Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 233: Cute Stupid Nurse VS Quirk President 25

But when they were going to go, Lin Xixi felt speechless for a while when they saw that the car was full of things, and pointed to those things and asked, "Yichu, what are these things!"

Take a closer look, what pedicure equipment, massage chairs, and a lot of health care items.

"I, because I don't know what uncle and aunt would like, so I bought some." Now he is also very nervous.

Lin Xixi was funny, "It's okay, my parents won't care about this, as long as you know that you love me and are good to me, it's better than giving any gifts."

"I know, but I still think it's better to send something, just give it my heart."

"What's more, these are not harmful to them." Not only can you add points in front of them, you can also add points in front of her.

Sure enough, Lin Xixi was very moved and rubbed his arm, "Yichu, thank you."

After the two arrived, she took his hand and entered the community together. When she reached the door of the house, she herself was very nervous and excited.

I rang the doorbell, but when I opened the door, I didn't see the smiling faces of my parents, but their serious expressions.

I felt a little puzzled, "Parents, what's the matter with you? I'm not happy when I'm back?"

"Come in first." Mother Lin said.

Lin Xixi was very anxious, what the **** was going on, wasn't it all good for parents? Why did they seem to be angry.

But before she could ask, Father Lin glanced at Xia Yichu, "Who is this kid?"

"Parents, this is my boyfriend. I brought him back to see you specially today." Why are you still upset?

"This kid is your boyfriend? What about Xiaochen?" Father Lin said with a sullen face.

"Xiaochen, who is Xiaochen?" Could it be that they were looking for her boyfriend?

"You girl, you have no conscience. You have forgotten Xu Chen, how nice the child is."

"Come here to help us this, help us that, and finally left, but your girl abandoned him! We don't have a daughter like you."

Seeing Father Lin scolding her angrily, Lin Xixi was confused and reacted for a long time.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Both I and Xu Chen happened 800 years ago. Is it possible that I can't fall in love with others?"

At this time, Mother Lin also said aloud, with a hint of helplessness and blame in her tone, "Xixi, although our Lin family is not rich, we don't want you to be with people you don't like for money."

Lin Xixi couldn't laugh or cry, "You tell me what happened first, I don't know anything yet."

"Do you believe in your daughter or outsiders?"

Finally, they explained it to her. It turned out that Xu Chen actually came a few days ago and claimed to be her boyfriend. Because he took out their previous photos, Lin and Lin also believed it.

During that time, Xu Chen often gave them things, helped them, and was not tired at all, so they had a better impression of him.

In the end, Xu Chen said that she broke up with herself because she fell in love with a rich man, so she left afterwards.

After he left, Lin's father and Lin's mother became more and more angry with her the more they thought about it, just at this time she came back with Xia Yichu.

Looking at Xia Yichu next to him, he was also puzzled. At that time, people were asked to solve the Xu family, but he didn't expect Xu Chen to escape.

It turned out to be here, and it seems that someone has to check it quickly.

Lin Xixi had no choice but to explain, "Mom and dad, you are also true. You believe what others say, and at least you have to call me."

"Aren't we listening to Xiaochen saying that he wanted to give you a surprise, and then he said that you called him and wanted to break up with him."

"You came right at this time, and of course we are angry." Father Lin knew that he really lost his temper with his daughter because of his lack of thought, so his confidence is also lacking.

People get confused sometimes when they get older, and Lin Xixi doesn't want to blame them, "Well, don't blame you, I didn't tell you clearly."

Xia Yichu pulled aside, "Then we will officially introduce to you now, this is my real boyfriend, Xia Yichu."

At this time, the two elders were facing Xia Yichu. Initially, they looked good and even more handsome than Xu Chen.

But choosing a son-in-law is not only based on appearance, but also on character.

"Uncle and Auntie, I am Xixi's boyfriend. You can call me Yichu." Then he put all the things in his hands on the ground.

"I don't know what you like, so I bought some."

However, the two elders were not moved at all, just staring at him up and down.

Finally, Father Lin asked, "What is your job, who else is in the family, and what are your plans for the future?"

"When are you going to marry my daughter, when will you have children, and what are your plans after marriage?"

For this series of questions, Xia Yichu didn't expect it, but he answered them one by one. There was only one answer, "Uncle and Auntie, everything depends on Xixi. Whenever she says she wants a child."

"If I get married, of course I want the sooner the better."

"All the plans after marriage are also subject to her. I will make her happy. Don't worry."

Father Lin patted his thigh, "Okay, but this is more than just talking. Both of us are looking at you. If you can't do what you said, don't blame me."

Xia Yichu nodded, with unprecedented seriousness and determination in his eyes, "Yes, don't worry, this is not only my promise to Xixi, but also to your two elders."

Later, Xia Yichu was dragged by Father Lin to play chess.

Lin Xixi was taken to the kitchen by Lin's mother to cook, and while cutting vegetables, she babbled at her, "Xixi, have you really broken up with Xiaochen? Why, how nice the kid is."

"It doesn't matter if we move rice or noodles, we help us with all the hard work." Such a son-in-law is so good.

I still have some regrets thinking about it.

"Mom, he and I are in the past tense long ago. If he is really good, will I break up with him? He came this time just to destroy the relationship between me and Yichu."

"Don't be fooled."

"Moreover, Yichu will do better than him." That Xu Chen, don't let her see him again, otherwise, you must be rude to him, and unexpectedly came up with such a damage to make her sick.

"Do you really like Xia Yichu? Is he really good to you? Xixi, getting married is a lifetime thing, so you can't be sloppy."

After all, she still didn't want to believe Xia Yichu's love for her, thinking that Xu Chen was really good.

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