Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 258: Merry VS Pure Teacher 20

The headmaster's face became more gloomy in an instant, and his voice was cold, "Lin Xixi, don't toast or eat fine wine, I'm giving you a chance, if you offend me, you don't want to hang around in City A."

"Really? Then you can just come, I'm not afraid of you." The big deal is that she will leave here, but she is a little regretful

Once she thought about making some contributions to her alma mater, but she didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

Going back to the office in a depressed mood, I packed my things and prepared to leave.

As I walked, I saw Yan Siming flying over from a distance.

Looking at the things in her hand, she was a little confused, "What's wrong, what happened?"

A smile broke out at the corner of his mouth, and he said indifferently, "It's nothing, I'm leaving here and I won't teach here anymore. I hope you can have a good class in the future."

"What, how could this happen? Is it because of the rumors in the school? Don't worry about this matter to me, I will go to the principal." There is nothing that he can't do, the principal will definitely sell their Yan family's face.

But Lin Xixi stopped him, "Don't, don't go, I just came out of the principal's office, I have already told the principal."

"You don't care about this, it's my own business."

These words made him feel uncomfortable, "What is your own business? I will take care of this matter. You are my girlfriend. How can I be bullied by Yan Siming's people."

Regarding his temper, Lin Xixi felt helpless, so she could only hold him tightly and take a deep breath, "Yan Siming, you think I'm not miserable enough now, don't make trouble anymore, please don't cause me trouble. ."

Seeing her red eyes, her little face was pale and bloodless, she felt anxious, and took over the things in her hands, "Okay, I'm not going, then I can help you get things."

Raising his hand quickly wiped his tears, wrinkled his nose, "No need, I'll do it myself."

"I know what you are worried about, but the more you avoid contact with me, doesn't it mean that you admit it. Since you have a clear conscience, why avoid me." He walked ahead.

Quickly trot over to catch up with him, "Yan Siming, give me things, go back to class."

"You are not there and I will take any class. If you don't go, I will take you back." After speaking, he reached out and hit a car.

He pulled her into the car, told the driver the address, and put the things in his arms aside.

He took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to her, "My eyes are red and ugly. Wipe them quickly."

"What? You are ugly." But he took the tissue and wiped his eyes.

After returning home, putting everything down, Yan Siming asked, "What the **** is going on? Is it because of rumors that the school is expelling you, or that you asked to resign yourself."

"This is my own business, you just leave it alone and go back to class." Lin Xixi said impatiently, she felt a little mess in her mind now.

I will no longer be a teacher at the school, and I feel a little sad.

Seeing her like this, Yan Siming felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart for the first time, and sat next to her, "I said, if you are not there, I will not go back to class."

"Tell me what is going on. If someone bullies you, I will definitely not let them go." He hadn't had time to deal with the rumors and it became like this.

Anyway, his words warmed her heart, "Thank you, Yan Siming, but I don't want you to come in."

"I've decided, and I won't teach there anymore." And even if she was asked to go back, she wouldn't dare to go back, and the principal would definitely not let her go.

"Lin Xixi, you want to go wrong now! I said you are my girlfriend and you are, and you don't want to tell me that you can't!"

"And now, you are not my teacher, and I am not your student, just so we can be together." Thinking, a smug smirk evoked from the corner of his mouth.

"That won't be true. I don't like a man who is younger than me, and a boy who is as naive as you." Lin Xixi said in a very certain tone.

Suddenly, Yan Siming was like a lion with exploded fur, and suddenly she was left behind, "Well~ I am naive, I am younger than you?"

"Then should I let you see if I am a real man!"

With a heartbeat, a faint panic appeared, and he stared at him with wide eyes, pretending to be calm, "Yan, Yan Siming, don't go too far, you get out of it!"

"Oh, what if I don't." From her smooth forehead, straight nose, attractive pink lips, she swallowed all the way down.

How could Lin Xixi fail to see it, she was a little irritated and turned into anger, "You, you are shameless!" But no matter how hard she struggles, it's useless, she can't help being discouraged for a moment.

For some reason, looking at her angry look, she felt so cute, so she couldn't help but drop a kiss on her attractive pink lips.

The warm soft touch made his heart beat faster.

"Male lead favorability 55"

The sudden kiss made Lin Xixi's mind seem to explode fireworks, and her cheeks became red. It was the first time in her life that she was caught by a man.

Seeing her look a little dumbfounded, he liked it more, raised his hand and squeezed her smoothly to an incredible face, "Why, dumb?"

But which one, Lin Xixi came back to her senses, snapped—

He slapped him hard, this time without mercy, so there were five bright red fingerprints on his face, "You are shameless and shameless! You really deserve to be a dude in school."

Covering his face, it really hurts, and he tugged at the corner of his mouth, "You woman, hiss—"

"I didn't keep my hands at all, cruel!"

"That's not because you were rude in the first place, and you were all lightened!" That was my first kiss, the first kiss for more than 20 years, and it's fine now, it's not clear that it's gone.

When I think of it, I feel uncomfortable and angry.

Seeing her tears like a faucet opened, Yan Siming panicked, "You, don't cry, I just kissed you and didn't do anything to you."

"Yes, for you, you have kissed too many people. Of course, you don't care. Get out of me." The more I think about it, the more I feel aggrieved.

Can't help sobbing in a low voice.

Yan Siming was at a loss and didn't know what to do, so he continued to coax, "I was wrong, I shouldn't do this, don't cry, and I haven't kissed many people. This is also my young master's. Is the first kiss good?" I was a little embarrassed when I said that.

"Who are you lying to? Who in the school doesn't know that you have had many girlfriends, how many beautiful women have dedicated themselves to you, what Shao Min, Li Ling's." It is not a taste to think that my chest is a little boring somehow. , Crying even harder.

Now Yan Siming became even more anxious, "Okay, don’t cry. What I said is true. Although I have had many girlfriends, I don’t want to have a cleanliness. You think Is it my eldest brother?"

"I'm just trying to be fun." But the mouth has not been kissed, but the face has been kissed. If she doesn't ask, he won't say it.

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