After answering the phone, Wen ran didn't have the heart to clean up, so he had to wait until after work.

After work, instead of going home immediately, she went to the shopping mall and visited several sportswear stores.

Finally, in a store, I chose a set of parent-child sportswear for adults and children.

Weiwei is not here. Wenran can only choose the size according to the impression.

The top and skirt are easy to say. It doesn't matter if they are bigger, just shoes

She hesitated for a long time. She couldn't make up her mind between the two sizes. At last, she had to buy them all.

It's just the color she bought is different.

Thinking that if the small one can wear now, the large one will be able to wear even though Wei Wei is bigger.

If you can't wear the small size, you can take it back and change it for another one.

After all, the clothes in this shop are not cheap, so throwing money in like this, Wen Ran is also distressed.


Tuesday morning.

Chu Mo Chen got up earlier than usual.

The man who usually doesn't need ten minutes to change clothes in the cloakroom doesn't know what to do in the cloakroom today. He hasn't come out for more than twenty minutes.

In the end, he came out wearing the same dark suit as usual, but he changed his shirt into light color.

White shirt in Chu Mo dust's impression, as if many years have not been worn.

So that after wearing it, looking at himself in the mirror, he is not used to it.

Just looking at the time, it seems a little late.

Chu Mo dust out of the bedroom, to Weiwei room to wake her up.

"It's time to get up."

As usual, he sat by the bed, patting her little fart and yelling at her.

Chu Ai Wei frowned and moved her little fart. She went to one side of her big white arms and said without opening her eyes: "today's school holiday, there's no need to go to class."

Well, this is the so-called blind talk!

"Today is Tuesday."

Chu Mo Chen reminds me.

"Today's school sports meeting, the teacher said that children weighing less than 50 Jin do not need to participate in, in order to avoid hypoglycemia fainting."

“……” Chu Mo Chen is speechless.

Hypoglycemia, faint!

Hypoglycemia all know? Who taught it? Where did you learn that?

In fact, no one taught.

It's just that there was a girl in Chu Aiwei's class who was in PE class and suddenly fainted. Then the teacher rushed her to the infirmary. At that time, Chu Aiwei also went with her. She secretly heard the doctor say: "there's hypoglycemia, you can't do strenuous exercise, otherwise it's easy to faint."

Actually, Weiwei doesn't know what hypoglycemia is.

But she subconsciously remembered that running with low blood sugar would faint!

Finally, a girl's bedroom on the second floor heard the cry of "Whoa, whoa.".

Ten minutes later, Chu Ai Wei sat at the dining table with her sleepy eyes rubbed in her children's shoes.

Because she didn't sleep well, her beautiful double eyelids became a pair and a single. Fortunately, when she just washed her face and brushed her teeth, she did it with her eyes half closed and didn't find it.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll kill her today, and she won't go out!

"Chenchen, why are you so free today?"

This is not scientific!

Her house is busy from Monday to Friday, OK!

When did you become so idle that you had to send her to school in person today instead of last Friday?

Before a semester can send her to school is more. Now is it going to be once a week?

Or because the last time that troublesome class teacher complained about her, his family dust in mind?

Having finished breakfast, Chu Mo Chen, who looked at his watch for the third time, swept away with a cold eye.

"Don't talk at dinner. You'll be late again if you linger."

Chu Ai Wei lowered her head, gnawed at the shell of boiled eggs, almost choked.

Fierce what fierce, not you late!

I just went to school. I'm more active than her!

At 8:58 in the morning, Chu Mo Chen and Wei Wei arrive at the school gate.

If we have class at 8:30, we will be late.

But there is no class today. There is a parent-child sports meeting.

It's nine o'clock. They're really pinching.

Wen ran arrived before half past eight.

Against the sun has been sitting in front of the school flower bed waiting.

It's almost nine o'clock. Wen Ran has just seen many children holding their parents to the playground.

But now I haven't seen Chu Aiwei. She's even ready to call Chu Mochen.

But thinking of the unpleasant experience of the last call, she finally backed out.

Just two minutes to nine, Wen ran saw Chu Mo dust's black Bentley car appear at the school gate.Eyebrows just slightly wrinkled, saw a pair of black men's shoes from the car down.

The breath stopped suddenly.

The next moment, the slender figure of the man appeared in the line of sight.

Separated from not far distance, Chu Mo Chen saw sitting there in the sun, his forehead was warm with sweat.

Wen Ran's eyes have no place to dodge with him.

Obviously he saw her.

And not only Chu Mo Chen saw her, Wei Wei also saw her.

Chu Aiwei was a little confused when she saw Wen ranben, but when she saw her sportswear today, she didn't have to think that this woman was coming to the parent-child sports meeting.


She said how could Chenchen urge her to come to school so actively!

It was premeditated!


"What are you doing here?"

Chu Ai Wei goes to Wen ran and asks her with a small face.

Only when she approached, did she see that in the bag that Wen ran was carrying was a sportswear of the same style as her.

Wen Ran's suit is pink and white. She looks very young and energetic. Weiwei likes it at the first sight, but in order to keep her stand, she has to keep a small face now!

"I Let me see you. "

Wei Wei's cold attitude still hurt Wen Ran's heart.

Especially Chu Mo Chen that man's approach, with a share of oppression, is to let her not know how to speak.

She didn't expect that this man would come to Weiwei's parent-child sports meeting.

But look at his usual dress, maybe he just sent Weiwei to school.

"I have something to look at. You haven't seen it."

“……” Wen ran was choked speechless.

The aggressive Wei Wei is not cute at all!

But didn't she have expected that?

Even if you expect it, you will still lose when you face it.

Wen ran looked down at her and said in a soft voice, "I'm leaving Nancheng in a few days, so I came to see you today. I heard that you had a sports meeting today, so I bought you clothes and shoes. Do you like them? Er If you don't like it, it doesn't matter... "

When it comes to the end, Wen Ran is particularly depressed.

In fact, in my heart, she still hopes she likes it!

Wen ran shoves the clothes into Wei Wei's hands, and then turns around to go.

"Where are you going?"

Wei Wei looked at her to leave, not angry called her.

"You don't want me to follow Chenchen to the men's dressing room to change clothes, do you?"


Wen ran was stunned. This means

Ask her to change her clothes?

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