Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 275: Lu Chi painter VS ancient version of the iceberg president 9

She didn't know how long she had been away, but she didn't feel relieved.

He curled his lips slightly, "That's my fault!"

"I don't blame you, I just hope you can believe me next time and don't be in danger." Although he didn't say anything harsh, but the aura of impossibility and anger made her a little scared.

"Oh, I see, I'm not worried about you yet, I'm afraid you will be taken away." Finally murmured.

"Have you been watched when you went shopping today?" Although I was a little scared, I was still curious to ask.

Speaking of this, Su Luoheng frowned deeply, "It is true that some people are always watching me, but they all ask me if I am filming."

"I didn't pay much attention until I heard your cry for help and rushed over on the way back."

Lin Xixi nodded thoughtfully, but after another thought, it seemed that something was wrong, "By the way, where did you get the money for your grocery shopping?" She didn't seem to have given him any money.

"Of course I earned it myself."

"Isn't there a game on the Internet? I made some money through that, and I should be able to buy a lot of food." I don't know why those people say that the game is difficult, but he plays very well and is very simple.

He also won a lot of equipment, and some equipment was sold by him to make a lot of money.

"What? You made money playing games, how much did you make?"

She thought that there was definitely not much, at most it was money for grocery shopping, but she was surprised for a while when she saw the numbers above, and she tremblingly pointed to the computer screen, "I, I read it right, right? Tell me how many digits this is!"

Su Luoheng glanced at her, "Six figures, what's wrong?"

"Six digits, my God, you have only been here for a few days, just, it's so amazing, it's too unbelievable." Sure enough, people with high IQs just can't compare.

"Looking at your reaction shows that the amount of money is not bad. Anyway, I don't need it if I leave in the future. I will leave it to you."

At first he played these games just to find himself very attractive, but after learning that he could make money, he worked harder.

So I made so much money accidentally.

"I, I don't want it, I have the ability to make money, so you can keep your own money." After saying that he ignored him and went back to the room.

After returning to the room, I felt a little unhappy.

Looking at the paintings drawn on the drawing board, he took a deep breath, "Lin Xixi, Lin Xixi, you can't fall behind, hurry up and draw it for submission, so that you have money!"

She is confident that this time the comics will surely catch fire, and when she thinks of this, her heart is surging, and the movements on her hands also speed up.

And Su Luoheng in the kitchen is washing vegetables carefully.

If it was his subordinates who saw it, their eyes would be frightened. This is their ruthless general!

It's totally a change of person.

After washing the dishes, I went to the room and looked at it. It turned out that she was frowning and thinking about something, with a pen in her mouth. The drawing on the drawing paper was exactly the scene where he was hugging her waist and hugging her today. .

Recalling the scene at that time, the corners of the mouth were curved in a rare arc.

As if perceiving the gaze behind him, after looking back, he saw Su Luoheng standing at the door.

When she looked over, Su Luoheng's smile disappeared, "Did I bother you?"

"No, no, I just don't have any inspiration. Let me cook." When I went to the kitchen, I saw the dishes that were arranged or even cut, and my face was full of differences.

"You, you are all ready!" I have to say that he really surprised her.

"Well, this way you can be more convenient or faster."

"By the way, I will go out in the afternoon. Don't worry, I will be back soon." Because he made a decision in his heart.

Seeing him as if she didn't want to say more, Lin Xixi nodded, "Oh, I see, then you come back soon."

"Male Protagonist Friendship Degree 35"

She didn't know, these simple words touched the softness in Su Luoheng's heart, and the lines on her face became softer, "Well, I will be back soon."

But she didn't expect it would be such a big change after he came back.

A long black hair turned into neat short hair. He pointed to his head incredible and blinked, "You, you cut your hair."

"Didn't you say that you can't cut it!" He said so confidently at the time!

He raised his hand and touched the current short hair. Although he was very unwilling to give up, he did not regret it, "Didn't you say that I am so weird, and I will be stared at when I go out, so I cut it off."

"It doesn't matter, I can grow back after I go back, right?"

"Oh, too, hehe." I felt a little disappointed. I thought he had decided not to go after cutting his hair, but he thought so.

However, she quickly regained her spirit, "You are also very handsome after you have your hair cut. Just so I will take you out to buy clothes. Only with good-looking clothes can you better reflect your handsomeness!"

Before he refused, he was pulled out, and he drove a car outside and went straight to the door of the mall.

After entering, I went to a clothing store and chose a few dark suits and handed them to him, "Come on, go and try."

Su Luoheng didn't refuse either. He went in and tried it out and came out. He was originally a handsome guy, and he was even more handsome with suitable clothes.

The dark blue suit made him mature and attractive, with a strong chest, long slender legs, and a figure of perfect golden ratio.

The noble temperament exuded from the inside out made him even more extraordinary.

Although there is no expression on his face, it is because of this that he damnably shows his domineering president Fan, and he is also the domineering president of the abstinence department.

The few shopping guides next to me had green eyes, which made Lin Xixi very uncomfortable, "Ahem, help me wrap all these clothes."

The other ones don’t need to be tried and know that they will look good on them, so she shouldn’t let him continue trying them, lest it will be cheaper for other women.

When it was time to pay, Lin Xixi took out the card.

But Su Luoheng stopped him, "Just use mine, keep yours." How could he be a big man asking for money from a girl.

This sentence made the shopping guides next to him even more envious, so a few people began to whisper, "You look at my boyfriend."

"That's it, and he looks so handsome, just like the noble son of a nobleman."

"Wrong, wrong, it should be the male **** of the abstinence system, and the stars can't match it."

"It's not right, it should be the domineering president. Look at his figure, appearance, and manner. What is it if he is not a domineering president?"

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