Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 214: Cute Stupid Nurse VS Quirk President 6

Lin Xixi curled her lips slightly, thinking that this person is not too bad.

But the following sentence from him shattered her thoughts again, and this person was utterly bad.

If he weren't for the president, she would want to beat him up.

I was so angry that I didn't want to talk.

So he had no choice but to walk into the bathroom without saying a word.

But hearing the constant buzzing sound in the bathroom, Xia Yichu felt very impatient and frowned.

The book in his hand couldn't stand it and threw it aside irritably.

Finally, I couldn't bear it anymore, got up and walked to the bathroom and opened the door.

The result was dumbfounded.

Because the shirt she was wearing was a little wet, she took it off to blow with the hair dryer.

As a result, he was shown this undressed scene.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

But Xia Yichu coughed calmly on her face, "Excuse me, you continue."

But after closing the door, who knows his pounding heart.

The white skin and **** sling underwear of lavender popped out of my mind.

Suddenly I felt dry mouth and tongue.

It stands to reason that what kind of beauty he has never seen before, how can he feel such a silly girl.

He must be too tired, and his illness is still not healed.

Thinking about nodding, yes, it must be like this.

But Lin Xixi was stunned, and when she recovered, Xia Yichu had left early.

Something is wrong for Mao himself!

Shouldn't I yell when I was seen, and Xia Yichu should have a flash of surprise in her eyes when she saw her.

Wei Mao's state is not right.

This is not a normal plot at all!

I looked down at myself. Is it because my body is too bad, not attractive at all?

But how do you think it feels good?

But no matter what, this was suddenly seen, and the people I liked still didn't react at all, and I always felt a little unhappy.

Shaking his head, quickly put on the clothes and went out.

Seeing him sitting on the sofa very leisurely with Erlang's legs up and reading a book, he asked in a low voice, "President, what do you want to eat?"

Raised his hand to cover up and coughed, "Cough, just come and have some of your favorite snacks, the sooner the better."

Lin Xixi replied in a low voice, "Oh, okay." It was really leisurely, as if nothing happened.

But also, for people like them, it's really nothing to see a girl.

Seeing her enter the kitchen, Xia Yichu put the book aside.

He shook his head, what's wrong with me, I was suddenly nervous just now, I was really sick.

After a while, Lin Xixi walked out with a plate, "President, I have made a lot of delicious food for you, you can try it."

There will always be something that can satisfy him.

Isn't it hungry? It's strange that you can't get enough to eat so much.

Seeing the huge pile of various foods in front of him, Xia Yichu raised his eyebrows, "Not bad, it's very fast."

He picked up a bowl and tasted the round white glutinous rice **** in his mouth.

I didn't comment on the good or bad, and I put it down after a few bites.

But after that, he didn’t see him eating anything else, and blinked his eyes, "President, don’t you eat anymore?" Called her in the middle of the night and made so many things, but only one bite did not eat. Yes, this is not intentional!

Hearing her question, Xia Yichu said indifferently, "I'm full!"

"You're full! But you only ate that little bit, right? I ran over to make you so many supper, so you didn't eat it."

What a waste.

"Then you can eat all these leftovers. I didn't want you to do so much." Seeing her puffed up look, she was really cute, and the more she wanted to tease her.

"Well, forget it, I have to go back to sleep, so I won't bother." After speaking, he opened the door with his bag and walked out.

If she doesn't leave, she is afraid that she can't help but punch him.

When I walked out of the hospital, there was no one on the street at this time. I raised my hand and looked at my watch. It was almost one o'clock in the morning.

Looking up at the dark sky, he sighed, "Ah, what should I do, do I have to go back alone!" It was a quiet night, and a girl was really scary.

But there is no way, you can't just hesitate like this forever.

With a cross in my heart, I closed my eyes and dashed forward. Somehow I ran into a taxi on the way.

But even so, she was worried in her heart, in case it was a bad-hearted person.

So she stayed vigilant all the way, but luckily she got home safely in the end.

But she couldn't sleep anymore after such a tossing!

What is the most painful thing in the world? Even when I was very tired and wanted to sleep, I couldn't fall asleep.

She felt that she must be angry, because she was too angry, so she couldn't sleep.

So I kept my eyes open until dawn.

When Xia Yichu saw her, she was really taken aback by her black circle, "What's the matter with your eyes?"

Lin Xixi raised her hand and rubbed it, pulling her face, "I didn't sleep well last night, so that's it."

Sighed, "What do you want to eat today, I will make it for you."

But looking at her stubborn look, what else can he say, "I'm afraid you can't make anything delicious like this now!"

Then he looked at the bedside table and said, "Forget it, take out all the paint from the cabinet."

Lin Xixi was puzzled, but still did it. When she opened the cabinet, she saw a large tall wooden box inside.

Put it in front of him.

"Open it, there are paints in it, and there are instructions in it, what color will become when mixed together."

"Finished everything for me." It's too boring in this hospital, so just use it for entertainment.

Lin Xixi blinked and mixed paint. Could the CEO still paint?

But think about it, it’s not surprising that such a good person can paint.

But seeing that big box of paint a little bit sore in his arms, he tugged at the corner of his mouth, "President, if the matching is not good, it will be a mess for you by then, wouldn't it be troublesome."

"It's okay, you deserve it first, let's talk about it if it doesn't match."

But when he said it was easy, she deserved to be exhausted.

When she was halfway through, Xia Yichu started to set up the drawing board, picked up the pen and began to draw.

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