But who knows Wen Ran's hand just touched, strange "elder sister" unexpectedly so fell on the ground.

Wen ran was stunned. He thought that he would not fall down on purpose to steal money!

Although Wen ran just came out in a hurry, it was obvious that this one hit her on purpose.

At this time, squatting on the ground, Wen ran looked at the exaggerated facial expression of the strange "sister", a heart plop plop straight jump, thinking that they don't have much money to cheat you!

What's more, she's fashionable and full of famous brand goods. Even a goods are much more expensive than her. Do you want to steal her money?

She, too!

No matter, first help up!

At that time, if you really want her money, she will go to tune the video.

In broad daylight, still at the door of a law firm, it's really a joke to be a law firm!

How can she say that she is also a lawyer, and she can give money to such a low-level trick?

When it gets out, she's not going to be a lawyer.

"Are you all right, miss?" Wen ran stretched out his hand again and lifted up the strange "elder sister" who fell to the ground. At the same time, he asked again with concern.


The person in front of me is just a mouth with red lips, whistling with foot pain.

"Feet I twisted my foot

“……” Warm but speechless.

If this is false, then the person in front of us is definitely an acting school!

Wen ran, who plays realistically, wants to pay for it immediately.

However, she has no money in her pocket.

"Oh, who is Miss? You are the lady! Don't you see that I'm much older than you? Oh, how come little girls are so impatient now that they don't watch when they walk... "

Warm but want to cry without tears.

Ma'am, they are walking in a straight line, straight line!

It's you, like a rabbit, rushing out from one side and bumping up. How can you tell people to watch!

Also, you are looking at a little bit bigger, but if you call your aunt, I'm afraid it will be even worse!

Wen ran thought, too wronged.

It's not clear if it's reasonable!

But looking at the look of crying on her face, I don't know if I really hit her.

Ah, Wen ran sighed helplessly at the bottom of his heart, "elder sister, otherwise I'll take you to the hospital!"

If the medical expenses are not too much, she will admit it. She doesn't want to leave and cause any trouble.

If the cost of medicine is too expensive, she can only discuss it and see if half of one person is OK!

"No, little girl, will you take me to the coffee shop opposite? I have an appointment with my son. Now I'm afraid it's..."

The plot is far beyond Wen Ran's expectation.

Wen ran, who was ready to cut the meat, immediately nodded and said, "OK, OK, I'll send you there right away. Which cafe?"

"Just It's the one opposite... "

Wen ran raised his eyes to see the opposite "love coffee".

"Is it love coffee?"

"Yes, yes - it's love coffee."

Luo Yi, who was held by Wen ran, pinched the sweat, quickly took it and pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

She really doesn't know what cafe is around here.

It almost showed up!

Wen ran helped the lame Roy into the coffee shop and found her a sunny place by the window.

"Elder sister, if there is nothing..."

"Wench, can you stop shouting so rustic? It's better to shout Auntie than elder sister!"


Wen ran thought, there are really people who don't mind others calling "Auntie". OK.


"Ah, that's right. Come and sit down..."

Roy laughed as soon as he heard it.

Wen Ran has no idea about the situation.

I don't know what this aunt is doing.

Do you want her to sit down and talk to her about medical expenses?

"Auntie, if you have nothing to do, I'll go first. I've made an appointment. I'm afraid I'll be late for a while."

Wen ran sat down and said politely.

She's really going to be late.

"You see you hit me. I don't ask you for medical expenses. It's always right to treat me to breakfast."

Roy was not happy to hear that wenran was leaving.

Took off the sunglasses, deliberately cold face, posture quite high toward the temperature ran to see.

"You ran into me yourself..."

"Now the little girl can more and more sophistry ah, hit a person also a pair of righteous look!" Luo Yi interrupts Wen Ran's words, raises the voice to scold a way.

The dignified look was quite different from the one just smiling at her. Wen ran was so frightened that he immediately kept silent and did not dare to make any more noise.You know, Roy was also a princess who came out of the castle and had a good temper.

Wen ran looks at Roy opposite.

The bag in hand is Prada's, the scarlet scarlet scarf around the neck is Chanel's, and the skirt and coat on the body are Louis Vuitton's latest style. She has a skirt called shanninger. Unexpectedly, the aunt's eyes are surprisingly consistent with those of Shanda, who is in the forefront of fashion!

Now the aunt is sitting upright, and the momentum makes Wen ran feel that she has the illusion of being a leader!

Forget it, forget it

Wen ran decided to admit it!

Pick up the menu on the table, respectfully toward the sitting of Roy in the past, "aunt, you see, what do you want to eat?"

Roy squinted at the menu and said, "that's more or less the same."

Said, open the menu, slowly turn up.

On the half face blocked by the menu, on the corner of the mouth painted with Dior's latest lipstick, there was a slight smile.

This girl is very bluffing!

It's much better than the ghost in her family.

After a morning tea, it cost wenran nearly 500 yuan, which is a little too expensive!

But Wen ran repeatedly looked at the menu three times, and there were so many. The cashier didn't give her too much. It was because the aunt was too dark and expensive

I want to cry!

She can't eat so much money for breakfast for many weeks!

Wen ran suspected that the aunt had deliberately made such a famous brand to cheat others and let them pay for her!

Maybe when it's time to have lunch, I will bump into another person and ask that person to invite her to lunch!

Wen Ran is holding the consumption list tightly in her hand. What she thinks in her mind is whether she wants to call the police or not.


Wen ran tangled in his heart for a few seconds, then stood up with a smile, "aunt, you eat slowly first, I'll go to the bathroom."

Luo Yi, who was still eating dessert, said without raising his head: "go ahead, go ahead..."

Obviously, just now Wen Ran's "cleverness" has made the shrewd woman relax her vigilance.

Now what Roy thought was, I knew not to order so much for a good meal.

Although she has been married to Chu family for so many years, she is still used to eating western food.

Just think of her family that hateful smelly boy, Roy ruthlessly decided to kill this girl.

As the saying goes: husband debt, wife pay!

Ten minutes later, suddenly two policemen broke into the cafe and came to Roy.

Roy raised his head in a daze, looked at the man in doubt, and was carried away before he could open his mouth.

"Hey, what are you doing --"

"you see, her legs are all right!"

Standing in a corner of the hall, Wen ran, holding the monitoring data at the door of the office, finished his confession with the police, and then he saw that Roy was taken away. The sharp strength on her legs was just like that when she helped her in!

Wen ran knows that this woman is a liar!

To steal her money on purpose!

As a lawyer who knows and understands the law, how can such a liar be allowed to go on cheating!

We have to call the police!

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