Pursuit of the Truth

Chapter 890: Four generations of gods

Su Ming’s words came out, and all the monks in the auction house immediately changed their looks, especially the elderly and the young people of the Taici family, which showed an unbelievable meaning.

They think that Su Ming is a jade family, then Su Ming’s worship seems to be an alliance with the Lieshan family. Although the Etherean family is huge, it does not seem to care about the alliance of two medium families, but... After all, people are in the auction house of the Lieshan family.

"It turned out that this Taoist friend and the Lieshan family were deceased, misunderstood... misunderstanding..." The old-fashioned guest of the Taici family, he immediately coughed, and he laughed and shook his fist toward Su Ming.

"This is the fault of my Taici family. I also hope that the Yujia and Lieshan families don't mind... I..." The elders of the Taici family reacted very quickly, and quickly hurriedly, posing in a low-profile manner. When he wants to come, the Lieshan family should not be able to kill the two of them. After all, it is not worth it.

But his words have not been finished, the old brow in front of Su Ming wrinkles.

"Noisy!" The cold voice came from the old mouth of the wind, and immediately turned into a thunderous roar. When the auction was resounded, the old man of the Taici family shook, and it was seven bloodshed. The body squatted several steps in a row. The face color is a bit pale.

The young man next to him is even more fearful, and the trembling is getting more and more intense. He is afraid. This is the first true fear that he can say from birth to now. He suddenly regrets very much, but now It was too late. He didn't know what the Lieshan family had left for himself. He still can't believe it. The Lieshan family dared to fight with the Taici family.

"The four divisions of the teaching profession, this world, this endless sky, only one person can call the old man, this person may be you, maybe ... not you." Feng old looked at Su Ming, his face still carries smile. But the hidden hesitation hidden in the depths of the eyes made him unable to truly judge the identity of Su Ming.

This is almost impossible in his opinion. Because once Su Ming is the inheritor he found in the projection of the barbarian, he must be able to sense it thoroughly now, but... at this moment his sense of Su Ming exists. Can be in this induction, but there is still a touch, even if he is also **** faint pressure.

This made the wind a guess between the old.

"Try to know." Su Ming once again hugged a fist, stood up straight, his right hand slowly lifted up, five points up, as if holding something in the virtual.

When the old eyes are bright and the smile is more kind, his right hand is also lifted up and looks like the action. It is the same as Su Ming.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of the people around, especially the people of the Lieshan family, but they looked at it invisibly, after seeing Su Ming and the old-fashioned action. Most of them remembered the words related to their disciples in the family about the old age.

"Opening the sun!" Su Ming fiercely looked up, his right hand slammed toward the top, and suddenly there was an endless gust of wind in the auction room. These winds whistle in the right hand of Su Ming, when looking at it, like Su Ming The right hand has become a glare. The wind whirls in his hands, and a majestic force spreads out from Su Ming's right hand.

"Opening the sun." The old man smiled and heard a voice. His right hand was a random wave, but he saw a wind swirling with the eye of Su Ming's right hand, which appeared in his right hand.

The two of them walked forward one step at a time, and they were close.


The loud sounds echoed in all directions, that is the collision between Kaiyang and Kaiyang. It was a discussion between the previous generation of Feng Man and this generation of wind and man. It was a test between the inheritor and the inherited. !

In this roar, Su Ming is retreating dozens of feet, his eyes revealing bright awns, watching the winds of dozens of feet outside, the right hand raised, facing the void above the auction floor, directly blasting a punch, this At the moment when the punch was made, he suddenly rushed forward.

Under this rush, Su Ming’s body was not a straight line. His body swung up when he rushed out. Every turn of the circle, his body’s rotation instantly made the number of people unclear. Underneath, the layers of squally winds roared, and Su Ming’s body was centered, and he swung in the direction of his rotation.

At the same time, a hot air dissipated from Su Ming with repeated rotations, and it was entangled in the vortex of the wind and spread toward the surrounding area. At this time, at the top of Su Ming, the one that Su Mingfang only played. A fist, somehow ignited a lot of cold, this cold and the hot air below is centered on the rotation of the wind, one rises and one sinks, the moments between each other, the sound of Su Ming and the roaring wind, At the same time.


The wind laughed and laughed, with a smile from the heart. He raised his left hand and waved freely at the top of his head. Immediately above him, his left hand was centered, and his cold hand was scattered. His right hand was waving underneath, and he was always hot. Dispersed from his right hand, as his two hands in front of each other, suddenly hot and cold staggered, the wind ... appeared!

"Your burial yin is not in quantity, but you have mastered the fur, and you have not yet realized the essence. It seems that you have not practiced seriously." The old hands of the wind and the wind roared.

"Looking good, this is... funeral yin!" The old hands of the wind and the old are separated. When their hands are separated, there is a whirlwind that spins rapidly and grows in their hands.

As he pushed forward, the wind went straight to Su Ming, and the storm formed by Su Ming's funeral yin suddenly touched it.


Three consecutive loud noises vibrate the entire auction site, and Su Ming’s body is in these three roars. Every time he retreats more than ten feet, the wind of the funeral yin outside his body collapses, and the windball that was launched by the wind is destroyed. After all, it was approached by Su Ming, but it seemed that he did not want to hurt Su Ming, but he had to dissipate himself after encountering Su Ming’s eyebrows. This is obviously the departure of the old man from Su Ming. There are some dissatisfaction with the style of the wind, which is a little lesson.

Just as the elders saw that the younger generations were not serious, they had to punish them slightly.

Su Ming's eyes flashed, he is windy, but his other identity is four generations of sacred gods, and another identity is the celestial celestial being among the heavens and the earth, and even he is the squad of the plastic genus.

All these identities, except for being a windy man, did not allow Su Ming to let this squad fall on his own eyebrows. So as his eyes flashed, Su Ming’s body did not retreat, but the temper was approaching. In the moment, he suddenly appeared in the sun, the moon and the stars, and there was a source of runes, but it was under the fusion, which led Su Ming to integrate into his sun and moon stars, and the strange power from Sanmen Daotian.

"Under normal conditions, the younger generation can't show off the wind, but with the cooperation of my supernatural powers, I can expand... a technique similar to the wind!" Su Ming calmly opened his mouth, and his eyes were bright.

With a bang, with Su Ming as the center, with the bright light of the sun and the moon, with a little bit of stars appearing under his feet, thousands of people in the entire auction hall, all of them are roaring in front of their eyes. Instantly blurred, there is a kind of heaven and earth reversal, and the illusion of being forced into a certain space.

The world that each of them sees is different at this moment. It is a world created according to the memory of the most unwilling to look back in their minds, which makes everyone in this place involuntarily fall into it.

"Sun, moon and stars, away from the wind." Su Ming whispered, the wind ball in front of him suddenly stopped at this moment, only a few inches away from Su Ming, but this inch seems to have turned into a heaven and earth gully, can not cross .

The real departure from the wind is to let the world in which you live. Because you are the ancestor of the wind, you can read the whole sky without the presence of the wind.

Such as a world.

This point can not be done by Su Ming, but he can create an illusory world with the singularity of the sun and the moon, and the singular power of the three gates. This illusory world is an illusion. In this illusion, he can let Here... no wind.

If this is the case, then the illusion is illusion, and everything is false. It can be the power that exists in the three-door day. It is a kind of Su Ming that still can't fully grasp the thoroughness. It is a kind of... can become virtual. Can make the illusion become a real singular power.

As a result, Su Ming’s illusion is no longer all illusory, but there is a real existence.

Depending on the true and false focus of this fantasy, it is not Su Ming, but thousands of people in this fantasy territory. As long as most of these people believe that this fantasy is true, then...this is true!

All of this is mysterious. In fact, even Su Ming is groping for this technique. Now it can be said that his true meaning is the first time.

This technique Su Ming can not persist for a long time, such as the three interest of the ghost scales, I do not know whether it is a coincidence, Su Ming to carry out this surgery, can only be three interest.

The time of the three interest moments, the end of the moment, the world in front of everyone’s eyes collapsed. When everything was restored, most of the people here were stunned. Only the wind was old, his eyes were full of light, and he looked at Su Ming. The wind ball in front of Su Ming disappeared.

"This is what the old man saw, another technique of leaving the wind, you... good, very good, impermanent, there are many changes, not to say that only the old man’s sentiment is correct, but the most suitable for himself, is the most The right path.

The wind that you changed is very good! "The old man gradually smiled on his face, and the smile was very happy. This kind of happiness, he has not been so strong for tens of thousands of years.

In the smile, the old man shook his head, his face suddenly became serious, and his body was back a few steps. He looked at Su Ming and slowly held his fist and bowed deeply toward Su Ming.

"The barbarian is very windy, meet...the god! I don't know if you are a generation of sages?"

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