Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 283: Lu Chi painter VS ancient version of the iceberg president 17

He pouted, his voice aggrieved, "Is it something you can't tell me?"

The voice on the other end paused, and after a while, he said, "No, it's just in the restaurant, eating with friends."

"It's the one you took me to last time."

"Oh, well, then I won't disturb you." But after hanging up the phone, there was a flash of light in his eyes.

After tidying up, he went out. The last restaurant was not the one that took him out to buy clothes and eat for the first time.

It's a godsend for me. The store happened to be in the mall. She has been to too many times and will never get lost.

After arriving at the mall, I walked towards the store.

As a result, I happened to see him when I walked outside the store, but there was still a person sitting across from him.

What surprised her was that that person was actually Li Manxi!

Take a step back unbelievably.

At this moment, the two of them actually stood up and were about to come out.

Looking around, his footsteps were somewhat vain and ran away to hide.

After watching them leave, Lin Xixi didn't know what it was like, sad and disappointed overwhelming her body and mind.

It made her feel almost out of breath.

Turned around and took a taxi back home from the mall. When Su Luoheng came back, he saw the empty living room.

If it was normal, she should have been sitting on the sofa waiting for him, and she would have grinned at him with joy when she saw him come back.

But why didn't I see anyone out today? Isn't it uncomfortable?

Thinking about it, he pushed open the door of her room and walked to the bed to see that she was asleep. He reached out and touched her forehead, only to find that she did not have a fever.

At this moment, he realized that he was so nervous about her.

Lin Xixi woke up after being touched by him. When she saw him, her eyes lit up, but then she quickly dimmed after thinking of something. She stopped looking at him and said lightly, "You are back." "

Slightly frowned, apparently aware of her something is wrong, "Why is it not energetic, is it uncomfortable?"

"No, why are you coming back now, playing with your friends too late?" He raised his eyes and stared straight into his eyes, hoping to see something.

But it was destined to disappoint her, and she couldn't see any flaws in her deep eyes like a pond.

"It's not too late now, I brought your favorite food, do you want to get up to eat?" For some reason, a trace of anxiety flashed in her heart like this.

"Can you tell me what friends you met today?" Anyway, I couldn't help but want to ask.

"Didn't I tell you today, a few friends I met while playing games." I don't understand why she insists on asking this.

"Other than that, you are not with anyone else?" He couldn't help clenching his fists, and a heart was also raised.

Hope to get his true answer.

But in the end Su Luoheng felt a little impatient, "What's wrong with you today, why have you been struggling with this question? Is this important?" Could it be that she found something!

Lin Xixi nodded firmly, "Yes, it is very important, you tell me quickly, and don't deceive me."

Seeing her like this, it is estimated that she must keep asking, "Today I had a meal with my friends, nothing else."

Lin Xixi was disappointed, her eyes were a little red, "Why are you lying to me?"

"Lied to you, what did I lie to you?" Did you really find out about his meeting with the company assistant today?

Because the assistant wore a formal dress, she guessed that he did something without telling her.

Seeing this, he still didn't want to say it, Lin Xixi was very angry, "What do you mean, Su Luoheng, why don't you admit it if it's not a shameful thing?"

"Could it be possible that there is really an ulterior secret between you?" Otherwise, he refused to tell her why she asked so.

"What secrets can we have! It's just ordinary friends." He sighed secretly in his heart, and now I can't let her know something, so I can only hide it as much as possible.

"normal friend?"

"Why didn't I know that your relationship is so good?" Lin Xixi couldn't help muttering, her tone dull, and she sucked her little nose pitifully, trying to keep her tears from falling.

"Does it matter? It's because of this that you are happy?" He didn't understand. Is it true that women are so careful, even if they have friends.

"You, what else do you think is enough to make me unhappy!"

"I always thought you were a dignified general and would never do anything to deceive others, but now you really disappoint me."

"If you told me earlier, I wouldn't be so sad, who is not good for you to be with, why it is her, you, you know...Woo"

Before I finished speaking, I saw her crying out of breath.

Su Luoheng suddenly felt a little weird, why he was a little bit in the mist, so he had to say softly again, "Don't cry, he and I are just good friends."

"If you don't believe me, I will take you to meet him next time."

Raising his hand quickly wiped away tears, and said mockingly, "Take me to see her? I haven't seen anything good."

"Let me see her show off with me?"

"Why, she is more prettier than me, and she will please your men more. Comparing with her, I must be annoying and can't understand people."

"Stop, what are you talking about, why don't I understand, what do you mean?"

What she said made him completely unintelligible, he just went to see the assistant, how could it become like doing a heinous thing that made her feel so sad.

Seeing his suspicious eyes, Lin Xixi's eyes just didn't want to admit it, "Are you going to admit it? I saw it all, I think you are with Li Manxi!"

"You still don't admit it."

Hearing what she said, Su Luoheng immediately raised his hand, "Stop! Li Manxi? You said you saw me and Li Manxi together?" He sighed slightly, and he said, if he really saw him with his assistant It would not be such a reaction.

"Otherwise! Who else, which beauty did you meet with?" A Li Manxi has already made her angry enough, she didn't want to be angry when she came!

Seeing her angrily appearance, Su Luoheng only found it funny.

He shook his head dumbfoundedly, "Is that what you said here, jealous?" He remembered seeing this word on the Internet, which looked exactly like her now.

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