Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 289: Lu Chi painter VS ancient version of the iceberg president 23

Lin Xixi only felt a huge impact pushing her away, and Su Luoheng's shout was still in her ear.

Then I heard a loud bang, opened my eyes and saw a black car speeding past her.

He quickly got up from the ground and looked around, but there was no sign of Su Luoheng at all, "Aheng, Aheng!"

She remembered that Su Luoheng pushed her away when she was in danger, and then fell to the ground by herself, and then heard a loud noise.

But now there is nothing around.

Even if something happens to him, there will be a trace left. The ground is clean and covered with white snow, not even a drop of blood.

He took a few steps back in disbelief, tears wet his cheeks, and couldn't help yelling around, "Aheng, where are you Aheng?"

But I didn't stop until I shouted that my throat was hoarse, and my throat was so painful that I couldn't tell.

In the dark snowy night, a beautiful girl with a pale face was crying in the snow, calling a man's name over and over again, which made the walking passers-by very strange.

But Lin Xixi didn't care, until she was exhausted, she slowly dragged her tired body back.

When he got home, he didn't do anything, just sat on the sofa blankly, looking at the place where he had sat and the things he had used.

Tears poured out uncontrollably.


Dark night

In the dark and terrifying dense forest exuding a thin mist, there is a person lying.

At this time, a sparse voice came from the side.

One of the girls dressed up as a maid lowered her voice and said, "Miss, are we really okay here? It would be miserable if the major general knew about it."

Another charming woman scolded, "I have said it so many times, call me general! Now on the battlefield, he knows where Zui Sheng Meng has so much control all day long, and Daddy is not here."

The little maid shivered immediately and nodded, "Yes, General."

After exhaling, he turned his head and looked at it, and saw a person lying on the ground not far away. He raised his finger and pointed, "General, General, there seems to be someone over there."

The person called the young lady turned his head and looked at it. If so, he beckoned, "Go, go over and take a look."

But the little maid dragged her anxiously again, "Little, general, what if we are spies of the enemy, then we are not in danger."

But the young lady patted her on the head and said with disgust, "You are silly, this is our site, what can he do to me now, besides, how can this general's martial arts and strength do me!"

"Even if he has a conspiracy, he can't escape from the palm of my hand." He said and walked over.

At first glance, he was actually a man with short hair in strange clothes, and he suddenly felt weird. He didn't look like an enemy soldier.

But the long one is really handsome, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he made a decision in his heart, "Jasper, take him back to me." I didn't expect to hunt a beautiful man instead of hunting the prey today.

Biyu couldn't help but the young lady didn't dare to speak, but when she squatted down and tried to lift Su Luoheng up, she found that she didn't have the strength at all, so she looked at Lan Ruru aggrievedly, "General, I can't move him."

Lan Ruru rolled her eyes, "I really don't know what's the use of asking you to come!" He walked over to pull up Su Luoheng with her.

So when Su Luoheng woke up again, he found that he was in a strange place.

Raising his hand and rubbing his temple, he looked around again, and found that he was in a tent, "Where is this?" How could he be here, it is not like his own camp.

At this moment, Lan Ruru walked in from outside, "Yo, how do you feel when you wake up?"

Looking at the strangely dressed woman in front of her, she had a guess in her heart, but she still pretended to be puzzled.

So Su Luoheng frowned and asked, "Who are you and where are you? Why am I here."

"You still ask me, and I still ask you, are you a spy from the enemy country?" Lan Ruru asked straightforwardly.

"I said I am not, do you believe it?" Su Luoheng asked back.

"Hehe, interesting, but don't even think about leaving when you get here." Her tent is only allowed in, but not allowed out. She is attracted to him.

Su Luoheng didn't speak, but just glanced at her faintly, not looking at her.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember it, so he sighed slightly in his heart.

Seeing that he didn't speak, I thought he felt that since he couldn't resist, he simply fell silent.

Lan Ruru smiled triumphantly, her eyes flashed, "That's right, just stay here and heal slowly." After speaking, she walked out.

In the next few days, someone will come to deliver meals, but they will never say a word to him, so don't mention wanting to know the news outside.

On this day, someone came to deliver food again, and Su Luoheng stopped her, "What about my things, when I came, I was changed clothes and brought my things."

"This, I have to ask the general before I know it." Jasper gave him a trembling look.

Because she felt that the man's eyes were really too cold, it was the most terrifying look she had ever seen, as if she would be frozen as long as he looked at it more.

Seeing her like this, knowing she didn't lie, so she said coldly, "Okay, you go ask her, I need to get my own things back."

He faintly felt that he had something very important to him, but he couldn't remember what that thing was, so he desperately wanted to get it back.

In the afternoon, Lan Ruru came over. This time she was different from the past. She was wearing a big red dress underneath with a slender waist and small sequins on the hem.

Her hair is also combed into long braids, and her face is also painted with delicate makeup, which makes her look more delicate and dazzling than usual, "Listen to Biyu, you need to get things back."

"Yeah." Su Luoheng simply replied.

The corners of Lan Ruru's lips curled up perfectly, with an arrogant look on her face.

"It's not impossible, but you have to marry me. Then mine will be yours, and your things can naturally be taken back."

"If you don't marry me, let me take care of those things for you!"

Su Luoheng's eyes suddenly became cold.

Looking at his Han Che's eyes, Lan Ruru felt a little bitter, but soon returned to normal. She is a female general, how could he be scared by him.

"Hmph, what do you do, it's your blessing that this general sees you, I don't care if you were an enemy or an ordinary person before, you are mine when you are here!"

But in the face of her arrogant tone, Su Luoheng did not waver at all. He would never like this kind of woman before or now, and his eyes full of chill shot at her, "Give back my things. I."

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