Pushing Down the Male God Strategy

Chapter 296: Love the little emperor 3

Lin Xixi nodded without tears, and thanked her sincerely, "Thank you."

"Thank you this time." Mo Yiran was also very grateful.

After that, several people exchanged clothes. It's just that Mo Yiran's clothes in Xu Feng's clothes are obviously a little more generous, but it doesn't hinder walking when they are rolled up. Now they don't pay attention to beauty or beauty, as long as they can walk.

Then Xu Feng ran out with Lutao, and after a while, Lin Xixi and Mo Yiran left from the other side.

The two of them ran without stopping, for fear of being caught up, until after an unknown period of time, Mo Yiran turned around and asked, "Auntie, if you can't hold it, take a break. I guess they won't be able to chase after running for so long. On it."

Although she was already exhausted and panting, Lin Xixi shook her head unswervingly.

"No, no son, I'm fine, what we have to do now is to run as far as possible, as far as possible, until we can find the next place to hide."

Seeing her so firm, Mo Yiran had no choice but to stop talking, knowing that they had seen a hidden cave, and ran in quickly.

Lin Xixi exhaled, "I can finally take a break."

Turning his head and looking at Mo Yiran next to him, "My son, take a break."

"I'm okay, I am a big man who is not as delicate as you think, and it is impossible that you are not as good as a woman." In fact, he was quite surprised, he did not expect her physical strength to be so good.

He has good physical strength because he used to not only like to read and write, but also to ride a horse and shoot arrows, so it is natural for him to have good physical strength.

"My son, are you hungry? I'll go outside to find something to eat later, and you'll be waiting for me." After they ran for so long, their stomachs were already empty.

"No, I'll go out with you later." How could she be allowed to go out as a girl?

Turning to look at him, he said with a firm expression, "My son, don't worry, I'll be fine, if we don't find the fruit, we won't have the energy to run away later."

"Now you take a good rest and maintain your strength. If I don't come back in two hours, you will leave as soon as possible."

Before he could refute, Lin Xixi ran out, and Mo Yiran had to wait in the cave, stretching out his head from time to time to look around.

Fortunately, Lin Xixi finally came back after a while, ran into the cave and took out the package in her arms. After opening it, there were a lot of wild fruits inside.

"My son, I can only wrong you temporarily. I've tasted this wild fruit and it's okay." It's a bit like a wild apple.

Mo Yiran picked up one that didn't seem to dislike it at all, and ate it, "Well, it's delicious, aunt, you can eat it too."

Lin Xixi naturally knew that he ate it to make her feel at ease. How could a noble man like him be used to eating such wild fruits.

However, after eating, the two of them had some strength at all, even if they were to escape, it was okay, because they had to be ready to escape at any time, so they had to maintain their physical strength.

"The mountain must be blocked now, it is not easy to run out." Mo Yiran said with his eyes down slightly.

But it’s not a way to run around in the mountains just like that, otherwise one day we will be caught, "We can only take one step and see one step, maybe someone will come to save us."

"But, my men don't know what's going on." The most important thing is that they are trapped here now, they have no way to get outside news, and they don't know if anything happened in the palace!

Fortunately, at night, there was no movement of the chasing soldiers outside, "My son, I will go outside to find some dry firewood to make a fire to keep warm." The weather at night was cold, and the cave in this deep mountain was extremely shady.

"Okay, then you go and come back quickly, remember to be careful." Because he can't stop her even if he stops, so I can only say more.

But after a long time, I didn't see Lin Xixi coming back, and I couldn't help feeling anxious, thinking that if he didn't come in another half an hour, he would go out and look for it.

As a result, she hadn't returned after half an hour, so Mo Yiran left the cave, but it didn't take long to see Lin Xixi running towards this side.

Seeing him, Lin Xixi was very surprised, "My son, why did you come out? Go back. You are too dangerous. If you encounter a chase, the consequences will be disastrous."

Mo Yiran frowned slightly, "It's okay, I'm not a person without martial arts, even if I meet someone, I can't deal with it, but you, a woman can easily be caught."

"Seeing that you are not answering, I feel worried in my heart."

After returning to the cave, there was a fire, and the cave gradually became warmer.

Lin Xixi couldn't help asking, "Master, where should we go next?"

Mo Yiran pondered for a moment, "I thought about it, waiting so long is not a solution. If the person who saves us never comes, it's hard to keep waiting and find a way to get down the mountain."

The voice paused, "After waiting tonight, let's go out to find a way out after waiting tonight."

"Otherwise, you will be found hiding in this mountain sooner or later. It's better to fight."

Seeing the firmness in the young man's eyes, Lin Xixi nodded slightly, "Okay, listen to the son."

When the two were sitting by the fire at night, Mo Yiran suddenly remembered and turned to look at her, "By the way, how is your injury? Does it matter, there is no medicine now."

"I'm fine, son don't have to worry." The injury behind her has already healed, and she almost can't remember if he doesn't say anything.

Mo Yiran was relieved to see that there was nothing strange on her face.

Lin Xixi smiled indifferently again, "Don't worry, son, my skin is thick and thick, I am not that easy to get hurt, and even if I get hurt, I can get better soon."

Mo Yiran couldn't help but laughed out, "How can a woman say that about herself!" It was the first time I saw a woman who actually said that she was thick-skinned.

I thought so, I laughed awkwardly, and said embarrassingly, "That's because we were all born from poor families, and we have been doing small farm work, and we have suffered from all kinds of hardships, even if we enter the palace later."

"So you don't need to worry if you have something for me to do."

But this made Mo Yiran a little interested. "Aunty did farm work before?" Although she said so, he couldn't imagine the delicate, delicate and charming woman before him. Live farm work.

Seeing him looking at herself suspiciously, Lin Xixi hesitated for a moment, recalled the memory in her mind, and slowly said, "Most of the people who work as errands in the palace are too poor at home and can't eat. Enter the palace."

"Before I entered the palace, I was the second child in the house. I was able to go to work early in the morning. There were two younger brothers and a sister underneath. In the end, the family really couldn't eat, so I chose to enter the palace."

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