I don't know which passer-by put Chu Jinxuan's proposal to her on Weibo!

And also Photos of kisses!

The shooting angle is very clear. Although it's just a side face, people who have seen Wen ran can know it's her when they look at it carefully.

I don't know if it's because Chu Jinxuan is too handsome, or the photo is too beautiful, or the scene is too dreamy

Anyway, from noon to now, in just a few hours, the photos of a passer-by after simple processing were wildly forwarded, and once soared to the top of the hot search list!

I don't know which netizen started the topic

#Disney's most romantic proposal is also on the list of hot topics, catching up with Jiang Weixin, Han xuankai, Fang Chen and other related topics.

Wen ran looks at the hot search and hot topics, which are still rising. It's a headache.

Now she's going to be famous!

People come and go in the restaurant. Wen ran looks up at Chu Jinxuan sitting opposite him. He is also playing with his mobile phone, but I don't know if he has microblog or not.

"Wei Wei, I just saw Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck over there. Let's go and have a look and pick up a souvenir."

Wen ran said in a voice to the little guy sitting on one side.

Chu Ai Wei was eating a lollipop in her mouth, and her big black eyes turned: "Ranran elder sister, no, I've bought all those! What Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, snow white There are many in my family! Don't waste any more money

“……” The warm language stops.

When did this little girl become so frugal? Which child would be too much of that?

"Wei Wei, I want to choose one myself. I just saw a Mickey Mouse keychain. I like it very much. You can go and have a look with me."

Wen ran himself was speechless.

Such a big man, even with a child to saqijiao.

"Well, I'll go with you."

Wei Wei a face innocent reply way, in fact in the heart already smile of don't work.

This Ranran elder sister's face is obviously a pair of want to turn her to one side, have something to ask her appearance, still look for such lame reason.

Well, as expected!

As soon as she got out of the restaurant, Ranran, who was holding her little hand, squatted down and said nervously, "Weiwei, do you know your father has a microblog?"

Wei Wei looked at Wen Ran's expression, her big round eyes turned, and she was thinking seriously.

"Have you? How often do you play

Seeing that Wei Wei hasn't spoken for a long time, Wen Ran is more worried.

She didn't know why, when she saw the picture, her first reaction was to be afraid that Chu Mo Chen would see it.

Although she took his ring, it was forced by him. In the morning, she couldn't fight against the man.

Generally speaking, she should not be such a thief, full of guilty.

However, her heart is very guilty now!

"Chenchen, he has! I helped him apply for his microblog You go to search "Wei Wei's big male god" is him


Wen ran was silent again.

I can't imagine the effect of Chu Mo Chen's serious and cold face hanging on such a microblog name!

But she's still going to search.

But who knows, Wen ran just opened the microblog, and as soon as he logged in, he found that this "Weiwei's big male god" actually paid attention to her!

Oh, my God!

Just a few minutes?

He found her microblog!

"Sister Ranran, have you found it? Or I'll find it for you. "

Chu Ai Wei without a mobile phone is very distressed.

I feel that I have to think of a way to let Chenchen and Xuanxuan stop restricting her mobile phone.

"Well I found it Wen ran said.

Chu Mo Chen's head is very unexpected and unique. It's a hand-made clay, a child's footprint.

It should have been printed by ivy Chu when she was a child.

"Sister Ranran, please pay attention to me. I'm the first one Chen Chen cares about! That "Wei Wei's handsome male god" is Xuan Xuan. "

Needless to say, this must have been applied by Chu Aiwei. Microblog name so neat matching!

There are three followers in Chu Mo Chen's microblog, Weiwei, Chu Jinxuan And just pay attention to her!

Now Wen ran doesn't need to ask. He also knows that Chu Mo Chen must play microblog, otherwise he won't pay attention to her in just a few minutes.

"Ranran elder sister, why do you pay attention to Chenchen's microblog?"

In Wei Wei's eyes, Wen Ran has always been familiar with her and Xuan Xuan. I feel that Chen Chen, who is not close to her family, has just met her several times. It shouldn't be very familiar!

How can you suddenly ask Chenchen's microblog?“……”

Asked by the little girl, Wen Ran's cold sweat was even more flustered and speechless.

"Was Xuanxuan's proposal in the amusement park in the afternoon sent to the microblog by netizens?"


Wen ran looks at the little girl in front of her. Do you want to be so smart!

This inherits the gene of the president, but it's different!

"You are afraid that Chenchen will oppose you and Xuanxuan, right?" Wei Wei always has a quick mind.

"Ranran elder sister, you don't have to worry about this. Although grandma Roy entrusted Xuanxuan to Chenchen, Chenchen certainly won't object to it. Moreover, Chenchen can't control Xuanxuan's falling in love. Besides, even if he really dares to have any opinions, there is me. Don't worry, I will help you..."

Ha ha!

Are you sure you won't object?

Why does Wen ran feel that if the man doesn't strangle her, it's lucky!

When Wen ran and Wei Wei return to the restaurant again.

The pasta she ordered came first.

Wen Ran is afraid that Wei Wei is hungry, so she chooses a little for her. However, the little girl is not in the mood to eat at this time. She takes a Mickey key ring she chooses and asks Chu Jinxuan for the key.

"Xuanxuan, give me your key quickly. This is a pair of Minnie with Ranran's sister."

Chu Jinxuan takes out the key, Weiwei reaches for it, but Chu Jinxuan raises her hand to avoid it: "give it to me, I'll be safe."

"Oh, yes."

Vivi obediently handed him the key chain.

Head down to eat noodles, Wen ran slightly raised his eyes, looking at a pair of Chu Jinxuan focusing on the key chain.

Although Chu Jinxuan loves Wei Wei most of the time, she's actually very precious in her heart. Just now Wei Wei didn't give him the key. She's obviously afraid that the little girl might hurt her hand.

After a while, Chu Jinxuan is safe, and then throws the key to Weiwei.

Weiwei looked at the keys, then turned to find wenran and asked for the key: "Ranran elder sister, take out your key too!"

See Chu brocade Xuan to look toward her, Wen ran don't open an eye, bow head to look for a key in the bag.

“Perfect! I think Mickey and Minnie are the most loving couple. They are my favorite cartoon characters in Disney

Weiwei put the two keys together and cried excitedly.

"Click --" Chu Ai Wei picks up Chu Jin Xuan's mobile phone on the table and takes a picture.

Wen ran didn't expect that Wei Wei still had this habit.

But see this little girl so excited appearance, Wen ran in the heart more uneasy.

If Wei Wei knew that she had such an unclear relationship with Chu Mo Chen

Although her children may not know anything, but if she knew, she would not like her like now!

Maybe I'll hate her, even hate her!

Wen ran was eating noodles with a faint lump in his throat.

I picked up the water on the table and put it to my mouth. Then I heard Chu Ai Wei's voice: "Ranran elder sister, go and praise me. I just tweeted!"


Wen ran choked with a mouthful of water.

"Cough You, what did you send? "

Regardless of being choked, Wen ran rushed to get there.

"I'll read it on Weibo."

With that, the little girl reached for a piece of pizza she ordered and took a satisfied bite.

It's delicious!

I'm in a good mood. Everything is delicious!

Wen ran quickly opened her microblog, and as soon as she refreshed it, she saw a new microblog of Weiwei, the goddess of the dust family: my handsome Mickey Mouse finally found his Minnie, clapping and scattering flowers ~

and attached two strings of keys she had just photographed together, and the two cartoon characters on the key ring were close to each other.

As soon as Wen ran looked up, he saw Chu Jinxuan with a mobile phone and a smile on his mouth. He felt that he was forced to ride a tiger by these two people!

At this time, Wen ran suddenly shook her mobile phone in her hand, and a picture popped up. She pointed to it and saw that her hand shaking with a fork.

"Ding -"

with a sound, the fork fell to the ground cleanly.

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