Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 212: Cute Stupid Nurse VS Quirk President 4

Tilted his head and sighed, "It looks like I'm going to eliminate you, and there will be a few more pounds of meat on my stomach."

On the second day, Lin Xixi waited at the door of the ward early.

Wait until the time is about to knock on the door to enter.

Today he no longer wears a white hospital gown, but wears a pure white shirt and black pants.

It's not like the big boy yesterday, but a lot more mature and more charming.

"President, it's time to take medicine."

Xia Yichu looked up at her slightly, did not speak, but continued to look down at the computer.

When she was about to go out, she said, "Put me an apple."

Lin Xixi took a deep breath, walked over to pick up the apple and peeled it.

Fortunately, she had already practiced, so she quickly cut a beautiful apple and handed it to him.

As a result, Xia Yichu didn't even look at it and said, "Cut it into pieces so that I can eat more easily."

Okay, just feed it directly.

But one piece by piece is still simple, and the pieces are cut in two clicks.

But seeing the fruit she handed over, Xia Yichu frowned in disgust, "What is this? A big piece and a small piece, can this be eaten?"

"It's so ugly! At the very least, you have to distribute it evenly before you start to cut it. This affects my appetite very much."

Who can eat so ugly.

Lin Xixi was speechless again, she didn't understand, why did it take so much effort to eat an apple? What does the taste of the apple have to do with whether the skin is peeled together?

If the size of the cut is not ugly, the difference is not great. It is difficult to use a microscope to check the difference between each piece by a few tenths of a millimeter.

But even if it is unbalanced, there is no way.

So he resigned to his fate and picked up an apple again and sliced ​​it again. It was not until I felt it was perfect before I brought it to Xia Yichu, "President, you have a taste."

Tilted his head to look, and nodded slightly, "I can barely see it. Forget it, I'll just leave it alone."

Lin Xixi rolled her eyes secretly.

But after eating a few bites of apples, Xia Yichu said again, "Well, go and make some desserts for me. I didn't eat them yesterday, so I feel uncomfortable."

"General, President, you mean to let me do it, but what if I can't do it." This president is probably a Virgo, he must be a perfectionist with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Otherwise, how could there be so many requests.

"Can't do it? No, then learn a little bit. Just learn if you can."

After speaking, he raised his finger and pointed to the kitchen, "Hey, there is the kitchen, I hope you can make it quickly."

Helpless, Lin Xixi had to get up and walk to the kitchen, but when she thought of something, she suddenly turned around and said, "President, do you like cream or chocolate or melaleuca?"

Xia Yichu raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at her, "Thousand-layers." I don't know what weird things this little nurse will make later.

But when Lin Xixi brought out the freshly baked cake, Xia Yichu was still quite surprised.

Is this cake really made by her?

He also heard the sound of ping-pong in the kitchen just now, expecting that she must have messed up the kitchen and couldn't do it at all.

I don't know how such a beautiful and attractive cake would appear.

Seeing the accident flashing in his eyes, Lin Xixi smiled in her heart, hehe, other things can stump her, but it's hard to make her delicious.

The cake in front of him really made him unable to find the fault, and the smell of the cake always pierced his nose, constantly tempting him.

So I raised my hand and picked up the spoon to take a bite.

The taste is surprisingly good, not as sweet and greasy as he imagined.

Seeing him like this, Lin Xixi guessed that he must like it very much.

"Male lead favorability 10."

"President, how does it taste? Does it still suit your appetite?"

Putting down the spoon in his hand, he said faintly, "The taste is still delicious, but didn't you mean you can't make desserts."

"I don't have one, I just said what to do if I can't do it, and I won't do it without it."

"Hey, you like it."

Seeing her smirk, Xia Yichu felt funny, raising her hand to cover up the smile on her lips, "Well, it's really good, so I want to try some other flavors of cakes, so I will trouble you."

The smile on Lin Xixi's face suddenly froze, "Ahem, yeah, then I can only accept my fate and do it, haha." Anyway, there will be pits waiting for her anyway!

Seeing her entering the kitchen, suddenly, the phone on the table rang, and after the phone was connected, I heard a strong middle-aged male voice over there, "Achu, how are you in the hospital recently?"

For this son, he was also helpless as a father, and asked to be so picky. Even he had heard about it. The nurses and doctors in the hospital had nothing to do with him.

"I'm fine, I can be discharged immediately." He has been in the hospital long ago.

"No way, no, it still needs to be observed for a period of time." After suffering such a serious injury, it would be good to say wherever he can.

"You know, your grandfather will definitely not agree."

Hearing this, Xia Yichu stopped talking. You must know that in Xia's family, he doesn't care about his parents, but he cares about his grandfather most.

Don't want him to worry about being upset. "I know, but it's okay. I ran into a funny little nurse in the hospital, and I didn't feel bored."

After speaking, he hung up the phone and threw it on the sofa.

Finally, in the afternoon, Lin Xixi made several different kinds of cakes and placed them in front of Xia Yichu, "President, the cakes are all ready, please taste them."

Xia Yichu finally nodded in satisfaction, "Well, it looks good."

"But I'm a little curious, why did you become a nurse with such a good craftsmanship? Wouldn't it be great to open a dessert shop."

Lin Xixi blushed and raised her hand and scratched her head, "Because being a nurse was my dream when I was a child, so I want to fulfill my dream when I grow up."

Xia Yichu nodded with a smile, "This idea is very good, you are done."

I picked up the spoon and tasted each cake carefully, "Your craftsmanship is comparable to the master level, why is it so powerful?"

Isn't it because I like it very much.

"Oh, that's because I like to eat since I was a kid, and I was a fat man who was almost two hundred catties."

"I like to cook because I love to eat too much, but my family still opposes it, haha." I was afraid that the more she would eat, the more afraid she would be, and finally she would not be able to marry.

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