"You see what you're wearing today, I'd better go to the second part. When other parents arrive Don't worry, I'll try my best to help Wei Wei win the first prize! "

Chu Mo Chen looked at the woman who came to him, deep eyes even in the sun with a cold breath.

This is the first thing she said to him after she saw him today.

It is obvious that after Wen Ran's words, Chu Mo Chen's face is not very good, and his facial features are gloomy immediately.

Just then the whistle blew.

Chu Mo Chen took off his suit quickly with a cold face.

In the blink of an eye, the man came to Wen ran, his feet suddenly lightened, and his body was held up by his waist.

He was so quick that he didn't respond at all.

When she reacts, the whole person is already in his arms.

"Chu Mo Chen, what are you doing? You let me go --"

Wen ran pushed his hard chest and struggled to get down.

This hateful man, without asking her, picked her up on his own.

It is said that "father" holds "mother" according to other people's rules, but she is not really "mother"!

However, before long, Wen ran was thrown into the air, leaped over the bar, and then fell heavily -


She farted a pain, fell on the sponge cushion, the head also fell dizzy.


What a jerk!

Wen ran covered his dizzy head and raised his head. The man had come to her.

Chu Mo Chen stood in front of her, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up at will, revealing a strong arm. Although his whole body had already sent out a serious air, it might be the white shirt that made him look fresh.

"Come up."

He spoke in a low voice with an irresistible command.

That tone is to "wife" should have!

It's like taking her as a subordinate!

Wen ran sat opposite him, unwilling to get up.

About five seconds passed.

Chu Mo Chen said: "there are already three parents in front of me. Weiwei is a strong child..."

Chu Mo Chen didn't go on with the following words.

But Wen ran understood what he meant.

Since he and her "fake mother" came to participate, if she didn't get a good place, Weiwei would be lost.

In fact, for the game, Chu Avril will not care about it.

Looking at there from a distance, he shook his head helplessly.

However, the elder sister's appearance, how can all fight against the crafty dust!

Weiwei doesn't have to guess. She knows it with her eyes closed. Within ten seconds, however, her sister will climb on the dust's back.

10、 Nine, eight, seven

Ah, ten seconds is really overestimated, and hesitated for four seconds, which is worse than what she imagined!

Chu Aiwei shook her head and sighed again.

Just like this, how can you escape the palm of the hand of the dust

Other children are nervously looking at the parents who are running quickly behind them. Only Weiwei squats there and looks up at the sky.

It's better to know your father than your daughter!

Ears are full of loud cheers and shouts.

Chu Aiwei turned her head to look at the other side of the runway.

Wen ran lies on Chu Mo Chen's back.

The top of the head of the sun is very bright, dazzling, shining on the body will make people feel hot, forehead are overflowing with sweat.

His back is wide and solid, and his white shirt is pressed in front of Wen ran Xiang, which has a very unique masculinity.

And the taste is surprisingly familiar.

For realizing that he was already familiar with his taste, Wen ran was flustered for a few seconds.

Even the body lying on his body unconsciously twisted.


Chu Mo Chen didn't run, but after all, she was still in the race. She was very fast and thought she was upset.

“……” She couldn't answer the question.

No discomfort.

His back is strong and broad, and lying on it even gives people the illusion of security.

Just that kind of feeling is very strong, so strong that Wen Ran is hard to ignore, can only palm is sweat holding the corner of his shirt shoulder.

This is Wen Ran's first time to see Chu Mo Chen wearing a light colored shirt, or white.

At first glance, it will make people not used to it.

But a few more eyes, there will be a kind of unspeakable charm.

200 meters is not long. It will be here soon.

When Wen Ran's feet touched the ground, his legs softened.

Chu Mo Chen let go of her and turned back to support her arm.Her slightly messy breath sprayed on his mouth.

"Go ahead." Chumo released her and stepped back a little.

Just all the way back to her, not only can feel her soft body in the back of some uneasy slightly twisted, more unbearable is her warm breath sprayed on his neck, disturbing people is itchy.

Wen ran moved some numb legs and looked at Wei Wei squatting on the ground.

I don't know if she will let her hold her?

Just when Wen ran hesitated and didn't dare to come forward to hold the little guy.

Chu Ai Wei stood up from the ground and glared at her.

"What are you dawdling about there? Don't you see that we are all far behind?"


Wen ran listened, immediately strode forward, a hold Weiwei, force to raise the arm, her small body to throw over the bar.

Weiwei's body is not very heavy, but her strength is not small.

So the little body soon fell in a parabolic shape, and the little head fell down on the sponge cushion.

Although not very painful, but the head down let Chu Ai Wei shoes is very uncomfortable.

This stupid woman, can you stop being so careless? She threw her here before she was ready!

Not to mention that the posture is ugly and the hairstyle is disordered, this fall may affect the intelligence!

"Vivi, come on up."

Just when Weiwei felt the seeds of Venus' head and was full of discussions, the stupid woman didn't realize it. She squatted in front of her quickly and urged her to climb on her back.

Chu Ai Wei is very helpless and sighs heavily in the heart: how can Chen Chen and Xuan Xuan fall in love with such a stupid woman!

After that, their family's overall IQ will not be lowered!

However, the next Wen Ran is to let Chu Ai Wei children's shoes, almost not crazy on the spot.

Who knows, as soon as her little body climbed on wenran's back, before she grasped her neck, the woman ran forward like the wind

It's so fast that she almost bumped out the eggs and milk she had for breakfast!

Two hundred meters, less than a minute, Wen ran ran away with Wei Wei on his back.

I don't know how many "mothers and daughters" I have surpassed along the way, but I never know which place I was promoted to the third place!

The moment Chu Ai Wei landed, the whole person was not good.

Not only dizziness, but also vomiting!

But Wen ran quickly took the red rope to tie her feet.

Mamma -

this woman didn't mean to abuse her!

It's magic!

Chu Ai Wei runs to hide behind Chu Mo Chen.

Wen ran just wanted to race quickly, but he didn't notice Chu Ai Wei's face at the bottom of the pot.

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