Suddenly, Wen Ran's brain flashed the scene of being dazed last night!

"Last night I was

Last night, she was dazed.

But that person is obviously not Chu Mo Chen.

That's bullshit!

If his president wants to do something, he still needs to use drugs for her, that is, ten awake wenran. If his president wants to catch her, she can't escape!

Needless to say, it must be the woman Jiang Weixin.

The mouth said that she couldn't, so she used the means of three abuse to make her dizzy, but after dizzy, shouldn't she wake up in Chumo's mind?

Wen ran secretly looked up at the president with eyes closed.

This man is much more handsome when he closes his eyes.

Mainly when she closed her eyes, she dared to look at him more carefully. Usually, when she opened her eyes, how dare she look at him so recklessly!

"Have you had enough?"

The man with closed eyes, the corner of his mouth moved.

The lip line floating from the corner of the mouth is like a smile that is hidden or absent.

Caught Wen ran quickly lowered his head.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw his red chest.

Oh, my God!

Why is the button of President Chu's shirt fully open?

don't tell her, she untied it!

Absolutely not!

She would not do such a thing!

Mainly because she didn't dare!

Pick the president's clothes?

no! on! on!

Definitely not her!

He must have solved it himself!

In any case, he is also a violent ~ dew ~ crazy, more than once in front of himself Tuo clothes


"Chu Mr. Chu, can you... "

"What do you call me?"


Before Wen ran finished, he was interrupted by his slightly serious low voice.

Her mind is all paste a ball, this man is still tangled with the problem of address!

Wen Ran is speechless.

But also dare not with him again stubborn, "this is how to return a responsibility?"

"What do you say?"

Without opening his eyes, the man threw the question back to her.

This man is really How can she always throw the problem back, so that she has no initiative at all, and is pressed to death by him!

"Did you save me?"

"What do you say?"


She just didn't know, so she asked him!

Wen ran was crazy.


Just when Wen ran thought about what she should say, Chu Mo Chen threw two words at her mercilessly.

"Can you let me go first?"

Wen ran thinks this is more important now!

Being held in his arms, she couldn't move and felt very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Wen ran thought of the "big warm source.".

No, no!

she was so scared that she immediately struggled to sit up from his arms.

I thought he would hold it, but I didn't think the man would let it go immediately

Wen ran surprised to support the body, want to get up, just the body just move, found something wrong, why the bed will shake ah!

Unstable body suddenly fell into just can't escape out of the arms, a look up, Wen ran the whole person is silly.


Where is she!

Why is there such a big blue sky and white clouds in the room!

She's not on the bed in the room at all!

It's in On board!!!

It's not a search for a big ship or deck boat, but a search for a small yacht!

Oh, my God!

If a wave strikes, will she not be buried with the president Chu Chu Mo Chen We work for Why are you here? "

" it's a beautiful place. "



Beautiful scenery!

Because of the beautiful scenery? So here it is!

to give such a capricious answer!

Wen ran got up from his arms in terror, lay down on the edge of the yacht, and looked around. The endless sea

I can't see the shore!

Wen Ran is about to cry!

I don't know what Chu Mo Chen is doing!

She was saved from Jiang Weixin's hands, but why did she get on the boat.

And after a night, now Wen ran did not know how far the ship was from the coast.

This It's really that every day should not be called, called to There is no land!

below is the bottomless sea!"Ah..." When a big wave came, the boat swayed and fell into Chu Mo's arms again.

Just when Wen Ran's heart was about to jump out, the man who had been silent suddenly turned over on her

"Don't move!"

Chu Mo dust move, the ship shake more severe, Wen ran scared subconsciously hugged Chu Mo dust strong waist.

Because I was afraid, I held it very tightly.

Maybe in Wen Ran's subconscious, I think it's safer to hold this man tightly.

"So enthusiastic in the early morning?"

Chu Mo Chen took all her fears into her eyes. Her dark eyes were filled with a faint smile. She supported her body with one hand and gradually pressed close to her ears.

A warm wave swept the ear, and suddenly, the earlobe became hot and red.


Chu Mo Chen suddenly bit her earlobe.

Wenran there sensitive ~ feeling, with this pick ~ tease, suddenly wenran the whole person is crisp ~ numb.

She held his shirt tightly in her hands, and the boat swayed in the waves. Wen ran didn't dare to resist him. Her white face was full of tension and fear.

"Chu Chu Mo Chen You want to What are you doing? "

This man's big hand began to move dishonestly in her body, but Wen ran didn't dare to move. If she was in the car or in bed, she would not say anything so obediently, let his big hand touch her body!

"Last night someone made me sleep hard all night, so now I have to get it back.


What did she do last night?!

Wenran didn't have much impression, but vaguely, she still remembered that because she was cold, she touched a warm place, so Get closer!

Now think about

All of a sudden, my mind is in a mess!


Chu Mo Chen looked at her that pair of meditation, small face immediately is a pair of both chagrin and regret appearance, mood immediately happy, very light smile a voice to open a way.

Finish saying still not light not heavy of bite down her white shoulder.

"Hiss It hurts

Wen ran took back a hand and reached his mouth, but the strength seemed to be useless. He couldn't pull the distance between them so close now.

Relatively slow Wen ran, this just completely understood Chu Mo Chen this man's intention.

This man is so bad!

Turning her to the boat, not only did she not have a place to run, but now she was pressed by him. Because she was close to the bottom of the boat, she could feel the shaking of the boat clearly, so let alone run, she didn't dare to move!

Now she understands what it's like for me to be the "fish" in the fish!

Chu Mo Chen's deep eyes are very focused on the expression changes of her small face, see the uneasiness and resistance in her heart, and her face immediately becomes gloomy.

"Wake up in my arms and feel disappointed?"

He squeezed her thin chin, and his low voice was cold.

"No No I'm just afraid... "

The Chu Mo dust that sank a face lets Wen Ran's body stiff move also dare not move, like a bird that was frightened.

"What are you afraid of?"

Chu Mo Chen seems to be determined to force her, not to give her breathing space, cold voice forced to ask.

In fact, they all know what they are afraid of.

The reason why Wen Ran is so afraid is not because she is at sea, but because she knows that she can't avoid this man's strength.

The fear of being robbed by him, and the shadow of the intimacy between them in the car or in his office

All toward her, although the sky is vast, but Wen ran the whole person are trapped in his chest and between the board, only feel a suffocation!

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