Wen ran was scared back.

The man sitting on one side chuckled, "scared?"

“……” Wen ran doesn't make a sound, just ring Xiang back, a pair of wet eyelashes quiver.

"I won't eat you."

The corner of the man's mouth is still smiling, and his deep voice is a little hoarse.

Wen ran turned his lips and didn't care.

He ate her and Less

Suddenly, the water in the pool swings, and Chu Mo Chen raises his feet into the bathtub.

Before Wen ran could scream, he fished him into his arms

"Why is it so bad? I've seen it all, and I'm still hiding so far away."

“……” Speechless.

If you don't stay away, why don't you let her send it to him!

Good idea!

And Wen ran hasn't finished the discussion, so the man held her body and kissed her.


A stuffy hum pressed in the throat, Wen Ran's mouth was blocked.

To tell you the truth, Wen Ran is a stranger to this man's kiss, even familiar with it.

They live with her these days. At first, she worried that he would force her to live with him

Later, although he sleeps a little uneasy every night, he is still a gentleman. He doesn't take advantage of her sleeping, so Wen ran gradually calms down.

But he likes to kiss her.

Several times she thought she was asleep and secretly kissed her. She knew it.

But think if kiss, is also acceptable, as long as it is not too much, she will turn a blind eye. Don't worry about him.

Chu Mo Chen this kiss extra long, Wen ran some breathless, but in the water, the body can't hide down, can only tightly embrace his neck, let oneself don't slip into the water.

Wen Ran is naked, even if just a little disorderly ~ move, especially can lift the side body around her someone.

At this time, she obviously felt that the man's big hand began to become restless.

"Chu Chu Mo Chen... " Wen ran gasped for breath and called him with great difficulty.

Not long ago, the man left her lips and let her breathe freely, but she didn't breathe for a few seconds and felt itchy and numb on her neck

After he left her lips, he almost moved to her white neck.

"Chu Mo Chen You You don't want to be here... "

Wen Ran's unsteady words are full of grievances.

This man is really anytime and anywhere can be strong to put her in the arms of a ravaged ~ ravaged.

On the car, on the boat Now in the bathtub!

The man who is buried in his neck stops and looks up at the little woman with red face. His eyes are full of Qing Su with an ordinary and rare tenderness.

Rare today so good, kiss her so long, this wench also didn't mess ~ move ~ kick.

"It's uncomfortable here, isn't it? Then let's go to bed. "

Chu Mo Chen gently opened his mouth and took her body to sit up. With such a big movement, there was a big splash in the bathtub.

Wenran's brain is sometimes sober and sometimes chaotic.

Does he mean she can't get away tonight anyway?!

Chu Mo Chen starts to hold her and stands up, but Wen ran suddenly embraces his waist, "Chu Mo Chen..."

She called him and looked him in the eye seriously. "What you told me before about resigning and having no money is fake, right?"

Chu Mo Chen is tiny Zheng, didn't expect this time she will suddenly mention this matter.

But look at this girl's expression is a very serious appearance, Chu Mo dust helpless, had to endure again good voice with her mouth way.

"It's true to resign. It's true to have no money. Didn't you go through my suitcase secretly?"

"I..." Wenran pass is silent.

I didn't expect that when I took advantage of his bath, I secretly searched his box. This man even knew!

"But if you have a place to live and such a big house, how can you not have money?"

She was unconvinced and yelled back.

Have such a big house, say oneself have no money, who believe!

The man's eyes immediately sank down, looking at her eyes deep pan cold.

Wen ran was a little chilly by his gaze.

What she said is the truth!

Wen Rangang lowered his head and talked about it in his heart. Chu Mo Chen's cold voice sounded on his head.

"Wenran, are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid, or do you have no heart at all?"

Wen ran immediately raised his head and looked at his dark eyes, saying

"I have a big house, but no matter how big it is, it doesn't..."

He omitted the following words, but Wen ran was inexplicable in his heart, and he was deeply moved.

Without her?So, is he willing to squeeze that shabby little house with her?

"Chu Mo Chen, is that a confession?" She asked him.

Does it count?

But there was not even a "I like you" in that sentence. Did he "like" her?

Or, just because

Just when Wen Ran's mind was full of wishful thinking, the man with a black face beside him suddenly got up.

Wen ran subconsciously hugged him, "where are you going?"

Chu Mo dust just cold eye swept her one eye, lifted step out of bathtub.

He's going to be pissed off by this stupid woman!

I've seen stupid, but I haven't seen stupid like her!

Chu Mo Chen strode to the bar, opened the wine cabinet, took a bottle of wine that Wen ran had never seen, poured a cup for himself, looked up and took a mouthful.

Wen ran was put in the bathtub after he carried him in. Before he could look around, his eyes were narrowed by the spray water. Now when he looked carefully, he found that Chu Mo Chen's bathroom was really big.

Actually, there are wine cabinets and bars. Do you want to have a drink after taking a bath?

Ah, the world of rich people is really beyond the understanding of ordinary people like her.

Wen ran was lying on the edge of the bathtub, looking at the man who was drinking wine. He had drunk three cups in silence. She could not help but said: "it's easy for you to get drunk like this."

The man just cold swept her one eye, looked up, is a cup into the stomach.

“……” Wen ran stares helplessly. How can this man not listen to me? She really wants to rush over and grab his glass, but now she has no clothes on her, and it's not good to rush out of the bathtub

"Hey, Chu Mo Chen, can you give me a bath towel? I remember."

Wen ran curled his mouth toward his coquettish opening way.

But the man didn't look at her at all. He threw a sentence at her coldly: "hang it on the shelf, take it by yourself."

Wen ran looked up and looked at the man sitting there like an ice sculpture, biting his lips wrongly.

It's too much!

Just now she was so gentle to her, but now she said she would change her face, which is faster than the weather!

Wen ran hesitated in the bathtub for a long time, then turned over from the bathtub with her white and tender legs. Then, with her hands around the mouth of Xiang, she took a small step and took a bath towel to the shelf.

After wrapping herself up, she went to the man barefoot and took the glass in his hand. "Don't drink. Drinking on an empty stomach will hurt your stomach."

"Who are you to me?" Chu Mo Chen's mouth showed a smile of sarcasm.

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