"Chu Mo Chen, I'm going to eat!"

Wen ran saw that he really began to untie his suit coat and cried out.

The action on the man hand is ceaseless, still board a face, "just say not hungry?"

“……” Wen ran wants to cry without tears!

How can this man be so vengeful!

"I'm hungry now..." She held her mouth and said wrongly.

She's wrong.

"What are you cooking today?"

She grabbed his big hand and shook it. Seeing that his hand didn't press her shoulder so hard, she slowly tried to sit up.

Chu Mo Chen took out his hand and stood up, "come out to eat quickly."

Then he turned and walked out of the room.

He is not so wild as a bird. He just doesn't eat at will. He can't get used to her.

When gentleness meal comes out, Chu Mo Chen and Su Yan sit at the dining table and begin to eat.

There was a bowl of rice for her. Wen ran sat down and began to eat with his head down.

Occasionally, Su Yan would ask her about her office and talk to her about her work.

In fact, they are not the same department, and their work contents are quite different.

Tonight Chu Mo Chen made a plate of chicken wings with coke. It tasted very good. Wen ran chewed four of them by himself.

"Wen ran, I really envy that you have such a close boyfriend. Baidu has been making this chicken wings for you for a long time."

Wen ran gnaws the chicken wing's mouth to stop, the eye blinked looked at the man who sits opposite.

If you want to look up the Encyclopedia of cooking, it must not start from this plate of chicken wings. The meal you cooked yesterday must have been all online. For this point, Wen ran said that he was not moved.

After all, I'm afraid that the young master who didn't even know how to enter the kitchen from childhood, but now he cooked several meals for her.

It's just that when something comes close to you, you can't help but want to escape.

Compared with the eyes that Chu Mo Chen cast at her like this, she can't help but want to avoid.

This meal down, Wen ran and Chu Mo dust are very silent.

Chu Mo Chen was used to silence, but Wen ran was not so quiet.

Su Yan is the only one who is more active at the table.

But she is not the kind of girl who is very noisy. It can be seen that she has been in the workplace for a long time, and her speech is very measured.

After dinner, wenran wants to wash the dishes. She is stopped by Su Yan. "Just accompany your boyfriend. I'll do it."

A boyfriend?

Chu Mo Chen didn't deny it, and Wen ran didn't explain it.

After all, it's a common boyfriend and girlfriend, and others won't believe it.


In the evening, Wen ran opens the closet to take a bath in his pajamas. At first glance, most of the place in the closet is occupied by his clothes.

The man has no money, but he knows how to bring more clothes.

I heard Ning'er say that his clothes are very expensive. If there is no money, I will sell them. They are worth a lot of money.

Wen ran thought wildly and turned out his pajamas.

Her luggage was later sent by Han Xuan.

Since the man gave it back to her, she didn't have to. After all, it was her clothes. It would cost a lot of money to buy them again.

"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." When Wen ran walks out with his pajamas in his arms, he goes to the door and suddenly turns around and says something to the man sitting by the bed.

Chu Mo Chen did not look up, eyes still looking at the hands of the iPad, "want to sleep on the sofa? Try to squeeze or not tonight. "

“……” What does that mean?

Does this man want to

Wen ran was almost driven mad by him.

No way, this man is too overbearing, too strong, Wen ran finally can only as last night, with him crowded in this small bed.

Want to know to have today this circumstance, Wen ran says what also not greedy cheap buy so small bed!

The next day, I got up and went to work.

It's not what Chu Mo Chen did to her, it's just that the bed is too small and she will inevitably press on him.

However, after sleeping in such a crowded way for several days, Wen ran gradually got used to it.


On Friday afternoon, Wen Ran's divorce client contacted her.

The location is in a very high-end decorated coffee shop.

When Wen ran came, the man had already arrived.

Seeing her coming, the man quickly stood up and said, "Miss Wen, hello."

"Hello, I'm Wen ran." With that, she handed her business card.

After they sat down, Wen ran ordered a cup of coffee.

What the man said was similar to what he gave her.

His name is Tang Xing. He is a graduate student with excellent grades in the Finance Department of University B. during his postgraduate study, he met his wife Zhao Hui.

Zhao Hui's family is rich. His father started a small company. After Tang Xing graduated, they got married and went to Zhao Hui's father's company.With his keen business vision, Tang Xing made Zhao Hui's father's company grow bigger and bigger from a small one. Zhao Hui's father had no son, just a daughter like her, so he was quite satisfied with her son-in-law. Later, Zhao Hui became pregnant and resigned to work as a full-time wife.

Tang Xing is basically in charge of the company. As the business grows, there are more and more social activities.

So his time to go home is either less and less, or he will come back very late, which caused Zhao Hui's strong dissatisfaction.

They argued about this many times. Later, when Zhao Hui saw him talking and laughing with a woman at the door of the hotel, she got out of the car and slapped the woman on the spot. The woman was brought by Tang Xing's business partner. After Zhao Hui made such a fuss, the business not only failed, but also offended the boss.

After going back, Tang Xing had a big fight with Zhao Hui. Later, Zhao Hui began to suspect that he had a woman outside and often followed him. As long as he saw which woman he was close to, he would rush forward like a madman and point at the woman's nose and scold all kinds of ugly words.

In Tang Xing's words, "she is crazy. He really can't stand it. He is suspicious all day."

When they socialize outside, it is inevitable that there will be women around them. Even if you don't bring them, other bosses will bring them. As long as they have the bottom of their heart and master the degree well, they will remain loyal to their marriage and bear their own responsibilities to their families.

But now no matter what Tang Xing says. Zhao Wen just doesn't believe it and insists that he has a woman outside. In the end, the man can't bear to divorce.


"When you're out socializing, do you have any relationship with other women?"

After listening to Tang Xing's personal monologue, Wen ran asked directly.

Maybe as a woman, Wen ran should think more from the standpoint of women.

"Yes." Tang Xing bowed his head and answered truthfully, "once I drank too much, and then..."

"Drunkenness is not the reason."

Wen ran interrupted him.

She knew what he was going to say, which meant that she didn't mean it and she didn't know it. But if it happened, it was a betrayal to her wife, whether she was drunk or not.

"It was just an accident. At that time, I never thought of divorcing her, and there was no such thing as supporting Xiao San as she said. Later, I couldn't stand her making trouble for nothing. When I got home, I was noisy and often followed me. I was suspicious. Even many of my company colleagues were abused and beaten by her..."

Wen ran frowned.

Tang Xing lowered his head and lit his cigarette.

Neither of them noticed that behind Wen ran was a woman approaching her

All of a sudden, Wen Ran's scalp ached, his hair was pulled by a force, and his whole body fell back

"You are a cheap woman who can only seduce men! I'll kill you

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