Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 242: Merry VS Pure Teacher 4

"Hey, I'm afraid that I will fight with you. You Yan Sichen might not be confident?" Yan Siming sneered.

It's really rare to see him like this.

"Well, this young master won't accompany you to talk about it, I'm sleepy." He stretched his waist and went upstairs.

Waiting for the next day, Yan Siming was not skipping class, but went to school obediently.

Seeing him, Lin Xixi was finally relieved.

But what made her a little strange was why he always stared at him during a class, staring at her uncomfortably.

But because I didn't say anything in class.

But after class was over, he was called to the office. "Student Yan, I hope you can take classes seriously."

Yan Siming said indifferently, "Teacher, when did I not take classes seriously? I am already serious."

Lin Xixi was speechless, but she had nothing to do with his attitude, so she sighed helplessly, "Forget it, you go back to class."

However, Yan Siming did not leave immediately, but looked at her and asked with interest, "What? I want to take this opportunity to get close to my big brother!"

"Do you want to call him later?" He saw a lot of this method, just because he wanted to see Yan Sichen.

"Why, classmate Yan, do you really want me to call your parents? You lack love!"

"Isn't it because I didn't see my parents since I was young, so I always get into trouble and hope to get the attention of my family?"

"It's naive." She just guessed at random.

Which Yan Siming seemed to have been poked in the pain, and her eyes suddenly turned cold, "I don’t need you to care about what I am like, it’s better than you, a pure-faced woman who wants to seduce a man behind her back. !"


This crisp sound not only stunned Yan Siming, but even Lin Xixi herself was a little surprised.

I was really impulsive just now, but I didn't regret it, "What did you say just now, this is how you talk to the teacher!"

"You dare to hit me!" This woman was so courageous, no one from childhood dared to touch him.

"Beat you? If it weren't for you to be my student, I would beat you! Don't think that having two money at home is great and you can insult others at will."

"Without your parents, you are nothing, I am afraid you will starve to death on the street!" The temper is really extreme.

Yan Siming sneered, "I just have money, how about it?"

"I remember you slapped me today." He will return one day.

Lin Xixi glared back unwillingly to show weakness, "Okay, I'm waiting for you." Even though she is soft and weak, she is a master of judo.

It was because the family was worried about her appearance that she learned self-defense techniques such as judo, so she was really not afraid.

After seeing him gone, I quickly looked around. Fortunately, no one was in the office, otherwise it would not end well today.

Fortunately, Yan Siming had come to class obediently for a few days, which surprised her.

After thinking about it, it is estimated that his parents are back, that's why he is so obedient.

It was true that Lin Xixi had guessed right, not only that, but also cut off his pocket money, so he had no choice but to go out and play, so he could only honestly attend and end classes.

That night, when the last test paper was corrected, I suddenly realized that it was late and everyone in the office was gone.

Quickly picked up the bag and walked out of the office.

But when I passed the classroom, I suddenly noticed something inside.

There was a panic in my heart, but I soon calmed down, comforted in my heart, it is impossible, how could there be ghosts in the world, probably because of the wind.

But gradually the voice in the classroom became louder and louder, which made her hesitate whether to go in or not.

Clenched his fist and thought to himself, Lin Xixi, you are a judo man, if there is a bad guy, you can beat him to the ground.

But as soon as I thought about it, I was shocked by the sudden sound behind me!

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be so timid."

Turning around, I saw Yan Siming with a smug face. Although he was angry, he was relieved. Fortunately, he was not a bad person. "Yan Siming, what are you doing here, you won't go home most of the night!"

Faced with her inquiry, Yan Siming didn't care and shrugged, "I just want to be here, I don't want to go back." Since he has cut off his pocket money, he simply won't go back for the rest of his life.

"Where are there students who are still in school in the middle of the night? I'll call your parents." But he just took out the phone and snatched it.

"No, my eldest brother is out of the country. It's useless if you contact him. My parents haven't come back." Anyway, he won't go anywhere today.

Lin Xixi thought it was strange, but she quickly guessed it, "Oh~ your parents broke your pocket money. You are angry and don't want to go home, but you don't have any money, so you have nowhere to go?"

I glanced at her faintly. I didn't expect that she was quite smart. She guessed it, but she still didn't admit it, "Joke, even if they don't give me pocket money, I have money."

But just after saying this sentence, my stomach rang untimely.

Lin Xixi couldn't help but laughed out loud, "Is that what you said there is still money?"

But he still arrogantly didn't want to admit it, looking at her with contempt, "Cut, what do you know, I am trying to keep in shape and lose weight."

"Oh, that's the case, I wanted to treat you to something delicious, but it seems that I don't need it, so I'll go now. After all, I'm very tired."

Seeing her walking away quickly, Yan Siming blinked. She, she really left.

Feeling a little disappointed in her heart, she shouted at her back, "You just left, leave your student here alone?"

"Last time, didn't you still take care of me actively? Going to the bar to look for me, could it be a pretense!"

Lin Xixi, who was walking not far away, turned around and said, "Last time it was class time, and it is now time to end get out of class, so I can't control where you go. You are not."

"You don't want to eat, I can't force your mouth."

Yan Siming was speechless for a while, and said after a while, "Forget it, I'll give you a chance to invite me to dinner, and I will invite you later."

Lin Xixi was speechless, should this person be so arrogant, "Why don't you keep up!"

But after she waited out of school, she remembered, "It's so late now, and the restaurants outside are closed. Where do we go to eat?"

Yan Siming thought for a while, his eyes rolled, "Then go to the teacher's house to eat, how about it? I won't dislike your cooking."

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