Lin Zhigang helped Chu Mo Chen to the car. Chu Mo Chen's generous body was deep in the soft leather seat. He held his forehead with one hand and said in a hoarse voice: "is the party over?"

Lin Zhi in the front seat remained silent.

I think it's better not to speak at this time.

"It's over. It's all like this. Can it not be over?"

Chu Ai Wei pie pie pie lips, don't have good spirit of say.

Hearing Wei Wei's voice, Chu Mo Chen frowned and opened his eyes: "darling, how did you come, didn't you go home?"

Oh, it's rare to know that she's home.

Drunk Chu Mo Chen stretched out his hand to hold his darling, but Chu Ai Wei dodged him.

Don't touch me with the smell of wine

Chu Ai Wei was upset when she saw him drunk like this.

In her impression, Chu Mo Chen seldom gets drunk like this.

Chu Mo Chen see her hide so far, also didn't provoke her, drunk lean there smile: "good, don't touch you."

After that, he leaned there and said nothing, but it didn't look good.

Looking at him holding the collar of his shirt, he reached out to open the window

Weiwei immediately came up to him and grabbed his big palm: "don't open the window, it's time to have a headache."

"It's a little hot."

Chu Mo Chen squints at the little guy who has been lying on him.

today he drank a lot of Baijiu, otherwise he can not be drunk like this.

"Who let you drink so much!" Wei Wei stares at him, pouting.

Chu Mo Chen's dark eyes closed and did not make a sound.

Wei Wei sees his brow suddenly of Cu Cu, quickly stretch out a hand to touch disorderly of caress up his stomach: "dust dust, are you stomach ache?"

Little guy doesn't know where the stomach is, only the stomach.

When she was very young before, she remembered that after Chenchen got drunk, her grandmother called the doctor anxiously. She said on the phone that Chenchen had a stomach problem.

Weiwei has a good memory, so she seems to have understood that drinking wine will cause stomachache.


"you cheat!"

Chu Mo Chen's words haven't finished, was interrupted by Wei Wei with crying cavity.

"Uncle Lin, do you have stomach medicine in the car?" Weiwei is anxious to ask Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi saw this, and was also anxious and sweating: "no"

Chu Mo Chen has paid great attention to the control of his own drinking when he has been socializing outside for many years, so generally there is no big problem.

"Why don't you buy it soon?"

Wei Wei said and burst into tears.

"Girl, don't cry. I'm fine."

Chu Ai Wei turns her head and doesn't let him wipe her tears.

Stubborn oneself wiped wipe tears.

I don't look in the mirror to see my face like a ghost!

How dare you say nothing!

She's not retarded. She just lies.

The car soon stopped at the door of a drugstore.

Lin zhipao got out of the car and went to buy a box of stomach medicine and mineral water.

Chu Mo Chen is closely watched by Chu Ai Wei and drinks the medicine.

However, when the car was ready to start again, his broad figure suddenly rushed out of the car, supported by a birch tree on the side of the road and vomited.

"What's the matter with you, Chenchen?"

Lin Zhi once pulled Wei Wei's small body, "young lady, drunk, spit out will feel better."

Later, Lin Zhi handed the water to Chu Mo Chen to gargle.

After vomit Chu Mo dust gradually sobered up some.

Facing the roadside light, turning around, I saw the little figure standing behind him.

He steps toward Wei Wei, but the little figure turns and runs up.

Before getting on the bus, he angrily dropped a cruel sentence: "Chu Mo Chen, you bastard, if you dare to have another time, you see how I can deal with you!"

This is really like a wife to drunk husband, helpless scold.

But Chu Mo Chen has no wife. This scolding is doomed to be only for his daughter.

I have to say that his little girl's hair is on fire, which is very much his style.

Lin Zhi on one side didn't dare to breathe.

Chu Mo Chen laughed.

It's good to have a daughter without a wife.

It's not too late to park at a villa in the suburbs.

It is still Lin Zhi who helps Chu Mo Chen into the house.

Lin Zhi has been helping Chu Mo Chen to the bed in the bedroom, let him lie down, then straight up.

Chu Aiwei, who has been following her, suddenly said coldly, "go back first. Next time this happens, you can pack up and leave."

Lin Zhi was silent for two seconds, "I know."

With that, he turned out of the bedroom.

Working in the workplace for so many years, if a five-year-old girl is fired in the end, he doesn't have to live.But he knew that although Wei Wei was small, her intelligence quotient and emotional quotient were much higher than those of other children of the same age, so this girl's export must be able to do it!

Lin Zhi has to rethink again. He thinks that in addition to the bitter plan, is there any intention to borrow Wei Wei's words to give him a warning!

After Lin Zhi left the room, the bedroom was quiet.

"Chu Mo Chen, have you finished the play tonight?"

Little girl suddenly called his name, a pair of big eyes looked at him and asked.

Chu Mo dust slightly opens an eye to come, looking at her good-looking big eyes to stare at him, that appearance unexpectedly lets a person feel to have a bit of mischievous.

"What are you talking about, darling"

"you still pretend!"

Chu Ai Wei legs pedal shoes, three or two climbed on the bed, stretched out a small hand toward Chu Mo Chen's thigh to twist.

Chu Mo dust laughed to pull her body to the bosom to come, "wench, don't make trouble, is really drunk."

"And cheat?"

"Who said it was cheating? I'm still dizzy. Go and pour a glass of water."

Chu Aiwei looked up at him for a long time, but she didn't want to go down. She stepped downstairs to pour water for him.

Just when Lin Zhi helped Chu Mo Chen in, Zhang Ma saw him and immediately went into the kitchen to cook the soup.

When Wei Wei came downstairs, the soup was almost ready.

"Weiwei, how did the young master get so drunk tonight?" Zhang Ma saw them coming back together and asked Wei Wei.

"I haven't seen the young master get drunk for many years. Why did he suddenly get drunk today?"


Weiwei's mouth gradually pursed as she listened to her mother.

"How long will the hangover soup last?" She whispered, a little confused.

"Soon, soon."

Two minutes later, Zhang Ma Sheng bowl of wine soup, ready to go upstairs.

"Ma Zhang, I'll do it."

Wei Wei tiptoed to reach for the bowl of wake-up soup.

But Zhang Ma raised her hand to avoid, "no, it's very hot"

"it won't!"

"Little ancestor, don't make trouble."

In the end, it was Zhang Ma who carried it upstairs.

Now I'm drunk. If I burn another one, it will be a mess.

Chu Aiwei followed mother Zhang and went all the way into Chu Mochen's room.

When he went in, Chu Mo Chen's face was white and covered his stomach. As soon as Zhang Ma saw it, she knew it was drunk.

"Young master, did you have stomach trouble?"

"It's OK. I just took medicine on the way." Chu Mo's strong body sat up and took the sobering soup in Zhang Ma's hand.

The remaining light of eyes swept to the little guy standing on one side.

It was very obvious. It was like crying again.

Chu Mo Chen finished the soup, let Zhang Ma go out first, Chu Ai Wei that wench is not willing to go out, black eyes straight at Chu Mo Chen.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

After Zhang Ma goes out, Weiwei questions him with a cry.

Chu Mo Chen lay down again without making a sound.

"Chu Mo Chen, can I ask you? Are you drunk on purpose

Weiwei's tears couldn't stay in her eyes and fell on the ground.

At the moment, one of the little guy's hearts was very upset.

Because she suddenly realized that Chenchen was really serious about wenran.

Like Xuanxuan, very serious!

Like it? really?

Otherwise, Chenchen would not block her mouth in this way.

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