Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 272: Lu Chi painter VS ancient version of the iceberg president 6

"I'm still to blame!" Lin Xixi said in an angry voice.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed his waist. Fortunately, this was a sofa. If she fell to the ground, she might not die or be seriously injured.

Looking at her wrist again, she was already bruised, she gasped in pain, "hiss--"

"Look at it for yourself, you have been hurt miserably!" He put his hand in front of him and shook it.

There was a conspicuous bluish purple on Xue Bai's arms, and her eyes were filled with tears, making her look pitiful.

"I, I'm sorry, I'll give you medicine." This thing is really bad for him, if it was before, he would dismiss it, but now it's different.

And she was his savior.

He pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, staring at his hard face and deep facial features, "Huh, do you want to finish the last medicine? I was hurt so badly by you for no reason!"

"Then what do you want, or I will let you fight back." The woman is very troublesome, delicate and weak. This is the reason why he has not let the woman get close for so many years and has not gotten a family.

"Cut, who is going to beat you, so be it."

"You promised me a request. I will keep this request. When I think of it, when I will mention it, you can rest assured that it is definitely within your ability and will not allow you to do things that are natural and natural!"

A pair of jet-black eyes are as bright as gems, staring at him deeply.

It feels like it won’t work if you don’t agree, "Well, as long as I don’t violate morals, I will agree."

I was full of joy in my heart, but it didn't show up on the face, and I looked like I was aggrieved, "Okay, but even so, you have to help me with the medicine. Your hands hurt."

Su Luoheng didn't refuse either. He walked over and brought the medicine box. After opening it, he took out the medicinal liquor and cotton swabs, "Let me apply the medicine for you."

Putting her hand in front of him, Lin Xixi grinned with pain and tears when he really applied the medicine to her.

"It should be blown like I put medicine on you."

Give it a blow? This is impossible for him, a big man, and a hard-hearted man.

Seeing him as if he was frozen and motionless, Lin Xixi was even more sad, the tears in her eyes were about to overflow, and her words were crying, "You are too bullying, just so small. No small request?"

"It's because of you that you save the wicked, and you were hurt by you."

Seeing her like this, he didn't blow it or didn't blow it, but if he didn't blow it, he felt like a bully who deceived a little girl.

I had no choice but to say coldly, "Okay, don't cry, I'll blow."

Seeing that he really lowered his head slowly, he gently breathed into her wound.

I sucked my little nose, the tears that flickered in my eyes wet the eyelashes, and he puffed his mouth.

Withdraw his hand and look up at him, "Okay, tell me about your study results last night."

Frowning, he nodded slightly, "Well, I already know the world." The world is indeed not as simple as he thought.

"By the way, can you take me to the place where I came here the other day? Maybe I can go back from there." Although this world has some things that he wants to explore, it is still not his world. , The best to be able to go back quickly.

A hint of surprise flashed in the bright eyes, "You want to leave now? Is there nothing you can't bear to leave?"

"Can't you stay for a while longer?"

He looked down slightly, thought for a while, and finally said, "I am very grateful for your life-saving grace, but I still have a lot to do. If I come back one day, I will definitely repay you."

A layer of loss appeared in my heart, but I was still a little unwilling, and slightly raised the corner of my mouth, "But what if you can't come back by any chance?"

"So, I think the best way is to stay here for a while. How are you leaving when you finish repaying me?"

He pursed his lips slightly, his eyes moved, "Okay, I promise, but then you will take me to the place where I came."

"Okay, I promised, let's pull the hook." As he said, he stretched out his white tender little finger.

After looking at it, he said coldly, "No, I believe it."

"But I don't believe you, what should you do if you run away halfway, so we pull the hook." Without waiting for his consent, he took up his wide palm and hooked his little finger.

"Hanging on the hook will not change for a hundred years, haha."

His hands are very broad, probably the size of his own two palms, and there are thick calluses on the palms of his hands, which should be caused by practicing martial arts and swords all the time.

But it doesn't feel ugly, but it feels reassuring to the touch.

Putting his white and tender little hand on his palm, there was a strange feeling spreading in his heart, which made him very uncomfortable. He quickly retracted his hand and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, the man said nothing. Regret it."

Just as he was about to say something, the doorbell outside rang, and he hurried over to take a look. It was actually Sun Manxi, and he was a little flustered for a while.

However, she soon calmed down again, even if she saw Su Luoheng, she was fine, opened the door, and Sun Manxi strode in, with a strong exhaustion in her tone.

"Oh, I said your place is too remote, and it made me go for a long time."

But when he walked to the sofa and saw Su Luoheng, he was instantly stunned.

Although he is sitting, he can still see his upright figure, awe-inspiring temperament, handsome three-dimensional features, and any handsome actor's little meat, none of them can match.

I was dumbfounded in an instant.

But her gaze made Su Luoheng feel very uncomfortable, slightly twisting his eyebrows and making a long face.

As soon as Lin Xixi walked over, Sun Manxi pulled her over and asked eagerly, "Quickly tell me who this handsome guy is and who made the movie?" Otherwise, why did he still keep the ancient hairstyle.

"No, I used to make a movie, but later because I got into the movie too deeply, some problems appeared here, sometimes normal and sometimes confused." He raised his finger and pointed his head.

Sun Manxi showed a clear look, but it was a pity in his heart that such a superb beauty is actually a nerve problem.

Although they were talking very quietly, Su Luoheng still heard them clearly.

His face darkened immediately, but he held it back first.

After Lin Xixi explained it, she hurriedly asked, "By the way, what are you doing here to find me?"

"Why, you can't come if it's okay. If I don't come, I'm afraid I don't know that there is a beautiful boy in your house, but why I haven't seen him before? It won't be where you picked him up."

They were classmates and best friends since college, but they have never seen this man by her side, which is really suspicious.

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