Although Chu Ai Wei's words pause, her big black eyes stare at Chu Mo Chen without blinking.

The little guy looks serious.

She heard that call just now.

There is an obvious love between Chenchen and Ranran's sister!

What's more, the tone of Chenchen is obviously interesting to others!

Chu Mo Chen's steps to the outside stopped, turned around and looked at him. He stood on the bed with a serious face staring at his little girl.

Although the dark eyes are not cold, they become very deep and difficult to understand.

Finally, he turned out of the room without any response.


When Chu Aiwei tidies up herself and goes downstairs, Chu Mochen also changes her clothes and sits at the dining table in a refreshing way.

Watch her come down and reach for the face on the table.

Weiwei sat down and ate noodles with her head down.

At the dinner table, father and daughter were silent, and no one talked about yesterday.

Wei Wei wants the answer Chu Mo dust does not say, she also understood in the heart.

Over the years, she has seen Chu Mo Chen's attitude towards which woman?

Although she made a blind date with him before, in fact, she knew in her heart that Chenchen didn't like those women either, just for the sake of working with her grandmother, so that she wouldn't nag him.

However, to Ranran's elder sister, Weiwei recalled that many things didn't need Chu Mo Chen to say more, she also understood.

And for Chu Mo Chen, a man with dark belly, what he wants is such an effect.

Now he has achieved his goal through a drunken scene.

On the way to send Weiwei to school, in the car, Chu Mo Chen has been very busy, busy answering the phone and arranging work.

He has accumulated a lot of work during his absence these days. Many things can't go on without his nodding.

Three calls in a row, until nearly to Weiwei school, Chu Mo finished the call.

Turn to see the little girl beside the eye, sit there all the time in Leng Shen, also don't know what cerebellum bag melon thinks all day long.

"Vivi, here we are."

He called her when the car stopped.

Chu Ai Wei recovered, climbed out of the car, did not walk a few steps, small body turned around, looking at sitting in the back seat, Chu Mo Chen sitting there, the door half closed.

"Chenchen, if Ranran's elder sister likes Xuanxuan, you can't snatch the love with a knife..."

How can I win love?

The corners of Chu Mo Chen's mouth were twitching.

This girl's word also knows quite many!

It's just the right word to use.

Who taught it?

Wei Wei stares at the dark Chu Mo dust on her face, and stubbornly stands there without entering the school gate.

She thought all the way and thought that love should be equal and free.

Weiwei thinks that Xuanxuan is definitely not the opponent of Chenchen if she talks about abdominal blackness.

But Xuanxuan's advantage is young and handsome!

Ah, Weiwei is complaining about wenran now. Why does she fall in love with her two male gods!

Is that woman that good?

Weiwei wants to turn her mouth and turn her eyes

However, the most frustrating thing is that she likes that woman in her heart.

They froze for a few seconds.

Chumochen is going to close the door.

But don't want to Chu Ai Wei that is very familiar from the head teacher and come together.

"Mr. Chu, wait You wait... "

Chu Ai Wei lowered her head and rolled her eyes helplessly.

I've never seen a class teacher who likes to complain so much. He likes to complain more than the students!

Upset Chu Ai Wei children's shoes, a face of indifference.

I thought to myself, Sue, Sue

Don't really think that if you say a few words, her family dust will teach her!

"Mr. Chu, you see, it was sent by the express company yesterday afternoon, indicating that it was to be signed by Chu Aiwei's children. Although it was wrapped in an envelope, it was obviously a ring when you touched it..."


Chu Aiwei, who had been absent-minded, immediately widened her eyes and looked up at the envelope.

Chu Mo Chen, who was originally in the car, got off with long legs when the teacher came.

Tall and tall, he looked down at the envelope in the teacher's hand. It was obvious that it was an envelope sent to him.

Dark eyes narrowed, deep eyes difficult to see the bottom of people difficult to explore anger.

"You see, Weiwei is so small. Several groups of boys fight for her in the school before. Now someone gives her a ring. It's too early for puppy love, too!"

“……” Speechless.

Ivy Chu didn't even bother to reward her.

Which eye saw that the ring was given to her?


"Let the teacher bother, I will go back to education Weiwei."Chu Mo Chen, who has been silent all the time, opens his mouth in a low voice. His words are like his constant estrangement and coldness.

He took the envelope from Chu Aiwei's head teacher, then bent over and got into the car.

"Hello, Chenchen..."

Chu Ai Wei saw that he took Xuan Xuan's ring, and her small body quickly climbed into the car.

"Give me Xuanxuan's ring back."

Chu Mo's eyes didn't slant. He threw them to her.

Chu Ai Wei takes it and opens it. It's really a ring from Xuan Xuan!

This has no conscience but elder sister, unexpectedly sent the ring of Xuan Xuan to mail back!

She is so angry!

"What are you looking at? What are you proud of That she She doesn't like Xuanxuan Girls are usually very reserved. Do you understand? "

Chu Mo Chen smiles and hooks his lips.

Looking at the little girl's pouting mouth on her little face, I feel much better.

Chu Ai Wei stares at a side, in the eye some cover proud Chu Mo dust, take ring to turn head to get off the car.

Chu Mo dust down the window, has been watching her little figure into the school gate, just ready to close the window to the company.

"Ah, Mr. Chu, wait..."

The window was blocked by the head teacher standing beside the car.

"Anything else?" Chu Mo dust lifted Mou light to glance an eye, the female teacher that stoops to stand in front of the car, tone estrangement.

"Well, next Tuesday our school will hold a parent-child sports meeting, which is also rare to see Weiwei's parents, so I want to ask, Mr. Chu, do you have time to come next week?"

"Parent child games?"


"Just one parent?" Chu Mo Chen asked.

"Yes, but it would be better if both the parents of the child could come. But I also know that Mr. Chu is working..."

"You can contact Vivian's mother. Don't you have a phone there?"

Chu Mo Chen's words coldly interrupted the female teacher's words. With that, he ordered the driver to drive.


It's nine o'clock on Monday morning.

Wen ran arrived at the office on time.

Just to the seat, the next seat of a Fang politely toward her handed a cup of coffee: "sister Wen, you love to drink latte."

Wen ran was stunned to see the coffee in front of him.

Ah Fang and she are the most junior here, but because Jiang Yan takes good care of Wen ran, they dare not ask Wen ran to buy them coffee, so they have to go.

However, a Fang would never buy it for Wen ran.

Does the sun rise in the West today?

I even brought her a glass of latte, and I know she likes latte!

Wen ran came back and reached for the coffee, thinking that since they bought it, you can't stop taking it.

However, when Wen ran reached for it, he found something was wrong.

Because a Fang's eyes in her hands back and forth more than look for a while.


Warm but false cough two of withdraw hand.

Ah Fang just recovered and walked away with a smile.

The older "old women" in the office certainly don't play Weibo very much.

That day's hot search was removed by Chu Mo Chen in the evening, so most people should not know.

It's just that a Fang, who loves gossip so much, often plays microblog.

If you look at her like that, you know that she must have seen the hot search that day, otherwise she would not have come to see if she had a ring on her hand.

But Wen ran didn't want to look back on it any more.

So, Fang does not ask, she will not idle boring to explain more.

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