"Ah -"

Chu Ai Wei sighed a long time.

She can't let Xuanxuan go alone, so she reports a room number to wenran, and the little body also runs out.

Weiwei and Chu Jinxuan leave.

Wen ran sat in the room, and I don't know how long it took.

She rigidly moved the body, found out the mobile phone to Chu Mo Chen dial a phone.


His low voice came, and there was a lot of noise on the phone.

"You Where are you now? "

Wen ran hesitated.

"By the sea. At the end of the dinner party, everyone said to have fun. They had a barbecue party at the seaside. Would you like to come and have fun? "

Chu Mo Chen's words explained to her in detail, as if there was no more noise, but he really heard the sound of sea breeze.

“…… Good

Wen ran hesitated for a while and quietly agreed.

"I'll have someone pick you up."


Wen ran hung up the phone, feeling a little blocked. He felt like a gentle little daughter-in-law now.

However, Chu Jinxuan doesn't listen to her explanation and goes away. Now she doesn't find anyone else to help her except Chu Mochen.

Soon, the assistant arrived at Wen Ran's room.

When he knocked at the door, Wen ran came out of the washroom with difficulty.

She had just cried on her face and put on some make-up, so she took it off, otherwise she couldn't see anyone for a while.

"Miss Wen, the president asked me to pick you up."

The assistant stood respectfully at the door, which made Wen ran a little unaccustomed.

I feel that this man's attitude towards her seems to be a little different than before. It seems that he is more respectful and polite.

"Miss Wen, let's change a pair of shoes before we go."

Then the assistant handed Wen ran a pair of flat slippers.

Wen ran looked at the slippers in his hand for a while, but he couldn't come back. This man is too

Are assistants so careful?

Under the wooden promenade by the sea, there are bright lights.

When Wen ran came to the beach, it was more lively than she had imagined.

Far away, she saw the man at a glance, but there was Jiang Weixin sitting beside him.

Wen ran followed the assistant's steps and hesitated in an instant.

"Miss Wen, what's the matter? Are your feet sick? "

Naturally, the assistant quickly noticed the hesitation behind him and asked in a caring tone.

Wen ran stopped and hesitated.

What is it that she used to look for Chu Mo Chen now?

originally, he left with her in his arms at the banquet, which caused quite a stir. Now she pastes it on her own initiative, and I'm afraid it's even more unclear.

However, just as Wen ran was about to turn back, she suddenly saw Li Qing.

That man is here!

"Miss Wen..."

"Let's go."

Just when the assistant thought that Wen ran didn't want to go there and looked embarrassed, Wen ran changed his mouth.


"President, Miss Wen is here."

The assistant went to Chu Mo Chen and whispered, but although the voice was low, the people sitting around Chu Mo Chen still heard clearly.

In fact, looking at who wenran was brought here, we can see that she has something to do with who is here.

Chu Mo dust looked up at the next temperature however, opening a way.

"Come here."

Wen ran saw that there was a vacancy on the other side of him, and felt that since he opened his mouth, she didn't need to squeeze any more. Besides, she came here to find him.

At the same time, Li Qing and he are playing cards on the same table. She sits down and confirms to the man the "unusual" relationship between her and Chu Mo Chen.

Later, when dealing with the case between him and Wang Yan, the man did not dare to calculate her as unscrupulously as he did last time!

How to say also have to weigh her and Chu Mo dust of this layer of relation.

But after Wen ran sat down, he found that not only Li Qing but also Han Xuan was there!

This is really - not a common enemy!

Han Xuan is sitting opposite Chu Mo Chen, so when she comes in, she only sees a man's back. She never thinks it will be him.

After all, it's hard for her to imagine him and Chu Mo Chen sitting peacefully on the same table playing cards.

Last time at the wine table, they were still at war, but now they are very friendly.

"Hungry or not?"

As soon as Wen ran sat down, Chu Mo Chen's hand moved. He threw the card in his hand to the middle of the table. Then he turned to look at her and asked.

"Brother Chu, if you have a beauty, you can't even look at the cards and throw them away. Are you eager to kiss the beauty so early?"Wen ran hasn't had time to answer, so he is picked up by the man in Chu Mo Chen's family.

The man looked younger than Chu Mo Chen and said something frivolous, which made Wen Ran's face turn red.

Jiang Weixin, who is sitting beside Chu Mo Chen, is already black faced when she sees Wen ran appear. Now she is teased by the boy who has no cover, and her head is so angry that she wants to smoke!

if this goes on like this, where else is Chu Mo Chen's place!

"do you want to eat something?"

Chu Mo dust didn't pay attention to that boy, still side face, ask Wen ran.

The man who just started to talk looked at him with great interest, his head lowered, his cheeks flushed and warm.

Although Chu Mo Chen's words are the same as usual, the concern in the words can be heard by anyone.

With a wave of his hand, the man pushed the chips in front of him to the center of the table. It's rare that brother Chu, the old fox, threw the cards early in this game, and he had no chance to turn them over.

It turns out that brother Chu likes such a pink and blushing sister-in-law!

This old cow loves to eat tender grass. It's a constant law of nature!

"Miss Wen must not have dinner tonight. Let's go. I'll take you to eat something. The lamb chops just baked by the chefs over there smell special. Let's go and have a look."

Sitting on Chu Mo Chen's left hand side, Jiang Weixin stands up with a smile on her face and goes to Wen Ran's side to open her mouth warmly.

The tone was as if Wen ran was not her rival but her best friend.

The other men on the table also looked at the two women with great interest. Li Qing praised Miss Jiang for being so calm.

Luo Zihan, who has a close relationship with Chu Mo Chen, is the man he just teased, but he can't bear to see such a fake woman. No wonder Chu doesn't like it!

If you want him, he doesn't like it.

A pair of faces are so fake, who knows which is true, maybe this Xiang is also fake!

Luo Zihan looks at Jiang Weixin's proud mouth, and then he doesn't open his eyes.

"Come on, Miss Wen."

Jiang Weixin affectionately took Wen Ran's hand, and Wen ran had to get up, "then I went with Miss Jiang."

Wen ran and Chu Mo Chen say hello, that appearance is really lovely, Luo Zihan think, Chu brother is afraid not less good "pet ~ love" that girl.

"Well, go ahead."

Chu Mo Chen opened his mouth.

Before Wen ran left, Li Qing, who was sitting in Chu Mo Chen's house, looked at her. Just as the man looked at her, their eyes were opposite. The next second, the man didn't open his eyes.

There was a tacit understanding between them.

For Wen ran can climb Chu Mo dust this man, Li Qing is no different is surprised.

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