, just have some soup..."

Drink soup! to eat soup!

She's going to throw up!

"I'll go to the bathroom."

No way!

She's going to the bathroom to hide and stop drinking that red dates and black chicken soup.

She's not pregnant. Why drink so much!

Wen ran said hello to the man on the table and quickly got up and went out.

In the bathroom.

Wen ran stood in front of the mirror and patted his red face.

Thinking of the man who sat beside her tonight and never looked at her directly, I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

It's the first time she's dressed like this in front of him.

Or is this man's taste unique, a uniform?

When she thought of being knocked down by him several times, she was wearing rigid clothes.

After dawdling in the bathroom for a while, Wen ran just stepped out and couldn't stay in the bathroom for too long. After all, they are half owners here tonight.

Who knows, she just came out of the bathroom, and before she took a few steps, she was suddenly caught by a force.

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