Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 218: Cute Stupid Nurse VS Quirk President 10

But no matter how she reached out to get it, she just couldn't get it.

As a result, as soon as he was anxious, he stepped forward and hugged him, "Hmm, if you don't give it to me today, I won't let it go."

Xia Yichu lowered her head and stared at her angrily, "Hurry up and let me go. This wine was originally mine. If you don't give it to you, you won't give it to you."

This girl really didn't know anything when she was drunk, so she dared to hold him.

Moreover, he was still rubbing in his arms, and she was slowly rubbing it out of the fire.

Gritting his teeth, "Lin Xixi, let me go quickly, or I will be rude to you!"

Lin Xixi still twisted her body in his arms, "If I don't, I won't, who let you bully me."

"Lin Xixi, you provoke me, but I was blamed." She said, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she turned her back on the sofa.

Lin Xixi looked at him drunkly, puzzled in her big blurred eyes, and pushed her hand on his chest, "What are you doing, it's uncomfortable to press!"

She squeezed her flushed face, "I know, how many women outside are looking forward to being crushed by me, you are better, and you still look dissatisfied."

"Who was the one who ignited the fire on me just now, of course I am responsible for putting out the fire now."

But the drunk Lin Xixi didn't know what he was talking about, only saw what his thin **** lips kept confiding.

But it was too uncomfortable to press a heavy object on his body, so when he got angry, he bit into it.

But after this bite, Xia Yichu's face turned green, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Lin Xixi, you know what you are doing, let me go."

It's not that it hurts, but it feels so numb, and a strange electric current rushes straight into my heart.

But when he looked down angrily, someone was already asleep.

The little mouth kept muttering.

Xia Yichu had no choice but to help her forehead, oh my god, I would have known this woman not to drink anymore, she would be crazy about drinking.

Still the one that is horrible.

I really wanted to throw her out, but when I lowered my head and saw her face, my heart suddenly softened again.

He carried her to the bed and said, "What kind of mold I have on earth, I actually want me to serve you." He has never held a woman since he was a child.

Raising both hands, she squeezed her face fiercely, "It feels good, you should feel honored to know."

But just now I felt more comfortable in my heart, and Lin Xixi's words below made him angry again.

"Hey, come on, perverted president, see if I don't drink you to death today." Lin Xixi said with a smirk while waving her hands.

"Perverted?" Xia Yichu immediately got up from the bed and took her hand.

The tone was full of anger.

"Okay, didn't you say that I was abnormal, then you give me out, I have to throw you out today." Fortunately, he had a good impression of her just now, and it seems that he is really sick and still hasn't healed.

And Lin Xixi, who was completely unaware of the situation, also froze, "Stop making trouble, I want to sleep, sleep!"

He stretched out his hand and pulled Xia Yichu onto the bed. The whole person hugged him like an octopus, and the little mouth was still muttering, "Hey, stop making the cotton ball, let's sleep."

Xia Yichu frowned, "Cotton Ball?" Isn't it a pet dog?

This dead woman is really bold, let's see how he teaches her well tomorrow.

But now she is holding her and can't move, at most she turns her head, but when she turns her head, she sees her sleepy face.

I thought to myself, no, no, it's impossible to make her so cheap. "Lin Xixi, you forced me."

Looking at her little mouth, she kissed her fiercely.

But the strange thing is that the taste is really good, in that case, I gave her another deep kiss.

Originally wanted to take the next step, but he was not the kind of person who was in danger. He snorted coldly to her face, "Hmph, this is interest for the time being, let's see how I will deal with you tomorrow."

But he himself didn't notice a slight smile in his tone.

"The male protagonist's favorability is 35."

The **** thing is that she rubbed him in his arms in the middle of the night and made him angry.

In the end, he endured the fire until dawn.

When it was bright outside, Lin Xixi woke up in a daze, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a handsome face magnified in front of her.

Suddenly couldn't help but yell out.

Looking down at his body, it's okay, it's okay to be complete.

When she yelled, Xia Yichu woke up with a frown, "If you don't want to cook for me, is it possible for me to go?"

Seeing his thick dark circles, Lin Xixi was very witty and didn't ask, she nodded quickly, "Oh, I'll go right away."

After the meal and sober soup are ready, Lin Xixi doesn't plan to eat anymore. Now the most important thing is to save her life. "President, I'm leaving first. I have to go downstairs to report to the head nurse."

"No, I'll talk about it, you sit down for me." If you want to escape, let alone the door, there is no window.

Lin Xixi pouted, and had to sit down opposite him obediently.

After he finished eating, Xia Yichu finally asked, "Lin Xixi, do you know what you did last night?"

Lin Xixi's head shook like a rattle. "President, I really don't know. Didn't I tell you, I will go crazy when I get drunk."

Then he couldn't help but muttered, "Who told you to ask me to drink."

"I let you drink, I let you drink so much."

"Dare to play drunk crazy with me!"

"Let's talk about it, who is the cotton ball?" It is unforgivable to treat him as a dog.

"Cotton ball? Well, that's my little cat, very cute."

"But how did you know the name?" She must have been drunk last night, so let's say it.

It turned out to be a cat, but he doesn't like cats or dogs, and he opens his face calmly, "Go ahead, what do you remember?"

Lin Xixi glanced around, then raised her hand and patted her forehead, but after thinking about it for a long time, she didn't think of anything. "President, I really can't remember. I was wrong. I shouldn't drink so much alcohol, so you Don't let me drink it again." She didn't want to drink it at first, but now she blames her when she is drunk.

Xia Yichu didn't know if she was disappointed or thankful that she didn't remember anything, "Then you think what happened last night?"

"I didn't sleep all night."

"Or, should I make you some good food?" She has only one way now.

Xia Yichu thought for a while, and finally thought of a good idea, "In this way, bring me your cotton ball."

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