Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 227: Cute Stupid Nurse VS Quirk President 19

It's not wrong to think about it. I'm not her boyfriend, and I really don't have the right to control so much. "But if we left like this, what would Xu Chen think?"

"He will feel that I am afraid of him. This is not enough, so I will stay here for a few more days."

Lin Xixi pursed her mouth, and finally nodded, "Well, I see."

As a result, the next day, she didn't go out all morning except when she was cooking.

Xia Yichu had no choice but to feel mad for the first time. While she was still washing dishes in the kitchen and did not return to the room, she hurriedly walked over, "Let's go out together in the afternoon. How can you stay bored in the room when you come out to play?"

The hand holding the bowl paused, and then said after a while, "I don't want to go out or see people I don't want to see, even if you are by my side."

Seeing her helpless look, Xia Yichu felt helpless and distressed, "You are still angry, or blame me! Right?"

Lin Xixi tilted her head and looked at him strangely, "What are you talking about? How can I blame you? Why do I blame you?"

"I know you are angry, you are blaming me, that day when you were stopped by Xu Chen in the sea, I didn't go there, right?"

"I'm sorry, I apologize to you, it's my fault." This is the first time he apologized to someone when he grew up.

Lin Xixi also felt surprised. He didn't expect him to apologize to her like this, but still faintly, "You didn't do anything wrong."

"I beg you to stop doing this, okay, even if you mess with me like you did before, and you still want what you want."

"But don't be angry anymore." Seeing her like this, he felt at a loss what he had never done before in his life.

"Do you think I want you for something! I don't need it."

"You are a big president, I'm just an ordinary little person, you don't need to apologize to me." Why doesn't he understand, what she wants is not an apology, but an explanation from him.

Since he didn't want to give it, she didn't force it.

Throwing the bowl in his hand, he turned upstairs.

After returning to the room, he began to pack up his clothes, but tears couldn't stop running down his cheeks.

I was a little wronged, since he saw why he didn't help her at the time, who knew how scared she was at the time.

Even if Xu Chen did to her at the time, he would still be indifferent!

When the time came downstairs, Xia Yichu was not there.

Whether she is not there, she doesn't need to tell him.

So when Xia Yichu came back, she saw that her room was empty and everything was gone. "No, this girl won't go back by herself, right."

I quickly put down the ice cream in my hand and made a phone call to check it.

As a result, she really left by herself.

After checking the time, he should be in a hurry now, so he chased him out immediately.

Here, not long after Lin Xixi went out, she was stopped by a beautiful woman with a fair complexion and upturned nostrils.

There was disdain and contempt in her eyes, "Are you Chen's ex-girlfriend?"

"Please don't pester him anymore, he doesn't like you, so don't be affectionate anymore."

Looking at the arrogant woman in front of him, Lin Xixi snorted coldly, "Heh, are you Xu Chen's current girlfriend?"

"I think I should tell you these things. Please take good care of your man and don't let him harass me. It really annoys me."

"Next time, my boyfriend will not let you go easily."

Sure enough, it's a pair, and everything is so disgusting.

"Do you know who I am? You dare to talk to me like this. If you mess with me, you don't want to get involved in City A anymore." She was so angry that someone would dare to talk to her like this.

If she doesn't punish her, where will her face be put.

But Lin Xixi didn't care, "Yes, I'm so scared, there is nothing more terrifying than people like you."

"Is it great to have money? This girl is not rare!"

But she didn't expect that as soon as she finished speaking, she was pushed **** her chest and fell into the sea from the bridge.

At that moment, the sea water poured into her ears and nasal cavities, and her body kept sinking. She didn't know what to do.

There was only fear in his heart, desperately wanting to go upstream, but he watched himself getting farther and farther away from the sea, farther and farther away.

The feeling of suffocation made her painful, but no matter how hard she struggled, it was useless.

Is he going to die? I just died unclearly.

At the moment when my consciousness was about to dissipate, suddenly, a dark shadow appeared in front of my eyes, but I wanted to see clearly, but I couldn't see clearly.

Finally, when the dark shadow pulled herself, she saw it, it was actually Xia Yichu.

Why is he here, is he hallucinating? definitely is.

But in the next second something happened again that I absolutely couldn't believe.

He kissed her, he actually kissed her!

But before I wanted to feel real, I lost consciousness.

"The male lead is 60."

When I woke up, I saw scenes that were too familiar to me. "This, isn't this the president's ward?" How could I be here.

At this time, Xia Yichu also came in from outside, and when she saw her waking up, her face was immediately full of joy, "Xixi, are you awake?"

Seeing the guilt in his eyes, Lin Xixi's anger suddenly disappeared.

Suddenly seeing her in tears, Xia Yichu asked anxiously, "What's the matter? Why are you crying? Are you still blaming me?"

Lin Xixi wrinkled her little red nose, and her voice was a little hoarse, "No, I didn't blame you, I just think it's nice that I can wake up and see you."

Xia Yichu also smiled, stretched out her hand and squeezed her small face, "I'm all thinner, eat more in the future and make up for it, you know?"

Lin Xixi burst into laughter instantly, nodded, "Well, I'm a little hungry now."

"Okay, then I'll go and get someone to prepare immediately." After that, the doctor came over and checked her.

When she was sure she was okay, she was completely relieved.

With the porridge in his hand, "Come on, because you happen to only eat light food, so I have someone prepare lean meat porridge for you."

Lin Xixi frowned slightly, "But I want to eat meat and steak." Thinking of the taste of steak, her stomach gurgled.

Xia Yichu chuckled softly, "It doesn't matter if you eat steak every day after you are better, but now you can't."

Speaking, I lowered my head and spooned the porridge and blew it carefully before handing it to her mouth, "Come on, drink it up obediently."

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