Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 253: Merry VS Pure Teacher 15

That's right, if she said it, it would be terrible, and the family will suffer together. Thinking of this, she had to endure it unwillingly, with some fear and worry in her eyes, "I, I was too impulsive just now, don't care about Chen Shao. "

"But, now, what do we do now?" She was also fainted just now, how could she have done such a thing, if she was killed, even if Chen Shangyi did not retaliate against her, the Yan family would never let her go.

"Now you are here to guard me firmly, I will go back and find someone to come over, remember it!"

His cold voice made her feel even more frightened, her face was pale and she shivered, and she nodded repeatedly, "I, I know, I'll just wait here."

He warned her with his eyes, and ran forward quickly. He wanted to run back as fast as he could to find someone.

At this time, the two people who fell to the foot of the mountain, Yan Siming, woke up first, and saw Lin Xixi next to him hurried over and shouted, "Teacher, wake up."

But after waiting for a long time, there was no response, "Teacher? Lin Xixi, you wake up." Isn't it because of a fall.

I want to check on her, but it's not easy to get started because of her sex.

But when I thought about it, I thought of myself as a doctor, so I lowered my head and took off her coat to check it on her.

But as soon as she took off her coat, she opened her eyes and woke up. Anyone who woke up would not be calm when he saw someone planning to take off their clothes at the first time, so he slapped—, slapped the past and made a loud noise in the cave. sound.

Then I saw Yan Siming going to be furious, but after all, he held it back, gritted his teeth and said, "Count you cruel!" This woman is definitely the first woman he grows up to dare to beat him.

"I, I didn't mean it." But it's not right to think about it.

"If it wasn't for you to take off my clothes, I could beat you, it's easy to beat you!"

"That's to check it on you. I told you to wake up for a long time and I was worried, so I wanted to check it on. It's really kind of bad." Fortunately, he was worried, but now it's good to see her like this. It's terrible, nothing happened at all.

But I was relieved too.

"Oh, that's it, but you shouldn't make me worry so suddenly." Lin Xixi couldn't help but muttered a few words.

Yan Siming ignored her. After a while, he asked caringly, "How is your body? Are there any discomforts? If you have any, you must deal with it as soon as possible."

I was going to stand up and have a look, but when I wanted to stand up, I found that my ankle pain was terribly painful. My face instantly turned pale, and tears appeared in my eyes, "His—foot, ankle hurts!" It must be when I fell down. I twisted my ankle.

Anxiety flashed in Yan Siming's eyes, and he squatted over and took her foot, "Let me see how it is going."

But Lin Xixi quickly retracted her feet, "No, I'm fine, I can just rub it twice by myself."

"Are you a doctor or an iron beater, just rub it twice."

"Hurry up to show me, if it's serious, you must quickly figure out a solution, this is not a joke."

Seeing his solemn and worried look, Lin Xixi also felt bad and refused, so she nodded slightly, "Okay, okay."

But Yan Siming couldn't help but laughed out loud, "You, aren't you shy?"

"I, how could I, I'm not shy, you are my student, I am so shy."

Although she tried to conceal it, Yan Siming did not miss the panic that flashed in her eyes and chuckled, "Explanation is concealment, and concealment is fact, you know?"

"You are talking nonsense, you don't need to look at it, I will see my own injury." Then he pulled his foot back angrily.

"I can take you as if you are now, irritated to anger! If it's not, just stay still, so that it hurts more." Gently lifted her trouser legs, took off her shoes and socks.

She showed her cute little toes, but the bruises on her ankles were very conspicuous, her brows frowned, and her expression worried, "No, you are a bit serious, and there is no medicine now."

"In this way, you stay here well, I'll go outside and find some herbs for you."

But Lin Xixi grabbed his arm, a little surprised, "What! It's still raining heavily outside, so I can't go out, it's too dangerous."

"But if your legs are delayed, it will be more serious. It's okay. Don't underestimate me. I still know herbs. I used to be adventurous, so I often went uphill with people to play, so I met."

But even if he said that, Lin Xixi was still worried, and grabbed his arm tightly and shook her head again and again, "No way, no, I can't let you take risks, I think Chen Shangyi will definitely go and ask someone to come to us, we will wait. Just wait."

But Yan Siming snorted coldly, and a cold light flashed across his eyes, "Don't count on him anymore." There is also that Shao Min, who will definitely not let her go after returning this time.

"That's not okay. Now it's pouring rain outside, and the mountain road is very slippery. Why not wait for the rain to stop."

"If you have to go out, I won't use the medicine I picked." If she put him in danger because of her, she would feel guilty for a lifetime.

Seeing her extremely determined look, Yan Siming sighed slightly, "Okay, then I will wait for the rain to stop before going out."

"The male protagonist has a liking degree of 45"

Lin Xixi nodded in relief.

"Why don't I rub it for you, it must be very painful now." The point is that I don't know when the rain outside will stop, and he is really anxious to death.

Now he finally felt what it was like to be anxious.

"No no, no more."

But she was not allowed to struggle at all, and he had put her foot on her leg and carefully rubbed it, although it was very painful.

"I'd better knead it for you, so that you can rub it away."

A faint blush appeared on her pale face, which made Yan Siming look dumbfounded, even if she is now embarrassed, the rain wet her clothes and hair.

But there is still an indescribable beauty.

Seeing him staring straight at him, doubts appeared in his big eyes, "What's wrong? Me, is there anything on my face?" He quickly reached out and touched it.

I couldn't help laughing, "No, that is, just observe your face." It's not that I haven't seen a beautiful woman. It can be said that I have seen all kinds of beautiful women, but I have never seen a woman like her. attractive.

Seeing him say this, Lin Xixi did not doubt.

But after a while, Yan Siming gradually realized that there was something wrong with her. Seeing that her face was very pale, her forehead was also sweating, she frowned slightly, raised her hand to touch her forehead, and found that it was deadly hot, "You, You have a fever!" What can I do?

It was still raining heavily outside.

But now she has to go out to find medicine, and now she is suffering from injuries, "You wait here and I will go out."

Lin Xixi, now in a daze, still firmly grasped his arm after hearing it, and uttered a few words with difficulty, "No, no, it's still raining heavily outside, it's dangerous."

Seeing her like this, Yan Siming was anxious, unable to help his tone of anger and anxiety, "Fool, you have a fever, are you going to burn it out! You hurry up and let go."

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