Wen ran to his eyes, but in a few seconds, she was defeated. Don't open your eyes.

She can't understand this man.

But in the end is not understand, or dare not to understand it.

For Chu Mo Chen, she only knew that she was shocked by his powerful aura at the first sight. She was in awe of him. When she faced his ruthlessness and hegemony, she was afraid of him. But in the end, she was always ambiguous.

On the night when she was most desperate, he suddenly appeared like a God, took her out of the police station and carried her home. Half in a coma and half awake, she felt that the man was even bathing her and giving her medicine

At that moment, there was undeniable warmth in embarrassment and shyness.

Is it true that he treats her like this because vivi likes her?

After Chu Mo Chen left with Wen ran in his arms, although it was a birthday party in the banquet hall as usual, the atmosphere was obviously different. The focus of people's private discussion became the relationship between Wen ran, Chu Mo Chen and Chu Jinxuan.

Chu Jinxuan slender thin figure standing in the hall, cold eyes toward Wei Wei standing not far away from him.

Chu Ai Wei children's shoes can't help shrinking her neck when she receives Dawson's cold eyes.

But it's not all her fault.

Who let Xuan Xuan come to rebel, don't help her even, still help that pair of Jiang family father and daughter to match that woman with dust!

She really couldn't bear it. That's why she took such a bad policy!

Originally, in order to make Ranran's sister match Xuanxuan better, she specially helped her choose a pink skirt. Now she just wants to borrow Ranran's sister to come around and stimulate the bad girl surnamed Jiang. She turns her elbow out

Hum, it's you who are stingy first!

Chu Ai Wei's heart is full of words. She doesn't feel that she has made a big mistake at all!

She also has her own interests to protect. She can't let that woman succeed in becoming her stepmother!

One day, she will be a little princess and become a poor Cinderella

Just when Chu Aiwei comforts herself in her heart, Chu Jinxuan has turned around and gone out.

Hello, hello This stingy Xuanxuan, wait for her!

Chu Aiwei followed up in small steps.

She can't leave herself here alone. Later, if the woman surnamed Jiang holds a grudge for what happened just now, she will be miserable!

So, to be on the safe side, the little girl thinks that she is safer to follow the smelly Xuan Xuan.

Wen Ran's mind wandered all the way.

Until Chu Mo Chen carried her into the bedroom and put her on the bed, she suddenly recovered.

When she saw that he had put her down, she immediately moved her fart, trying to stay away from him, but then she moved, and her ankle was caught by him.

"Don't move."

The man frowned slightly and yelled in a low voice.

Wen ran turned his head and sat there silent.

Chu Mo Chen looked at her side face, staring at a few seconds, suddenly some helpless smile voice: "really than Wei Wei also children."

The last sentence of a man was serious, but he became light and gentle in the next moment, but he didn't get a warm response.

She was still pursing her lips, as if determined to fight with him to the end.

Chu Mo Chen is to see out, Wei Wei that small stubborn temper source originally is here.

He took control of her feet, stopped and pinched them gently. His body didn't move, but his brow was slightly frowned.

"Does it hurt?"

Chu Mo Chen sat by the bed, and her eyes fell down on her face.


Wen ran lowered his head and kept silent.

The house became quiet for a moment.

I don't know how long after that, a hand pinched her chin, the strength of her fingers was not light and heavy, with a strong and domineering characteristic of men, twisted her head.

"So afraid that others will know about our relationship?"

His deep black eyes were full of cold light, and his low voice flashed displeasure.

Wen ran was forced to look into his eyes.

In the end, he was so excited that he said, "what's the relationship between us?"

What's the relationship?

It's a relationship between her father and her mother, isn't it?

I'm afraid in this woman's eyes, he just wants to sleep / her, latent / her relationship.

And in Chu Mo Chen's eyes, what relationship is not important, what is important is this woman, he wants to decide!

Between the two, the door of the room was knocked.

Wen ran returned to his senses, brushed his hand away and retreated to the middle of the bed.

The next moment, Jiang Weixin came in with a doctor.

See this woman, although Wen ran in the heart some happy, but at least not Chu Jinxuan, let her temporarily relaxed.She hasn't thought about it yet. When she meets Chu Jinxuan later, how can she explain to him that she and Chu Mochen are here She can't even tell.

"Mo Chen, I've brought the doctor. Let the doctor look at Miss Wen's feet."

Hearing this, Wen ran couldn't help feeling that she was all skin deep.

Does this woman want to be so fake.

Clearly is a pair of hate to tear her into the sea, but can also pretend to be kind to her to find a doctor, obviously afraid of Chu Mo dust alone and her in the room.

Chu Mo Chen sat on the sofa in the room, lit a cigarette and took a casual breath. His serious face made people unable to see his mood.

After the doctor checked Wen ran, he said that she didn't hurt the bone. He gave her a pair of medicine stickers, which were pasted on her feet. He said that after detumescence, it won't hurt very much.

Jiang Weixin takes the opportunity to turn Chu Mo Chen out of the room. After all, the birthday party is not over.

"Mo Chen, you see, let's not disturb Miss Wen's rest, first..."


Suddenly, a small head protrudes from the door and interrupts Jiang Weixin's words.

Finally ease the mood of Jiang Weixin, almost can't help breaking out on the spot, want to strangle Chu Aiwei this annoying ghost!

But after all, Chu Mo Chen is here. No matter how angry she is, she doesn't dare to fight against the man's daughter.

What's more, no one outside knows that Chu Mo Chen dotes on his daughter, otherwise she can't be so lawless at a young age!

"What's the matter?"

Chu Mo dust see Wei Wei want to come over, immediately put out the smoke in the hand, "far away, there is smoke smell."

See Wei Wei's small body rub of rub of want to come over, he voice stop way.

Jiang Weixin looks at the man who is usually serious and indifferent to people. At this time, she is really careful to Chu Aiwei. On her white face, she can't bear to convulse.

I can't help but wonder whether Chu Mo Chen loves her children very much. If she marries him in the future, her first task is to have a child, preferably a boy, so that her position in the Chu family will be stable.

At that time, she would like to see how Chu Ai Wei can still be so high!


Chu Ai Wei is hard to be obedient. After listening to Chu Mo Chen's words, she immediately stops and doesn't walk past. Her big eyes are staring at Chu Mo Chen, "Chen Chen, that Xuanxuan said, "let me tell you to go out..."

Chu Ai Wei said this, in fact, she was a little worried. After all, it was Chu Mo Chen who asked Chu Jin Xuan to see him. When did it turn upside down, Chu Jin Xuan asked Chu Mo Chen to see him!

And see Xuan Xuan that facial expression, seem to be angry of not light, perhaps can quarrel with dust dust, now Chu Ai Wei has so one to lose regret.

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