Wen Ran is worried.

"He wants to go to other women in a vacuum. Do you want such a man? Do you have any brains! If a man wants to find another woman, do you think you can defend him when you're around? "

“……” with reason!

"Chu Mo Chen, if you are such a man, it would be better for you to take this opportunity to leave as soon as possible."

“……” The more you say, the more reasonable it is!

Wen ran thought about it for several days and finally decided on Friday.

Call shanning'er and ask her to help her move.

Otherwise, she was afraid of herself and could not escape the man's clutches.

What's more, it's not a matter for her to live with Chu Mo Chen.

As soon as Shan Ning'er listens, he is duty bound and agrees.

That's why there is such a situation that Chu Mo Chen didn't expect.

I thought this girl would soon have a happy life after her second marriage after her divorce, but who knows

Now I'm afraid I can't even see it. I'm still living a happy life!

"You're not going to move back to that little dorm, are you?"

Has been silent Chu Mo dust, see Wen Ran is about to clean up, can't help but ask.

"Of course not. Do you think I'm willing to let Ranran live in that shabby house again? Han Xuan and Wen Ran's divorce is quite generous. We are rich now, and our value is no worse than that of your Chu. "

Wen ran

Wen ran hasn't opened his mouth yet, so he is preempted by Shan Ning'er.

Hear her take words deliberately raise oneself, ridicule Chu Mo dust, Wen ran just suddenly reaction come over, Chu Mo dust seems to have no money.

Although he has a house and a car, he can't sell it immediately and turn it into cash.

"Do you have any money? You can use that card first. "

Wen ran, who was packing up, heard their conversation and immediately came over, looking at Chu Mo Chen road seriously.

This words a, Chu Mo dust and good coagulate son at the same time all a face black line.

This woman's focus is really, he will not have money?


Don't you know that he won 500000 at cards last week and put it on her card?

"You don't have SMS reminder service on this card?" Chu Mo Chen asked with a cold face.

"Yeah, what's that for? It's a waste of money."

Chu Mo Chen

Money fans!

Shan Ning'er

Pick a girl!

Wen ran picked up things to carry downstairs, Chu Mo dust to see her carry hard, cold calm face a pull her.

With a big box in one hand, he strode downstairs.

Wen ran looks at his cold and silent figure, can't help but feel a little softhearted.

"Put away your hesitating eyes, give Chu Mo Chen to see, you don't want to go!"

Shan Ning'er, standing beside her, whispered to her.

In fact, she didn't want to leave much!

It's just

Ah, it's all at this point. If she doesn't leave, it means that she can't leave him.

If he is really like Ning'er's saying, he doesn't want her after a moment's freshness, isn't she more sad.

In the yard, the luggage was carried to shanning'er's car.

Wen ran looked at the man standing behind him, hesitated for a while, and said, "if Wei Wei comes back, ask me..."

"I'm leaving now. I don't care what Wei Wei does."

What did she think she was going to say? After a long time, she was worried that Wei Wei would come back to see if she was not there.


Don't you know to worry about him?

What a heartless woman!

I wanted to spend the weekend with her

He sent Wei Wei away, but he didn't want to

What a mistake!

If Wei Wei is in, he encourages that wench to make a scene, maybe still can leave her.

Now that he is a big man, he can't make trouble with them!

Finally, we can only watch Wen ran get on shanning'er's big red sports car.

The car flew in front of his eyes and disappeared.

Wen Ran's eyes looked at the rearview mirror until he couldn't see the man's figure, so he took it back.

"How come I can't bear to leave that man?"

Shan Ning'er pushes the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose and purses a playful smile at the corner of her mouth.

Wen ran was silent, and his heart was tacit.

I'm really reluctant.

"Look at your hopelessness." Shan Ning'er chuckles, and the corners of her lips are deeper.


Shan Ning'er drives into a new neighborhood.

"I bought this house for a rainy day. I'm afraid that if my mother drives me out of the house one day, I have to have a place to stay."“……” Wen Ran is speechless, what does this girl think all day long.

"How could your mother be willing to drive you out of the house?"

Wen ran followed her into the elevator, "do you want this room now?"

"If you go to see it, you will know that I was not here a few days ago, so the decoration here is not in charge. But who knows, when you come back to see it, it's not the style I want, what the hell!"


Wenran helpless, because the decoration style is not satisfactory, so do not?

Such a wayward thing can only be done by a rich lady like Shan Ning'er.

"Can you redecorate it, too?"

Wen ran always feels that Shan Ning'er intentionally says this because he has no place to live. He is more or less embarrassed.

"However, you should do me a favor. As you know, it's very troublesome to decorate. Besides, one of the villas I saw before said it was gone. Recently, I suddenly said that the previous buyer didn't want it, so..."

Wen ran sighed in his heart and said nothing.

They soon got to the 35th floor, which was very high.

From the bay window of the master bedroom, you can see the sea.

In addition to the decoration style is really some too small, fresh, partial pink department, the rest are not bad.

However, this style does not suit shanning'er's taste.

"However, don't think you'll take advantage of me. I'll give you a 10% discount on the price. I won't deliberately ask you for less money. Anyway, you are a rich woman now."


"The decoration and furniture are for you..."

"Ning'er, stop!" Wen ran interrupted Shan Ning'er, who couldn't stop talking. Then he solemnly said, "how much is the 10% discount of the original price of this house?"

That's what she cares about, OK!

"4.5 million, the original price is about 5 million, 10% discount is more than 4 million."


Four million!

Where did this young lady come from!

"However, don't think it's expensive. The house is nearly 200 square meters, and it's in a good location. The community is also newly built, and the properties are reliable. The value preservation is definitely better than the one Han Xuan gave you!"

“……” She hasn't got the house yet, so the girl has her eyes on it.

"Because you want to buy that villa, you are short of money."

Although Wen Ran's mind is not so smart, he knows that Shan Ning'er is used to spending money, so he must be a little short of money if he wants a big villa.

For Wen Ran's careful thinking, Shan Ning'er doesn't feel embarrassed.

"As you know, I don't ask my family for money after graduation. Recently, I haven't finished several projects, so..."

Needless to say, I must be short of money!

"I don't know how much the house Han Xuan gave me is worth, and I don't know whether it's enough for you."

Wen ran doesn't worry about anything else. I'm afraid that it won't be enough. Don't be in debt!

"Enough, certainly enough. However, if you sell the house Han Xuan gave you, and then buy my one, you can save at least one million."

"Really? How do you know so well? "

Wen ran was skeptical.

"I asked someone to help you evaluate. Your house is worth at least five million yuan!"

Wen ran

This girl is really OK!

The house hasn't been transferred to her, so she asked someone to evaluate it for her.

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