Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 235: Cute Stupid Nurse VS Quirk President 27

But I didn't know that after hurried out of the room, I saw three people cheerfully.

It really surprised her.

Seeing her, Xia Yichu walked over, "Xixi, you wake up, I will bring you breakfast."

He quickly brought out a bowl of porridge and took her to sit down, "I made this by myself. Don't worry, it's not bad this time. Even my uncle and aunt said I did a good job." After that time, he was good. I worked hard.

Although not to say that it is better than the chef, the taste is still ok.

Lin Xixi took a spoonful of suspicion and tasted it. As expected, the taste is really ok, "How come I don't know when you are so good?"

A trace of pride flashed in Xia Yichu's eyes, "Of course, to give you a surprise."

Then he approached her ear and whispered, "Fortunately, I learned, how else would you take your parents." Didn't see that their attitude towards him changed a hundred and eighty degrees.

"You mean, you satisfied my parents with a meal?" In her memory, parents are not so delicious, right!

Knowing that she must be crooked, she couldn’t help but laughed out loud, “Of course it’s not what you think, but my uncle and aunt think I’m great, and he’s a good man who can make money. The most important thing is love you."

"Can they be dissatisfied!"

At noon, Lin Xixi really admitted that her parents really recognized Xia Yichu.

Mother Lin picked up a chicken leg and put it in his bowl, "Come on, Achu, eat quickly. I can still cook anything else I don't know how to cook. If I want to eat, I must tell my aunt next time."

Xia Yichu nodded with a smile, "Well, I won't be polite to you."

After tasting it, she couldn't help but gave a thumbs up, "It seems that Xixi has your true story, and the cooking is delicious."

This made Mother Lin smiled with praise, "This kid just can talk and is likable, haha."

"It's delicious, but you need to eat more."

Neither of them listened to him picking up vegetables for a meal, and Lin Xixi who had done it was jealous, and pouted, "Parents, I am your daughter. Did you make a mistake."

Mother Lin glared at her pretendingly, "You kid, if you get married, wouldn't it be the same."

"Your mother is right. A son-in-law and half a son, your mother and I have not had a boy in this life, but you are a daughter and a caring son is very good." Father Lin also agreed.

"Who was bullying others yesterday?" Lin Xixi couldn't help but muttered.

"Who is that, not for you, without conscience."

"Regardless of her, Ah Chu comes, our father and I continue to drink, this is the wine I have treasured for many years." Usually, no one is willing to come, this time he is willing to take it out, enough to see that he attaches great importance to Xia Yichu.

Although a little jealous, Lin Xixi was still very happy.

After eating, the two were about to leave.

Although I really want them to stay a few more days, I also understand that they are very busy.

Looking at the two, even Father Lin, who is usually very serious, had red eyes. First, he looked at Xia Yichu and solemnly said, "I leave Xixi to you. I hope you won't let me down."

Xia Yichu nodded, "Don't worry, you won't be disappointed."

Then he turned his head to look at Lin Xixi, "Xixi, you are the same. Since you have to decide to live with him for the rest of your life, you should put aside your small temper and learn to be considerate of him and take care of him, so that the two of you can last for a long time."

Lin Xixi was moved in her heart and couldn't help but flushed her eyes, resisting the urge to cry, nodded, "I know, it won't worry you, you two elders should take care of your health."

The second elder turned upstairs after the car that watched the two of them went away.

After getting in the car, Lin Xixi still didn't hold back her tears.

Finally, crying in Xia Yichu's arms, she fell asleep.

When I woke up, I found that I was already in the room, but my eyes were a little sore. It must be because I was crying too much.

No way, it's like this every time I leave home.

After a while, Xia Yichu also came into the room, holding something in his hand. "Wake up, come, I'll boil an egg for you, so you can put it on."

"It seems that you are very thoughtful!" He didn't expect him to be so careful.

"Come on, you lie down, I will give you a compress."

But she fell asleep again shortly after applying it, and it was already midnight when she woke up.

Feeling movement around her, Xia Yichu quickly turned on the light, "What's the matter?"

"I, I'm a little hungry, I'm going to the kitchen to get something to eat." I was too slumber today. I missed the time for dinner, and I didn't wake up until now.

"Hehe, I want to call you this afternoon, but you don't want to get up to eat."

"I'll go make it for you, there is Chaos in the refrigerator that I bought for you." It is strange that she is not hungry at night because of her appetite, but fortunately he is prepared.

Lin Xixi was a little embarrassed and spit out her little pink tongue, "Hehe, I know you are the best to me."

The two went to the kitchen and hugged his strong waist from behind.

While cooking Chaos, I look back at her from time to time until Chaos has been cooked, "Okay, go sit outside and get ready to eat Chaos."

Hearing that it was okay to eat, she rushed out immediately, smelling the scent, making her drool, "I didn't expect President Xia to cook for me one day, haha."

"If I knew at the time, I wouldn't be bullied by you like that!" He would definitely'torture' him as much as possible.

"Yeah, yeah, but I've bullied it, now you can bully it back." If she was so bold at the beginning, he would have thrown it out a long time ago.

Xia Yichu supported her chin with one hand and looked at her with interest and said, "You were so behaved at the time, why are you so courageous now."

"Didn't I hold back it at the time, behind my back I wanted to crit at you every minute, but I didn't have the guts, I was timid!"

"Of course I can't bear it now, hehe." And now he wouldn't bully her, only she bullied him.

After eating a large bowl of wontons, Lin Xixi touched her swollen belly with contentment on her face and hiccups, "I'm full, it seems that I am really going to become a fat man!"

"When the time comes, you are not allowed to despise me, otherwise I will never end with you."

He squeezed her fleshy white and tender face, which really made him love it, "Don't worry, I just feel good in the hand."

Lin Xixi raised his hand and slapped his hand away, "Huh, if I get fat, I will lose weight." Then she got upstairs.

When he packed up the kitchen things and returned to the room, he saw that she was already asleep.

She has been like this for several days, so she has grown several kilograms of meat on her body.

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