Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 238: Cute Stupid Nurse VS Quirk President 30

Caressing her belly tenderly, her eyes filled with love, "She must have moved when she knew that her mother was awake."

"By the way, Xixi, you must be hungry, I'll bring you porridge." He makes porridge every day, just in case she wakes up and feels hungry.

"Wait, I'm not hungry. At first, you should wash up and eat with me." He must have not had a good rest and a good meal for a long time.

Knowing that she was worried about him, she nodded, "Okay, listen to you, I'll be back soon."

When he packs up, he brings the porridge and prepares to feed it to her.

Lin Xixi smiled and took it, "I'll do it myself, and you can eat it, otherwise I can't eat it alone."

"Okay." Seeing that she had started to eat, Xia Yichu was relieved to eat.

After eating, Lin Xixi said distressedly, "Yichu, please take a good rest."

The heart that had been strained for half a year finally let go, and I really felt a little tired.

Sleeping like this means sleeping for a whole day and night.

It was noon when I woke up.

I quickly turned my head and saw that she was lying next to her and felt relieved.

"Wake up, is your body better?" After taking a break, his face also improved.

Reached out and stroked her face, "Well, as long as you get better, I'll be fine."

"By the way, I forgot to ask you, who was the one who hurt me that day?" After thinking about it, she didn't seem to have any enemies with anyone.

"In fact, that person wanted to kill me, but you fool blocked me."

"Promise me, I won't be allowed to do such things in the future! At that time, my heart was about to be shocked by you." If she hadn't been rescued, he couldn't imagine what he would become.

He thought, he must be crazy.

But Lin Xixi hugged his waist and said with a smile, "But even if I do it again, I will still do that. I can't live without you."

"From now on, it's wrong for the two of us. The family of three will be fine."

"Fool." But he won't let this happen again, absolutely not.

Thinking of that person, Xia Yichu's eyes were full of bitter coldness, "That person was actually sent by Xu Ningxue. She didn't get what she didn't want and didn't want others to get it, so she wanted to kill me."

It was her, which surprised her too much. She sighed slightly, "It's really stunned. With her conditions, she can find a very good boyfriend, but she is hanging on your tree!"

"That's because your husband is okay, but I don't like being disturbed no matter how good I am, so the Xu family has been solved by me." In this way, no one would dare to do those things that caused death.

Lin Xixi was speechless, this person was really, she didn't forget to praise herself as she spoke.

But she felt one thing deeply, "I feel that I have been violent with the person surnamed Xu in my life, and I will stay away from the person of this surname in the future!"

Xia Yichu nodded in agreement, and looked at her with spoiling eyes, "Yes, so, for the sake of safety, you will still stay at home in the future, away from all the people with the last name."

"Of course, except me!"

"Didi, the task is complete, copy the memory."

"Departure Success"

Name: Lin Xixi

Appearance: 60

Body: 30

Charm: 20

Stamina: 10

Intelligence: 25

Points: 1000

Attribute points: 10

Skills: top cooking god, pear flower brings rain.

After returning to the space this time, Lin Xixi woke up for a while.

With some confusion in his eyes, he raised his hand and rubbed his temples, with a tired look on his face, "How do I feel a little tired."

At this moment, Mo Liuzheng flashed in front of her, "Then I can take a break this time, and I will let you see your brother later."

When I heard that I could see my younger brother, Lin Xixi quickly became energetic, and her tone was full of joy, "Really, then hurry up, I haven't seen him for a long time." I missed her very much.

Seeing Mo Liu waved her hand, she lost consciousness again.

When I woke up again, I found myself in the ward.

Yes, she remembered that she had been in a car accident, so she was normal in the hospital.

Suddenly a familiar voice came from my ear, "Xixi, that's great, you're awake!"

Lin Xixi tilted her head to look, and then reacted, her eyes were a little unbelievable, "Mingyu?" How could it be him.

Ye Mingyu looked at her excitedly, "It's me, let me check it for you."

But before he was ready to examine her, Lin Xixi said anxiously, "No, I want to see Yangyang, let me see her quickly."

She knew she would not stay long, and she would definitely leave later.

Seeing her in such anxious state, Ye Mingyu didn't want to delay, so he hurried to the next ward and brought Lin Yangyang over.

At the first sight of her, Lin Yangyang lay beside her and started crying, "Sister, you finally woke up, I'm so scared!"

Raising his hand to wipe his tears, his eyes were filled with distress, "You are a man, you can't cry, I'm fine, and you will be well in a few days."

"Did you have a good time during this period? Remember to take good care of yourself."

Lin Xixi hurriedly wiped away her tears, and nodded again and again, "Well, sister, don't worry, Brother Mingyu is kind to me, I will take care of myself."

"Sister, when will you get better!"

Seeing the little man in front of her staring at her unblinking eyes, Lin Xixi felt sad, she managed to hold back the tears in her eyes, and tried her best to smile, "My sister will be well soon, but not now."

"All you have to do is take care of yourself and wait for me to get better."

Then he looked at Ye Mingyu who was standing aside, "Brother Mingyu, thank you." I really thank him from the bottom of my heart.

If it weren't for him, how old Yang Yang wouldn't know what to do without her sister's care!

Ye Mingyu smiled at her, and an unidentified emotion flashed in his eyes, "Don't worry, I will take good care of him. He is also my patient now."

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to become a doctor! You also became a doctor who treated me dramatically."

The world is really small, and the person I used to most want to meet now happens to meet again.

But now she doesn't have the same thoughts she had at the beginning, only fortunate and grateful, fortunately to meet him.

"Oh, yes, I have been working hard for this for so many years."

"Fortunately, I became a doctor, I can meet you, and I can save you."

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