"Why don't you go on making it up?"

Chu Mo Chen black a face looking at this heartless hateful little woman, want to give her alive 'peel into abdomen.

"What do you want?"

"What do you say?"

"You just I'm still in pain, besides I just left. Maybe, maybe... "

Maybe after the fierce fighting just now, there will be blood!


Wen ran thinks her words are all about this. If Chu Mo Chen refuses to let her go, it's really What a beast!

No, it's not as good as birds or animals!

When Wen ran nervously stares at this man's expression, half presses on her body, the expressionless man suddenly sits up.

The sea breeze was blowing his shirt. He took out a cigarette box and lighter from his trousers pocket.

With a click, a burst of white smoke spread all over him.

Wen ran also sat up slowly.

Don't want to just at this time, on their yacht that electronic screen, play out a news.

Wen Ran's mouth slightly opened, and then looked at the front of the man's lonely straight back, shrouded in the orange morning light, people can not see a trace of warmth.

She didn't know if it was a coincidence. Otherwise, why did Chu Mo Chen just ask her that question.

On the electronic screen, Han Xuan and Jiang Weixin's news are playing. The angle and the picture

I don't know how those reporters did it. They were in the hotel room.

Hot topics almost instantly occupied the headlines of major media networks!

"Is it true that if you didn't rescue me from Jiang Weixin, the woman lying on that bed in the news would be me?"

The boat is a little shaky. Wen ran reacts and slowly moves his body. He comes to Chu Mo Chen and asks him in a low voice.

Chu Mo Chen spat out a mouthful of smoke, squinted at the screen, then hooked the corner of his mouth and said: "wrong, the man lying there will be me!"



Is the plot like this?

But why should she be dazed?

"But you may be thrown under a man like Li Qing."


Why is she going to be thrown under Li Qing!

That woman is really vicious!

If the woman and Chu Mo Chen were photographed on the hotel bed by a group of reporters this morning, Jiang Weixin would definitely marry Chu Mo Chen.

Because even if Chu Mo Chen could ignore the pressure of public opinion, he could not ignore the faces of the Chu family and the Jiang family. Under the pressure of the two families, Chu Mo Chen had to marry.

I have to say that this woman's means are really high!

The reason for dealing with her is that she angered Jiang Weixin in her words last night, so this woman is going to destroy her when she marries into a rich family.

It's really vicious!

Wen ran, indignant in his heart, saw the scenes on the screen and sneered: "cleverness is mistaken by cleverness. These reporters should have been arranged in advance by herself, right?"

Wen ran looked at the man beside him and asked in a voice.

Chu Mo dust then light of glanced at her one eye, side past head to look at the sea surface of endless.

The expression on Wen Ran's face was stiff. After a while, he asked again, "so, did you see through Jiang Weixin from the beginning and want to count you?"

Chu Mo Chen turns his eyes and looks at Wen ran. His eyes are deep as if he is in the sea. He can't see it at first sight.

Is Jiang Weixin scheming against him?

That woman doesn't have that IQ.

The so-called Jiang family dinner was a bureau set up by Chu Mo Chen from the beginning.

Step by step, so that at this moment

Suddenly, a silver ring without warning, put on the ring finger of Wen Ran's right hand.

Looking at the silver ring put on the finger by the man, Wen ran was stunned for a while.

The plain silver ring is inlaid with fine diamonds. Although the diamond is small, it can be seen that the workmanship is very fine, shining with dazzling light in the sunshine.

Wen Ran is almost a fool.

This What's going on here?

When Wen ran was carried ashore by Chu Mo Chen, it was sunny everywhere.

He didn't take wenran back to the hotel where Jiang Laoshou banquet was. Instead, he took her to his car.

The partition in the middle of the car is directly knocked down, and the clothes are prepared on the back seat.

All the way quietly locked in Chu Mo's bosom, Wen ran couldn't help but curled his mouth.

This man is really thoughtful!

Do you know that you will tear her clothes?


Wen ran thought of her poor pink dress, and felt very sad. Weiwei chose it for her. She likes it very much, but it turns outIt's all ruined by this man. It's almost rotten into strips!

"Don't you want to get dressed? Do you want to be naked all the time

Chu Mo Chen looked at the woman sitting on one side and said in a voice. Then he took his own clean shirt and put it on.

Wen ran heard his poor tone, silently glared at him, took the clothes he prepared for himself.

It's a simple T-shirt and jeans with Close fitting clothes.

That's the same size she usually wears!

It seems that this is not the first time that the man Chu Mo Chen has helped her to prepare the clothes for her. It seems that the man knows the size of her clothes very well.

"Don't wear it if you don't want to. After a while, I went to the hotel and took a bath to change it."

Chu Mo Chen hesitated to see her holding the clothes, thinking that she was just passing by because of her body So, I don't really want to change it.

Wen ran turned around, his back facing him.

Thinking that if you don't change it in the car, when you get to the hotel later, you have to be carried all the way in by this man.

Chu Mo Chen is so eye-catching that it will inevitably attract attention.

As soon as Wen ran turned to put on Xiang's clothes, he heard a light smile coming from behind: "it's not that he hasn't been seen before."

I've not only seen it, but also loved it.

This girl is always so shy and lovely.

Wen ran listened to the words coming from behind, his face was hot, and then he put on his clothes more quickly.

When he turned his head again, there was a question in his eyes.

"Chu Mo Chen, have you ever peeked at me The size of my underwear

This changed man! It's disgusting!

Chu Mo Chen smell speech, Leng for two seconds, immediately smile, the corner of the mouth curving radian clearly visible: "I personally measure the size, can't be wrong."


Wen Ran's face, which was only slightly flushed by his ambiguous words, is now very hot.


What he meant by this was that at his home that time

So that night, her vague memory was true, not a dream!

"Does it fit?"

Chu Mo Chen arms circle her waist, soft tone from her head.

Wen ran was made stiff by him. "Don't you..."

The man is also attracted by her nervous words to laugh: "don't move you, you are scared."

It seems that the "car" that night left a shadow on the girl.

After that, on the way to the hotel, the car became quiet.

The sunshine outside the window is dazzling. Wen ran looks down at the silver ring on his finger.

At this time, she could not deceive herself. In addition to the accident, there was a little palpitation and uneasiness in her heart.

In the face of a man she never dared to think of, she hesitated, but she couldn't help being moved.

After all, Chu Mo Chen's unique charm, when he occasionally shows tender feelings to her, is easy to make people unable to hold on and his heart beats faster.

Wenran can also understand that heart is only a small part, more is hesitation.

Chu Mo Chen is not an ordinary man, after experiencing a failed love and marriage, Wen ran dare not easily deliver his heart.

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