Wen ran refers to the case, the title alone has a page of A4 paper, but Chu Mo Chen did not say anything, left the contract in hand, turned his eyes to see.

Originally, it took Chu Mo Chen only five or six minutes to complete a case that normally took at least ten minutes to review.

Wen ran knew that he had studied law, but she remembered that time when she borrowed his computer, she saw in his resume that he wrote minor law. Unexpectedly, he mastered a minor major so well!

What Wen ran doesn't know is that an excellent senior manager should not only be able to manage, but also understand economy and law. Therefore, Chu Mo Chen's familiarity with economic law is definitely not inferior to Wen ran's.

After all, Wen Ran is young and has never experienced any major economic disputes.

"What don't you know?" The man raised his eyes slightly and looked at her.

For a moment, Wen ran was absent-minded in his deep black eyes. She didn't see the topic. Just when he saw it, she followed it. As a result, she saw half of it. Before she finished, he

"Don't you understand?"

Chu Mo Chen sees her a long time didn't answer a voice, opening a way again.

Although Wen ran had been with him for so long, even the intimate relationship had happened many times, he was still uncertain about the man's temper and anger.

At this time, Wen ran really did not know whether he was really patient to talk to her, or whether he was angry with her immediately.

Wen ran still did not answer, Chu Mo Chen has picked up a pen, in the title with her mark analysis.

Wen ran looked at his slender fingers holding the exquisite pen, where he went, the analysis was extremely accurate and thorough.

With his hand, Wen ran felt that he was brain damaged. He asked such a simple question. Would this man question her professional ability!

However, the corner of the eye to see standing on the other side, frequently slightly frowning woman, Wen ran mood is a lot better.

Doubt it, as long as he does not go to the company to ask for replacement, she will prove her professional level to him in the future work!

"Do you understand?"

A problem, Chu Mo dust about ten minutes to her again.

When he stopped, he asked her if she understood.

Wen Ran's reaction came later. He finished so soon!

Back to God, again on his eyes, more than a week without such a close look at him, she felt that he seemed thinner, but also more handsome.

Leng for two seconds, then, she nodded, "I understand, thank you Chu total."

"Well." Chu Mo Chen light should voice, she printed a pile of A4 paper back to her, and then continue to look at his previous review of the contract.

Wen ran saw that he was cold and ready to ignore her, so he had to take his own print title and go out.

But before he got out of the door of his office, he heard a graceful female voice behind him.

"It's already ten past twelve. Let's go to dinner first."


Ha ha -

do you want to take a picture like Fan Bingbing and Li Chen! Give it back to us!

With a sneer in his heart, Wen ran pushed open the door of his office and strode out.

Just walked out of his office, Wen ran met the tall man sitting next to her.

"Miss Wen..."

The man said hello to Wen ran and asked her if she wanted to go to dinner.

Wen ran a listen to eat, looked back, Chu Mo dust office door just opened, he and the long skirt beauty one after another came out.

"Of course."

Wen ran deliberately loud happily agreed to the tall man.


I thought you had someone to eat with!

I'm not without it!

Wen ran turned his head and walked to the elevator with a smile, talking and laughing with the tall man.

He didn't notice the man looking at her back. His eyes were cold and shot at her back like a needle.

She felt cold on her back, but she thought that the cold air of the air conditioner in the office was too low, and she just happened to pass through the air outlet of the air conditioner before the cold air burst.

The tall man brought wenran to a self-service western restaurant.

Two talents found a place by the window to sit down, Chu Mo dust and the woman in the suspender long skirt walked in together.

Oh, I didn't expect them to come here for lunch!

Wen ran, who had just sat down, immediately stood up again and said with a smile to the tall man sitting there, "I'll go there and order some food first."

The tall gentleman nodded.

Wen ran went to the dining table over there and turned around. There were too many kinds of food and people were dazzled.

Finally, after a long time, she decided to take the expensive one, otherwise she would not be able to get it back.

So she took a selection of small steak, as well as prawns, salmon, oysters and so on, a series of seafood.

When she returned to the table with two big meals, there were two more people at the table.Wen ran saw Chu Mo Chen and the woman in the long skirt sitting opposite, and the good mood of having a big meal disappeared in an instant.

Should these two be so disgusting!

Follow her after dinner.

After Wen ran sat down, he saw that they all had a good meal, but

Looking at the plate placed in front of the four people on the table, Wen ran immediately felt embarrassed.

Chu Mo Chen has noodles in front of her for one night, and tall man has steak in front of her. Is that woman in long skirt trying to embarrass her.

As a woman, Wen ran had two large plates of all kinds of meat and fish in front of her, but the woman had only some salads on her plate.

It's driving people crazy!

Wen ran lowered his head, secretly turned his mouth, and ate what he could eat!

Although there is a porridge, it is still too little!

Be careful when you go out. It's blown away by the wind.

But Wen ran didn't think that she was much thinner than herself. At most, she was taller!

No matter, it's all here. She can't put it all back!

In this way, Wen ran began to eat bitterly.

During the period, Chu Mo Chen occasionally talked with Gao Ge and the long skirt woman about her work.

Can see, because Chu Mo dust in, high pigeon appears very formal, a look is very afraid of his appearance.

Also, this man in the company is a cold face paralysis, who can not be afraid.

The boss like Chu Mo Chen at the stall is really unlucky. It's enough to have a meal and talk about work!

Wen ran listens to their conversation, this just knows that long skirt woman's name is Yan Rui, is Chu Mo Chen's new assistant.

Ha ha -

Chu Mo Chen has so many outstanding male assistants that he doesn't need to use them. It's obvious that he's greasy when he suddenly takes on such a young and beautiful new assistant.

Sure enough, as Shan Ning'er said, men are greedy cats. They will run wherever there is a fishy smell.

Although Yan Rui didn't say a few words to her, we can see from their conversation that this woman is very dignified and generous in her speech and manner.

Just now, she made such a puzzling farce in Chu Mo Chen's office. Although the woman was puzzled, even dissatisfied, she stood aside and never said a word.

This shows that this person should be very steady in his work and speech.

Let's talk about what she is wearing today. The ankle length dress not only shows her tall figure, but also shows her charming clavicle. Moreover, her long hair does not appear to be exposed because of the dress. On the contrary, it will be covered by her long hair. When her Xiang part and clavicle are looming, it is even more imaginative

"Is this porridge good?"

Yan Rui bowl of porridge is about to bottom, sitting beside her Chu Mo dust suddenly asked in a voice.

Holding the spoon Yan Rui hand meal, elegant smile: "not bad."

"Can I help you with a bowl?" Don't wait for Chu Mo dust to open a mouth again, Yan Rui already asked a way again.

"Well, thank you." Chu Mo Chen nodded.

As soon as the words were spoken,

Yan Rui got up gracefully and went to the dining table. Before she left, she asked, "do you have anyone else who wants anything?"

Wen Ran is gnawing a shrimp with his mouth, and he can't answer her.

Sitting next to her, Gao pigeon watched Yan Rui go to get food. She even stood up and followed her figure. "I'll go with Miss Yan and help Wen ran get one by the way."

Anyone can see the escape of tall people.

Chu Mo Chen, the leader, was a failure. When his subordinates saw him, it was like a mouse meeting a cat.

Looking at their back, Wen ran laughed loudly in his heart.

She and Chu Mo Chen were the only two left on the table for a moment.

Wen ran continued to chew shrimp. After eating one, he ate a few pieces of sashimi. Anyway, it was right.

She knew that Chu Mo Chen was looking at her at this time, and she knew that her food was far worse than the woman sitting opposite her before, but what could she do.

She just can't eat so elegantly, and she can't pretend.

"Don't eat so much raw and cold food. When you go back to the office and blow the air conditioner, you will easily feel sick."

As soon as Chu Mo Chen's words came out, Wen ran, who had just finished peeling a shrimp, stopped

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