Wen ran turned and went out of the washroom.

The garland was buttoning his shirt in front of the mirror.

"Why do you move my things?"

Nothing else. She can't bear to use the towel. After all, he can't help wiping himself, but the toothbrush

Who can bear it!

Chu Mo Chen buttoned his shirt two times. He turned his head and looked at her. Wen Ran's swollen cheek was red with anger.

"There's no way. I can't go to a meeting with people with my mouth full."

A magnificent crown!

Lin Zhi can do everything, even the pants are sent to him, can't conveniently buy a toothbrush to send?

Warm and angry.

But when I met him, I had nothing to do.

From the beginning, it seemed that no matter what happened, he could eat himself, and she had no way to him.

"Remember to take the clothes from the washroom."

Then she turned and went into the washroom again.

Hand holding his toothbrush, brush or not brush, tangled for half a minute, did not tangle out a result.


"Give me a bowl of noodles."

When Wen ran went out again, Chu Mo Chen was sitting at the dining table, looking at his mobile phone without raising his head. He opened his mouth to arouse people, just like an old man.

He was so angry that he almost didn't mention it.

After a long time, Chu Mo found that she was standing there, a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him.

"I'll show you the noodles first. I can't run."

Chu Mo Chen smiles.

Wenran gas straight teeth turned to the kitchen.

Less narcissism! Who cares about you!

Finish eating and leave!

In less than ten minutes, Wen ran finished the noodles.

Chu Mo Chen sat there eating slowly, and he didn't finish until nearly nine o'clock.

Wen Ran is cleaning up in the kitchen.

Chu Mo Chen stood at the door and looked at her for a while, then said, "I'm leaving."


She also just faintly answered.

Standing at the edge of the pool, the hand did not stop and did not turn back.

I don't know how long later, there was a "bang" sound of closing the door.

Little sound, but it is particularly clear to the ear.

Wen Ran's hand stopped washing the dishes.

There was only the sound of running water

There were not many dishes to wash, but she lingered in the kitchen for a long time.

When everything was finally cleared up, she wiped her hands before she was ready to turn around and go out. Then she heard the sound of opening the door again.

With a frown, she went out in an instant.

Why is he back?

As soon as I turned around, I stopped without taking two steps.

Looking at the person standing at the door, Wen ran was stunned.

Chu, Chu Jinxuan!

Wen ran glared at the man standing at the door with an unbelievable look on his face.

How did he Why do you have the key to her house?

Suddenly, Wen ran was completely blindfolded.

Chu Mo Chen has the key to her home. Now even Chu Jin Xuan has it?

The two brothers are still What a virtue!

Do you like to steal other people's keys?

It suddenly occurred to Wen ran how long Chu Mo Chen had been gone

They're not going to meet down there, are they?

Two people looked at each other for a few seconds, Wen ran suddenly felt guilty and wiped his wet hand on the apron cloth, "you sit for a while, I'll clean it up right away."

Then she turned again and went into the kitchen.

Actually, she's almost finished.

Eyes unexpectedly see a few boiled eggs on the table.

It was the man who specially urged her to cook. Before leaving, he told her several words in the restaurant, saying, "remember to apply it again later."

That wordy appearance is not at all like the usual few words of him.

Even can let Wen ran have a kind of illusion, he this is to regard her as Wei Wei?

It's like she's a child who hasn't grown up.

In fact, in Chu Mo Chen's eyes, Wen Ran is not a child.

Most of the time, she is not as sensible as Wei Wei.

Chu Mo Chen never worried about what happened to his daughter.

It's good that the girl doesn't dump others. Can she be slapped by others?

That's her. It's so upsetting!

Wen ran reached out and touched the egg. It was still warm.

But after thinking about it, he turned and walked out of the kitchen.

Can't let Chu Jinxuan wait so long outside alone.

Some things should come, so you can't escape what you should face.Wen ran out, Chu Jinxuan thin figure is standing in front of the window, looking out.

I don't know what he's looking at.

In Wen Ran's impression, most of the time he is in such a state. He likes to stand in front of the window and look at the outside. He doesn't know what to think or where to look.

Wen ran stood quietly behind him, looking at his back, I don't know whether to break the silence of this moment.

I don't know how long it took.

Chu Jinxuan finally broke the atmosphere of Ning Jing, turned his back to her and asked, "when will you leave?"

Wen ran was stunned.

He didn't expect to ask her when to leave.

It means that although he didn't look for her these days, he already knew that she was going to leave here.


She replied truthfully.

After the voice fell to the ground, there was a long silence.

Such atmosphere and state make people feel very depressed.

Although Chu Jinxuan turned her back on her, she couldn't even see his expression and eyes.

"If I keep you, can I stay?"

Has been back to her Chu Jinxuan suddenly turned around, a pair of cold eyes such as water tightly staring at Wen ran, don't let go of any expression on her face.

Wen Ran's eyelashes trembled slightly, and his eyes on the back with some evasion.

It's very puzzling. After hearing Chu Jinxuan's words, Wen Ran's mind suddenly flashed the words of Chu Mochen in her ear last night.

The man held her so tightly

The voice is particularly gentle in her ear opening a way: "stay in South City good?"

At that moment, her heart was soft.

Soft but still firm, she wants to leave Nancheng.

But now, in the face of Chu Jinxuan's request, Wen Ran's heart hurts.

With his sad eyes, she didn't have the courage to refuse.

His cold, accusing eyes seemed to accuse her of leaving him.

"Wenran, are you leaving because of him or me?"

Chu Jinxuan said, walking toward her.

Wen ran stood there, until Chu Jinxuan came near, his cold breath was more and more strong, she had the impulse to escape.

But she just stepped back, the shoulder was caught by him.

The strength is not very big, but the aura is strong, just like that man, which stops Wen Ran's step in a moment.

"Jin Xuan, I've made up my mind."

Finally, Wen ran responded.

Although the voice is not big, but it is very clear echo in the air, with a bit helpless.

Almost at the moment when Wen ran opened his mouth, Chu Jinxuan's eyes darkened.

He should have known that from the moment he got the news that she was leaving, he knew he couldn't keep her.

But he still wants to try!

The bright eyes, the moment when he kisses her in the playground, always linger in his mind.

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