Wen ran to the company, Chu Mo Chen that man has arrived before her.

Yes, people who have cars arrive earlier than those who walk to the subway.

When she was waiting for the elevator, the man had already taken his special elevator to go directly upstairs.

When the elevator stopped on the 8th floor, Yan Rui came into the elevator with a bag of breakfast. When she saw Wen ran, she was stunned and nodded politely to her with a smile. "Was everything OK yesterday?"

"No big deal."

Yan Rui asked her injury is just polite, Wen ran naturally also at will with her polite.

But knowing that she was with Chu Mo Chen yesterday, she could still see her smile so generous and polite, which is really enough for Wen ran to admire.

Wen Ran's eyes swept over her.

Today, she is very refreshing. She wears a light green dress on her body, which shows her figure and makes people feel very pure. She is tall. Her skirt only reaches above her knees, and her long slender legs are straight out.

Wen ran thought, with such beautiful legs exposed outside, walking around Chu Mo Chen's office It's really tempting!

Wen ran looked down at himself, black suit pants, not tight pencil pants, wide and loose wrapped in the legs, not the slightest leg lines, even if it's old-fashioned!

Such a contrast, she is more and more angry.

When the elevator reached the top floor, Yan Rui went out first. Wen ran looked at her tall back. Her long legs walked slowly. Her posture was very elegant and beautiful. As soon as she appeared, she became the focus of the office.

Wen Ran has been looking at Yan Rui into Chu Mo dust's office, just listless to his seat, habitually turn on the computer first.

Didn't eat breakfast, hungry began to cry, feet also because of crowded subway station all the way over, sour and painful.

But that man is good. Now he is enjoying breakfast prepared for him by a beautiful woman in the office, and there are free long legs to watch!

While thinking about whether or not to buy something to eat, the tall pigeon sitting next to her brought her a sandwich.

"For me?"

Wen ran was surprised to see the sandwich on his desk.

The high dove nodded. "I made this myself. Try it."

As soon as Wen ran listened to what others had made, he immediately opened it and tasted it. There were eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers and so on.

"It's delicious!"

Hum! This is much better than what porridge that woman bought!

It's a big sandwich. Wenran soon wiped it out. Just as he put the last bite into his mouth, the man Chu Mo Chen came out of the office. Yan Rui followed him and went to the elevator. He didn't know where he was going.

Wen ran looked up for a while, and could not help but curious to lie on the partition and asked the tall man in a low voice, "boss, where are you going?"

"It should be meeting customers." The tall man said he didn't know. He said only the assistant knew the boss's schedule best.

That's not bullshit!

He not only knows the boss's itinerary, but also follows the boss all day and follows him wherever he goes.

It's worse than flies!

Chu Mo Chen was away all morning, and Wen ran didn't have any specific work when she got here, so she began to sneak around Taobao.

I thought she had to buy some decent skirts.

Otherwise, she will be in the same office with that woman every day. She has more advantages than her. She will be with Chu Mo Chen every day when she goes to work

Chu Mo Chen looks at that woman all day, and that woman not only looks beautiful, but also can dress up. In the long run, it's not sure whether Chu Mo Chen will be attracted by that woman!

Who knows when the long white legs will hook up Chu Mo Chen's waist and stay with him in the office

Wen Ran has been secretly shopping on Taobao all morning, but because he doesn't usually go shopping, he hasn't found a dress that he is satisfied with.

Always feel not torn by Chu Mo dust that good-looking, also not Yan Rui wear that good-looking.

Nearly ten o'clock, Chu Mo Chen came back from the outside. Yan Rui, who was with him in high-heeled shoes, only half of his head was short, and he was elegant and generous. He was talking with him with documents in his hand.

From Wen Ran's point of view, they are very close. Even when Chu Mo Chen lowered his head and said something to her, he felt that his ears were touching each other.

Although not so exaggerated, but the two people so close all the way from the office, really looking at quite a hindrance.

Wen ran took a deep breath and scolded the man in his heart.

She had no appetite for lunch. Fortunately, she had a big sandwich in the morning, and she was not hungry.

At about 5:00 p.m., when she was about to leave work, another assistant who seldom appeared in the company called her and asked her to go to Tina Club immediately.Wen ran doesn't know where the place that the assistant said is. She hasn't come back in B city for many years. Many places have changed.

As for the club, she had never heard of it, and the assistant didn't make it clear what she was going to do and whether she needed to bring anything.

"You don't have to take anything. Just take a taxi right now."

Then the man over there hung up.

Wen ran looks at the watch on her wrist. It's over five forty. She's almost off work. She doesn't know where to ask her to go!

But she went there in a hurry.

When Wen ran arrived at the club, when he went in, he didn't see anyone all the way. There were rows of exquisite clothes hanging on the shelves. Looking at the skirts, Wen ran couldn't help reaching out and brushing them away one by one

She just picked up a lavender dress in her hand, and suddenly she was hugged from behind. She shook her hand and let go of the dress.

Before her mouth could scream, she was turned and her lips were torn.

"Well Wen ran a dull hum, you don't need to raise your eyes to know it's the big bastard who tore her skirt in the morning!

Wen ran immediately pushed him and pinched him. He didn't want him to kiss himself so wantonly.

Because of this man, she was depressed all day, so she couldn't let him do whatever he wanted!

Chu Mo dust pouts her lips not to let go, at last she impatiently toward his lips bit a, that man this just light smile a of loosen her lips.

"You girl, I'm used to you more and more boldly. Who did you learn this biting habit from?" Chu Mo dust mouth corners hang to wipe to tease of smile, light way.

Wen ran was staring at him with big eyes. The expression on his face was obvious: I'm still angry!

"You can hang a bucket if you pout." Chu Mo Chen reached out and pinched her red and soft cheek.

Wen ran immediately shook his head and shook off his hand, struggling to come out from under his arm.

Chu Mo Chen didn't let go, but turned her body back, lowered her head, leaned on her shoulder, rubbed her ear and said, "it's just that you broke one of your skirts. I'll make amends for you. There are so many skirts here. You can choose which one you like."

Said the hand also not honest pinched pinches her waist.

Wen ran grabbed his hand and said angrily, "how can I choose if you hold me like this?"

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