The man stretched out his hand to hold Wen Ran's unsteady body and said in a reproachful tone: "how did you get out of bed?"

"Weiwei didn't cry, did she?" Wen ran some don't trust of open mouth ask a way.

"I'm asleep." Said, Chu Mo dust picked up her into the bathroom, put her on one side of the seat to sit.

I tried the water temperature and found that it was a little cold, so I added some hot water.

"I'll do it myself later."

Wen ran looked at him putting the water, came towards her, and said nervously.

Chu Mo Chen, who came to her side, was stunned. From entering the room, he had a taut face. Finally, he had some smile. "Did I say I want to wash with you?"

“……” Wen Ran's face flushed.

No one is better at teasing than this man.

"Be careful yourself. Don't fall down. If you have something to tell me, don't wash it too long. Your hands and feet will wrinkle after soaking for a long time."

Chu Mo Chen turns around and goes out, but he is obviously concerned, but Wen ran hears that he seems to be urging her to wash quickly, and then go out

Wen ran thinks that her brain is really flooded by Chu Mo Chen. She can't help thinking in that way

About ten minutes later, it was finished.

After a bath, she felt much better.

Chu Mo Chen forgot to take her pajamas, but Wen ran could only go out around the bath towel and take her pajamas again.

Just as I just went out, I saw the man lying beside the bed wearing only inner trousers.


Does this man want to be so unrestrained!

See Wen ran come out, Chu Mo dust turns Mou to smile toward her: "darling, come over."

Walking to the front of the wardrobe, Wen ran, who covers the mouth of Xiang in one hand, turns to look at the man beside him. He hesitates and stays there for a long time.

Chu Mo Chen didn't open his mouth to urge her, so he looked at her deeply.

Wen ran pinched the towel tightly, swallowed his saliva, and then said: "I I haven't changed my clothes yet... "

With that, just ready to quickly find a pajama to come out, but do not want to lie in bed that person suddenly laughed, the corner of the mouth with a very beautiful arc.

"If you don't feel like being taken off immediately after you put it on, you can find a suit to put it on."

“……” This man!

It's the threat of CHIGUO!

Hearing this, Wen ran was completely frozen there.

Do she want to look for pajamas now!

She doesn't feel comfortable without it


The stiff body was suddenly picked up from behind.

Wen ran screamed in fright. The next moment, he was laid flat on the soft bed.

"Disobedient bad girl, who was in the car before and kept saying that when she got home..."

“…… But you lied to me, too

Wen ran looked at the man who cheated him. His brain turned and he immediately replied.

"What did you lie to?"

"Cheat me, no one will come, and finally be..."

Chu Mo dust this just reaction come over, originally this wench is still for good Ming the appearance of cold and shame annoy.

The boy waited for him. He didn't say good things when he was bad. He also made his family feel embarrassed and made trouble with him all the way.

"No one's bothering me now."

Chu Mo Chen leaned over and first printed a kiss on Wen Ran's forehead.

Just about to move down to her soft red lips, the girl's mouth suddenly moved, "my hair is still wet, I'll blow dry my hair first..."

Wen ran stood up to sit up.

But the man pressed her white shoulder, "lie still, I'll get it for you."

Chu Mo Chen got up to get the hair dryer, and his mouth began to smile. He is a real demon who can grind people!

Take the hair dryer, Wen ran lies there, Chu Mo Chen's fingers gently lift her hair, help her blow her hair.

For the first time, Wen ran enjoyed the "service" of the president. Gradually, under the hot wind above his head, he felt very comfortable physically and mentally.

About ten minutes, under the "wait" of the president, Wen Ran's black hair was completely dry.


Chu Mo Chen sat by the bed and asked.


Wen ran was so comfortable that he was almost asleep.

Chu Mo Chen saw that her hair was dry. She turned off the hair dryer and covered her body again.

"I've made you comfortable. Should I be comfortable now?"

The warm breath of a man sprayed on her earlobe and neck

Wen ran, who had closed his eyes, immediately opened his eyes in surprise.

As soon as you open your eyes, what you see is the beautiful three-dimensional outline of the man.

With a playful smile in his mouth, he looked at Wen ran.Wen ran naturally knows the meaning of his words, and he knows in his heart that it's lucky that the bones will not fall apart tonight.

After all, she also understood that the man was not enjoying himself in the car.

When Chu Mo Chen reached for her bath towel, Wen ran took the initiative to put her hand around his neck, reached to his earlobe and said softly, "I have to work tomorrow, so Can we have less... " (several times)

she couldn't say the last few words, but in the end, she didn't have the chance to say them, and her mouth was blocked

Just slightly prop up the body, immediately by the man to be overwhelmed in the soft big bed.

His body sank down. Wen ran moved his hands down and put his arms around his strong waist

With his kiss, their breath became more and more disordered.

Wen ran can feel the man's eagerness and thirst.

But even though he was so eager, he tried to restrain himself and let himself slow down. Wen ran could feel that he always cared about her feelings and was afraid of hurting her.

Warm and trembling, her heart was soft and stable. She hugged the man on her body. When he bent down to kiss her neck, she kissed him on the shoulder

Chu Mo Chen's body stiffened for a second when he felt the warm and delicate kisses. The next moment, he could not help but began to attack her more eagerly

This is the first time, Wen ran will respond to him so blatantly on this matter, how can Chu Mo Chen stand up to her teasing.

This time, Wen Ran has been very obedient with, not a bit unwilling to move with chaos.

For the first time, she let her body go with him

And her whole-hearted delivery and trust naturally gave Chu Mo Chen great encouragement, and made the man want to love his little woman more wholeheartedly

That night, Wen ran didn't know when he was tossed by him. He only knew that when he woke up and slept several times, the man still touched or kissed her

His mind was confused, as if he had been angry and cried for several times.

She told him to stop. He didn't stop, so she cried.

Then he began to kiss the tears in the corner of her eyes.

Later Later

Wen Ran's body was too tired and his eyelids were too heavy. He fell asleep in his arms.


When Wen ran woke up, he felt that his body was not his own.

Move, pain all over.

After waking up, she squinted on the bed for a long time, and then reflected that she was the only one in the bed.

He reached around and didn't touch his cell phone.

I'm tired and I don't want to get up at all, but wenran subconsciously knows that it's late now, so I should be late.

Finally, he sat up and turned around to see a small head in the door.

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